Raw Recorder


The Raw Recorder allows to record MUDPI/RTMS streams and extract image data from these raw recordings. The Raw Recorder consists of two tools, a capture tool and an extractor tool.

Raw Recorder Capture Tool

The Raw Recorder Capture Tool (rtctkRawRecorderCapture) allows capturing raw traffic from any interface. It allows setting a time limit on the capture and filtering by multicast address and port.


$ rtctkRawRecorderCapture --help
rtctkRawRecorder - record raw RTMS streams
  --help                  show help message
  --capture-time arg (=0) Duration in seconds for the capture. A value of zero
                          disables the automatic stop.
  --interface arg         The network interface to listen on
  --multicast-address arg Filter for multicast address (optional)
  --multicast-port arg    Filter for multicast port (optional)
  --output-directory arg  Directory where the resulting files should be stored

The only arguments that must be passed are the interface to use for the capture and the output directory.


Currently the capture time has the following restriction: The recorder will only exit after matching a packet after the capture time has elapsed. This packet will not be part of the recording, but will cause the recording to stop and the application to exit.

Raw Recorder Extractor Tool

The extractor tool allows extracting the image data from the raw capture. It can combine multiple RTMS payload packets to a single image and store them as fits image. This depends on support for the camera that was used. If a camera is not supported, a “generic” camera can be used to store the data from the packets as a FITS binary table.


$ rtctkRawRecorderExtractor --help
rtctkRawConverter - convert raw recordings to FITS image/binary_table
  --help                                show help message
  --input-file arg                      File to convert
  --output-directory arg                Directory where FITS files shoud be
                                        outputted after extraction.
  --camera-model arg (=generic)         Camera model. Use value "list" to print
                                        supported models.
  --sampleid-start arg (=-2147483648)   Ignore sampleids lower than the given
  --sampleid-stop arg (=2147483647)     Ignore sampleids bigger than the given
  --timestamp-start arg (=0)            Ignore packets with timestamps before
                                        the given timestamp.
  --timestamp-stop arg (=1.7976931348623157e+308)
                                        Ignore packets with timestamps after
                                        the given timestamp.
  --extract-timestamps                  Save timestamps to FITS keywords
  --extract-sampleids                   Save sampleids to FITS keywords
  --split-output                        Export one FITS file per sample,
                                        instead of all data in one FITS file
  --verbose                             Print more log messages

The required arguments are the input file and the output directory. The camera model option can be used to list all supported cameras. It is also possible to restrict the time period (using the MUDPI timestamp) and the sample ids that should be considered during the extraction.