![Watching the sunset at Cerro Armazones](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/brunier-armazones-pan.jpg)
Watching the sunset at Cerro Armazones
![Working on the VST](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/working-on-vst.jpg)
Working on the VST
![Impresión artística de una galaxia joven acretando material](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso1040a.jpg)
Impresión artística de una galaxia joven acretando material
![Arp 22 se estira](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/potw1030a.jpg)
Arp 22 se estira
![The ELT grows on Cerro Armazones (III)](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/armazones-2013.jpg)
The ELT grows on Cerro Armazones (III)
![From the Atacama Desert, straight to the centre of our galaxy](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/gerd_huedepohl_6.jpg)
From the Atacama Desert, straight to the centre of our galaxy
![View of the Chajnantor plateau](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/alma-hh-01.jpg)
View of the Chajnantor plateau
![Lo más destacado de la imagen en infrarrojo de Messier 83 con HAWK-I](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso1020b.jpg)
Lo más destacado de la imagen en infrarrojo de Messier 83 con HAWK-I
![Partial lunar eclipse from the VLT platform](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso-p-sunset-lv.jpg)
Partial lunar eclipse from the VLT platform
![Panorama vertical del telescopio de 3,6 metros de La Silla](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/36vertpan-potw.jpg)
Panorama vertical del telescopio de 3,6 metros de La Silla
![VISTA - Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso0949d.jpg)
VISTA - Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy
![Paranal's Auxiliary Telescopes](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/paranal-3ats.jpg)
Paranal's Auxiliary Telescopes
![Asteroid (4179) Toutatis passes the Earth](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso0430d.jpg)
Asteroid (4179) Toutatis passes the Earth
![Asteroid (4179) Toutatis passes the Earth](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso0430c.jpg)
Asteroid (4179) Toutatis passes the Earth
![Asteroid (4179) Toutatis passes the Earth](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso0430b.jpg)
Asteroid (4179) Toutatis passes the Earth
![Colour composite of the star forming region G333.6-0.2](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso0417c.jpg)
Colour composite of the star forming region G333.6-0.2
![Cluster of galaxies Abell 496](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso9954f.jpg)
Cluster of galaxies Abell 496
![N70 Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso9948d.jpg)
N70 Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud
![Detail of N44 in the Large Magellanic Cloud](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso9931b.jpg)
Detail of N44 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
![El disco y el chorro del joven sistema estelar HH 1177 vistos con MUSE y ALMA](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso2318b.jpg)
El disco y el chorro del joven sistema estelar HH 1177 vistos con MUSE y ALMA
![The ELT dome under construction](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/dji-0647.jpg)
The ELT dome under construction