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ESOcast 76: A Polarised View of Stellar Magnetism

25. září 2015

ESO telescopes are being used to search for the subtle signs of magnetic fields in other stars and even to map out the star spots on their surfaces.

This ESOcast looks at how this information — and particularly the polarisation of light — is beginning to reveal how and why so many stars, including our own Sun, are magnetic, and what the implications might be for life on Earth and elsewhere in the Universe.

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Made in collaboration with, and funded by, the EU COST Action MP1104 “Polarisation as a tool to study the solar system and beyond”.

Director: Herbert Zodet.
: Herbert Zodet.
Scientific consultation: Richard Hook & Olivier Hainaut.
Web and technical support: Mathias André and Raquel Yumi Shida.
Written by: Christopher Marshall, Richard Hook and Frans Snik.
Narration: Sara Mendes da Costa.
Music: Thomas Edward Rice (
Footage and photos: ESO, L. Calçada, M. Kornmesser, A. Santerne, C. Malin (,
ESA/Hubble, NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE and HMI science teams, SOHO (ESA/NASA),
Royal Observatory of Belgium, LMSAL, SDAC, Stanford University, MSU/SDO-FFT,
the Institute for Solar Physics/Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST)/Michiel van Noort and
Luc Rouppe van der Voort, Oslo, Göran Scharmer et al. from the Institute for Solar Physics,
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio (Tom Bridgman (GST): Lead Animator/Scott Wiessinger (USRA): Lead Producer/William D. Pesnell (NASA/GSFC): Lead Scientist), Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation/Jardine & Donati, F. Char, Poul Jensen,
José Francisco Salgado (, Y. Beletsky (LCO) and B. Tafreshi (
Executive producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen.


Richard Hook
ESO Public Information Officer
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6655
Cell: +49 151 1537 3591

O zprávě



Screenshot of ESOcast 76
Screenshot of ESOcast 76


ESOcast 76: A Polarised View of Stellar Magnetism
ESOcast 76: A Polarised View of Stellar Magnetism
Explanation of how the magnetic field on a star affects the light emitted
Explanation of how the magnetic field on a star affects the light emitted
The detection of starspots using polarisation measurements
The detection of starspots using polarisation measurements