![A very large guide star](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/2017_11_18_upr_IMG_3302-laser-ok-CC.jpg)
A very large guide star
![The Very Large Telescope's 4 Laser Guide Star Facility](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/millour-02-cc.jpg)
The Very Large Telescope's 4 Laser Guide Star Facility
![Artist's impression of the planet NGTS-1b](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/ann17076b.jpg)
Artist's impression of the planet NGTS-1b
![Xavier Barcons looks forward to new challenge](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/img-0024-cc.jpg)
Xavier Barcons looks forward to new challenge
![Xavier Barcons is ready to take up office](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/img-9938-cc.jpg)
Xavier Barcons is ready to take up office
![Xavier Barcons at ESO Headquarters](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/img-9954-cc.jpg)
Xavier Barcons at ESO Headquarters
![El polvoriento anillo que rodea a la estrella doble evolucionada IRAS 08544-4431](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso1608b.jpg)
El polvoriento anillo que rodea a la estrella doble evolucionada IRAS 08544-4431
![Vista sobre el telescopio Danés de 1.54 metros](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/150120dansky.jpg)
Vista sobre el telescopio Danés de 1.54 metros
![Reutilizando el Telescopio Danés de 0.5 metros](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/agp3916-cc.jpg)
Reutilizando el Telescopio Danés de 0.5 metros