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Fourth ESO Astronomy Camp for Secondary School Students

— Win a free astronomy trip to the Alps

31 May 2016

ESO and its Science Outreach Network are collaborating with the science education event organiser Sterrenlab and the Astronomical Observatory of the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley (OAVdA) to arrange the fourth ESO Astronomy Camp on the topic of the multiwavelength universe. The camp will take place from 26 December 2016 to 1 January 2017 in the Aosta Valley, Italy.

The camp will explore the theme of “The Visible and Hidden Universe” through several astronomical sessions, including lectures, hands-on activities, and night-time observations with the telescopes and instruments at the observatory. Social activities, winter sports and excursions will contribute to making the camp a memorable experience for the participants. ESO and OAVdA will be responsible for the scientific programme of the ESO Astronomy Camp, and will provide lecturers and material together with several other partners.

Some highlights from this year’s programme include: use of a spectrograph, lectures from ESO astronomers and an excursion to the Matterhorn.

The registration fee of €500 covers full-board accommodation at the hostel in Saint Barthélemy, supervision by professional staff, all astronomical and leisure activities, materials, excursions, internal transport and insurance. Bus transport between the observatory and the airport of Milan Malpensa will be provided. The fee does not include travel costs between the student’s home and Milan Malpensa.

The camp will accommodate a maximum of 56 secondary school students aged between 16 and 18 (born in the years 1998–2000) from the ESO Member States and additional ESO Science Outreach Network countries. A limited number of places will be available to students from other countries.

All students wishing to apply should fill out the form on the Camp web page and submit a video, in English and lasting no longer than three minutes, on the theme of “I would most like to discover/invent ...... because........”, before 4 October 2016.

The applicant with the best entry from one of ESO’s Member States, will win a bursary offered by ESO that will cover the complete cost of the camp including transport. Several national partners will also provide support to the best applications from a student residing in their respective countries and further funding opportunities may arise over the coming months.

The selection of the bursary winners and the successful paying candidates will take place on 16 October. Participants will need to confirm by 30 October that they will attend the Camp. The selection criteria and other instructions for participation are given on the Camp web page.

The current national partners for the event are:

  • Institute of Astronomy of Leuven: Belgium
  • Stellar Astrophysics Centre at Aarhus University: Denmark
  • German Astronomical Society: Germany
  • Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica: Italy
  • NOVA, the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy: Netherlands
  • Polish Astronomical Society: Poland
  • Ciência Viva: Portugal
  • Petnica Science Center: Serbia
  • Spanish Astronomical Society: Spain
  • Swedish Astronomical Society: Sweden
  • University of Geneva: Switzerland
  • Eyuboglu High School: Turkey
  • Royal Astronomical Society: United Kingdom


Please consult the Camp web page as this list is being updated regularly.



Cristina Olivotto
Tel: +41 76 4001378

Tania Johnston
ESO Supernova Coordinator
Tel: +49 89 320 061 30

About the Announcement



ESO Astronomy Camp 2016
ESO Astronomy Camp 2016