The young star HD 163296 in the constellation of Sagittarius

Tarantula Nebula region in the constellation of Doradus

Total Solar Eclipse 2019

Cover of The Messenger No. 169

Comparison of the sizes of the TRAPPIST-1 planets with Solar System bodies

Comparison of the TRAPPIST-1 system with the inner Solar System and the Galilean Moons of Jupiter

Engineering view of the HARMONI spectrograph for the E-ELT

Map of Chile showing location of the earthquake of 16 September 2015

Origins 2013 poster

Combining the light of four VLTs for the ESPRESSO instrument

Cover of Lichtmond 2: Universe of Light Blu Ray release

Poster of Café & Kosmos 15 may 2012

ESO's 50th anniversary logo Moonbounced

Artists’s impression of the Moon showing earthshine

Waking up to science!

Number of papers published based on data obtained at ESO observatories (1996–2022)

Location of HD101584 in the constellation of Centaurus

Front cover of Science in School 48

Screenshot of ESOcast 173

Artist’s impression of the newly-discovered rocky exoplanet, LHS 1140b

Cover of The Messenger No. 167

Light curve of TRAPPIST-1 — showing the dimming events caused by transits of planets

PARI 2017 workshop on Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures

Cover of The Messenger No. 152

Map of the positions of thousands of galaxies in the VIPERS survey

A cut-away poster of the ESO 3.6-metre Telescope dome

Cover of CAPjournal issue 11

ELT mirror segment assemblies

ELT mirror design

Location of the Galactic centre in the night sky

Solar eclipse eye safety poster (Spanish)

Front cover of Science in School: Issue 43

Comparison of the properties of the seven TRAPPIST-1 planets