The Lupus 3 region in visible and infrared light

An infrared view of the Lupus 3 region
The Lupus 3 region in visible light
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Drag the slider to compare two different views of the Lupus 3 star-forming region. The visible-light image contains data from the VLT Survey Telescope and the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope, and shows dark clouds of dust and bright young stars. The infrared image, obtained with ESO’s VISTA telescope, allows us to see through the dust, revealing hidden objects.


ESO/Meingast et al./R. Colombari

O porovnání snímku

Datum zveřejnění:11. května 2023 14:00
Související články:eso2307


An infrared view of the Lupus 3 region
An infrared view of the Lupus 3 region
The Lupus 3 region in visible light
The Lupus 3 region in visible light