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ESOcast 170: The 2 July 2019 Total Solar Eclipse Over La Silla

4 July 2018

On 2 July 2019, a very exciting event will take place — a total solar eclipse will pass over ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile! These unusual phenomena have a profound impact on those fortunate enough to experience them. This will be the only total solar eclipse visible from an ESO observatory for the next 212 years, with the next one — visible again from La Silla — due to occur on 28 August 2231.

ESOcast 170 describes what happens during a solar eclipse, and what a viewer could expect to experience. It also provides details on how to obtain a ticket for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at La Silla.

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Richard Hook
ESO Public Information Officer
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6655
Cell: +49 151 1537 3591

About the Announcement



Screenshot from ESOcast 170 showing a clear-weather simulation of the 2019 total solar eclipse
Screenshot from ESOcast 170 showing a clear-weather simulation of the 2019 total solar eclipse


ESOcast 170: All you need to know about total solar eclipse 2019
ESOcast 170: All you need to know about total solar eclipse 2019
ESOcast 170: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el eclipse solar total de 2019
ESOcast 170: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el eclipse solar total de 2019
Hiding the Sun
Hiding the Sun
The dark side of the Earth
The dark side of the Earth
Shadow of the Moon
Shadow of the Moon
Artist's impression of the 2 July 2019 total solar eclipse
Artist's impression of the 2 July 2019 total solar eclipse
Objects in the sky during the La Silla total solar eclipse (English)
Objects in the sky during the La Silla total solar eclipse (English)
Objects in the sky during the La Silla total solar eclipse (Spanish)
Objects in the sky during the La Silla total solar eclipse (Spanish)
The path of totality for the total solar eclipse of 2231
The path of totality for the total solar eclipse of 2231