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Transit of an exoplanet (Europe to the Stars Clip)

This artist's impression shows how the intensity of the light of a star varies when a planet transits its disc.
This video is part of the movie "Europe to the Stars — ESO's first 50 years of Exploring the Southern Sky".

Read more about the movie here: Europe to the Stars


ESO/L. Calçada

Over de video

Publicatiedatum:19 juli 2012 13:12
Duur:25 s
Frame rate:30 fps

Over het object

Type:Milky Way : Star : Circumstellar Material : Planetary System

Ultra HD (info)



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3,6 MB


Video Podcast
2,0 MB
Medium MPEG-1
12,4 MB
Medium Flash
4,2 MB


Kleine Flash
1,3 MB
Kleine QT
719,8 KB

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