Pipelines Homebrew Installation

Table of Contents

Instructions to install VLT pipelines on MacOS, Linux and Windows using Homebrew

This guide provides concise instructions for installing the ESO VLT pipelines on modern Operating Systems using Homebrew. Homebrew is a package manager available both on MacOS and Linux. Follow the steps below to set up the necessary tools for processing ESO data on your Mac, Linux or Windows computer.


WSL2 for Windows 10 and above

On Windows Homebrew runs within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2). So to install ESO pipelines via Homebrew on a Windows computer you will first need to install a Linux environment via the WSL2. In the Microsoft Store you can simply search for Ubuntu (for example) and then install it (which will install WSL2 (if not already installed) and Ubuntu). Once a Linux environment is installed, just follow the instructions below for Linux installations.

Sufficient privilege

Although HomeBrew can be installed anywhere, even in a user's own HOME directory, it is strongly recommended NOT to install HomeBrew in a location other than the default one for each OS:

  • /opt/homebrew on macOS on Apple Silicon (M1, M2, ...)
  • /usr/local on macOS on Intel Silicon
  • /home/linuxbrew on Linux (and Linux under WSL2 on Windows)

Once installed, even in these default locations, non-privileged users (i.e. non-root, non-admin -- admin usually means one can execute commands with sudo) can install HomeBrew packages. But the initial installation procedure (for the default locations at least) does require root/admin privilege.

In addition, even if one has root/admin privilege, it can be the case that one still does not have privilege to create directories in /opt | /home, e.g. because automount is used to provide home directories (even if none are actually in use...). The following command can be used to check if you have sufficient privilege to install HomeBrew in the default location in Linux:

sudo touch /home/linuxbrew 2>/dev/null && echo "OK" && sudo rm -f /home/linuxbrew

If the above prints OK, then you have sufficient privilege, if not (prints nothing), you do not, and we suggest using Apptainer instead.

Install Homebrew

You can refer to the official documentation and Homebrew on Linux, but the installation is as simple as running the following command in your macOS Terminal or Linux shell prompt:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

Setup and usage of pipelines from Homebrew

1. Setup the ESO repository for Homebrew

The following command adds a custom Homebrew repository (Tap) which contains the pipeline packages.

brew tap eso/pipelines

2. Installing a Pipeline

brew install esopipe-'pipeline-name'

For example:

brew install esopipe-uves

Homebrew installs packages to their own directory and then symlinks their files into the OS-dependent installation directory (brew --prefix).

List of Available pipelines
  • esopipe-amber
  • esopipe-cr2re
  • esopipe-crires
  • esopipe-efosc
  • esopipe-eris
  • esopipe-esotk
  • esopipe-espda
  • esopipe-espdr
  • esopipe-fors
  • esopipe-giraf
  • esopipe-gravity
  • esopipe-harps
  • esopipe-hawki
  • esopipe-iiinstrument
  • esopipe-isaac
  • esopipe-kmos
  • esopipe-matisse
  • esopipe-midi
  • esopipe-molecfit
  • esopipe-muse
  • esopipe-naco
  • esopipe-nirps
  • esopipe-sinfo
  • esopipe-sofi
  • esopipe-spher
  • esopipe-uves
  • esopipe-vcam
  • esopipe-vimos
  • esopipe-visir
  • esopipe-xshoo

3. Installing EsoReflex

brew install esoreflex

After this, EsoReflex can be started as usual, for example:

esoreflex uves

4. Demo Data

Demo data for ESO pipelines is available and can be downloaded from the following page

To download the demo data for the latest version of a specific pipeline, simply install the brew package named esopipe-'pipeline-name'-demo for each pipeline. This package will handle all the necessary configurations and dependencies to ensure that the demo data is readily accessible for your pipeline setup, including esoreflex software.

brew install esopipe-'pipeline-name'-demo