Colourful edges on the lowering Sun in La Silla

Dramatic sunset caught from ESO La Silla Observatory with incredibly clear skies over the horizon, allowing to capture several unique moments of so-called green and blue flashes before the Sun disappeared. The upper view shows the sun just a minute before sunset, the lower insets were taken very quickly (5 images per second) to get as many as possible moments of the blink-eye-time sunset color-flashing sequence. Captured on 1 July 2019.


ESO/P. Horálek

À propos de l'image

Date de publication:28 juin 2021 10:59
Taille:2466 x 3699 px

À propos de l'objet

Type:Solar System : Sky Phenomenon : Light Phenomenon : Sunrise-Sunset : Green flash
Catégorie:La Silla
Solar System

Image Formats

Grand JPEG
422,3 Kio
JPEG taille écran
101,1 Kio
