Contract signed for detectors of ESO’s ELT instruments

ESO Supernova opening — a new supernova over Munich

L’instrument ESPRESSO capture sa première lumière au moyen des quatre télescopes

Image (annotée) de l’amas globulaire NGC 3201 acquise par Hubble

Q&A at the ESO press conference announcing the first discovery of a neutron star merger

Questions at the ESO press conference announcing the discovery of a neutron star merger

Q&A during ESO press conference announcing discovery of a neutron star merger

Q&A during ESO press conference announcing discovery of a neutron star merger

Q&A at ESO press conference announcing the discovery of a neutron star merger

Q&A during ESO press conference announcing discovery of a neutron star merger

Andrew Levan speaks during the ESO press conference announcing the first discovery of a neutron star merger

Marina Rejkuba at the ESO press conference announcing the discovery of a neutron star merger

Stephen Smart at the ESO press conference announcing discovery of a neutron star merger

Samaya Nissanke at ESO neutron star merger press conference

Stephen Smartt at ESO press conference announcing neutron star merger

Director General speaks at ESO neutron star merger press conference

Professor Stephen Smartt speaks during ESO neutron merger press conference

ALMA looks to the night sky

Première lumière du plus puissant des systèmes d'étoiles guides laser au monde à l'Observatoire de de Paranal

Première lumière du plus puissant des systèmes d'étoiles guides laser au monde à l'Observatoire de Paranal