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New SPHERE view of Vesta
SPHERE image of Vesta, produced using the MISTRAL algorithm, with a synthetic view derived from space-based data. This is part of the ESO Picture of the Week potw1826a.
Credit:ESO/L. Jorda et al., P. Vernazza et al.
Over de afbeelding
Id: | potw1826b |
Type: | Planetair |
Publicatiedatum: | 28 september 2018 16:28 |
Grootte: | 1740 x 1740 px |
Over het object
Type: | Solar System : Interplanetary Body : Asteroid |
Categorie: | Solar System |
Kleuren & filters
Band | Golflengte | Telescoop |
Optisch R | 645 nm | Very Large Telescope SPHERE |