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New Space Scoop Website Launched

16 December 2015

Space Scoop, an astronomy news service for children aged eight and above, invites you to explore a brand-new website and share its exciting astronomical content with your children during their Christmas break.

Space Scoop is coordinated by the international Universe Awareness (EU-UNAWE) and Space Awareness (SPACE-AWE) projects in association with several partners, including ESO and ESA/Hubble. Every Space Scoops article provides news about the latest astronomical discoveries in child-friendly language and is accompanied by a stunning astronomical image. The goal is to feed children’s curiosity about the Universe, to share the excitement of new discoveries with them and to inspire children to develop an interest in science and a passion for learning.

The project aims to change young children’s frequent perception that science is an outdated and dull subject. As such, the brand-new Space Scoop website features a vibrant, eye-catching visual design along with fun graphics, images and icons tailored to the younger audience.

All articles on Space Scoop undergo an internal educational review to assure the highest quality. Initially the Space Scoop webpage will be available in 22 different languages. In addition to the Space Scoop texts the webpage contains also an extensive glossary of space words, explaining the nature of astronomical objects and the meaning of scientific terms in an easy way.

You can also access Space Scoop on its dedicated Android App, which is available to download free on the Google Play store.

More information

Universe Awareness (UNAWE) uses exciting aspects of astronomy to inspire children aged 4 to 10, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds and raise their interest for science and technology. UNAWE also uses the perspective and vastness of the Universe to foster tolerance for different cultures and develop a sense of world citizenship. UNAWE components are teacher training, production of outstanding educational materials and an interdisciplinary network. UNAWE is coordinated by Leiden University, the Netherlands

Space Awareness is an international project which aims to use the excitement of space exploration in order to raise students’ interest in science and technology as well as space related careers and stimulate their sense of global citizenship. To achieve that, the project is offering a wide range of tools and activities to inspire children, teenagers, and teachers to be involved in space related activities. Among others, our project will offer activities which will include professional development tools, educational resources, Space Scoops, citizen science and games, as well as space careers stories. Space Awareness is coordinated Leiden University, the Netherlands.

Space Scoop is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n° 263325, Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement n° 6386523, European Southern Observatory (ESO) and National Astronomical Observatory of Japan(NAOJ).

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) was among the first astronomy institutions that joined up with Space Scoop and had its press releases translated into “kids language”.



Sarah Eve Roberts
Space Scoop Science Writer
Universe Awareness / Cardiff University, United Kingdom

Tibisay Sankatsing Nava
Universe Awareness Project Manager
Leiden University, the Netherlands

Mathias Jäger
ESA/Hubble, Public Information Officer
Garching bei München, Germany
Cell: +49 176 62397500

About the Announcement



Banner of the new Space Scoop webpage
Banner of the new Space Scoop webpage