Issue 8 of CAPjournal (Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal) is now available
18. juni 2010
In this issue of Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal, the artist Tim Roth and his collaborators give us a behind the scenes look to their very successful science–art project Cosmic Revelation and our regular contributor, Matthew McCool looks back in time to the clash between science and the humanities.
Between issues you can stay in touch through our website,, where you will find the current issues in PDF format, an astronomy communication and education job bank, submission guidelines and back issues.
We also welcome astronomy and science communication events (conferences, meetings, etc.), training opportunities, job postings or courses offered. If you have astronomy and science communication-themed products such as books, DVDs, television programmes, magazines or websites that you would like to see reviewed by the CAPjournal editorial team, simply send the necessary information to: Any questions, comments or opinions can also be addressed there.
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