Area of the Milky Way mapped by the VVV and VVVX surveys

This image shows the regions of the Milky Way mapped by the VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) survey and its companion project, the VVV eXtended survey (VVVX). The total area covered is equivalent to 8600 full moons.

The Milky Way comprises a central bulge — a dense, bright and puffed-up conglomeration of stars — and a flat disc around it. Red squares mark the central areas of our galaxy originally covered by VVV and later re-observed by VVVX: most of the bulge and part of the disc at one side of it.

The other squares indicate regions observed only as part of the extended VVVX survey: even more regions of the disc at both sides (yellow and green), areas of the disc above and below the plane of the galaxy (dark blue) and above and below the bulge (light blue).

The numbers indicate the galactic longitude and latitude, which astronomers use to chart objects in our galaxy. The names of various constellations are also shown.


ESO/VVVX survey

Om billedet

Udgivelsesdato:26. september 2024 14:00
Relaterede pressemeddelelser:eso2413
Størrelse:5120 x 1048 px

Om objektet

Navn:Milky Way
Type:Milky Way


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