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Poster: M83

ESO's Wide Field Imager has captured the intricate swirls of the spiral galaxy Messier 83, a smaller look-alike of our own Milky Way. Shining with the light of billions of stars and the ruby red glow of hydrogen gas, it is a beautiful example of a barred spiral galaxy, whose shape has led to it being nicknamed the Southern Pinwheel.

Poster dimensions: 59.5 x 81.4 cm.

The full resolution image used in this poster can be viewed and downloaded here.

This Printed Poster is not available for sale.



About the PrintedPoster

Veröffentlichungsdatum:9. September 2010 22:31
Dimensions:59.5 cm (W) x 81.4 cm (H)
Pixel Size:1107 x 1500 px
Resolution:300 dpi


Großes JPEG
243,4 KB


PDF File
2,1 MB