Das Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) bei Nacht mit Blick auf die Magellanschen Wolken

The Residencia kitchen at Paranal

Der chilenische Präsident Sebastián Piñera und seine Gattin, Cecilia Morel, im Kontrollraum auf dem Paranal

Einer der Band 5-Empfänger für ALMA

The Electronic workshop at La Silla Observatory

Electrical supplies to La Silla Observatory

Touring the Atacama Desert

VLT site testing

Signing the ESO CERN contract for collaboration

The primary mirror of the ESO 3.6-metre telescope before installation

Vienna Planetarium

Visible/infrared comparison views of the newly discovered globular cluster VVV CL001

A main street in Antofagasta

Close-up of the drama of star formation (annotated)

Prof. Adriaan Blaauw (1914–2010) visits Vitacura offices

The lightweight, rigid reference optic for the new deformable secondary mirror at ESO's VLT

Joachim Krautter and Lodewijk Woltjer at the ESO stand at JENAM 2010