For the past decade, Rob was instrumental in keeping a vibrant science life at ESO and has shared his immense research background with many young scientists. He has decided that the time has come to reorient himself and returns to Edinburgh.
Rob Ivison, Former Director for Science, Leaves ESO

Before joining ESO, Rob was Professor of the University of Edinburgh where he now is emeritus. Rob also holds adjunct professorships at Macquarie University in Sydney and the Dublin Institute for Advanced Study. As he joined ESO, Rob was already a very well-regarded astronomer who lists among his many scientific successes the breakthrough discovery of high-redshift sub-mm galaxies, which opened a window onto one of the most important evolutionary stages of galaxies. He has observed with all major radio, mm/sub-mm, infrared and optical/infrared space- and ground-based telescopes over the past three decades, enabling major science achievements with his extensive network of collaborators.
His achievements at ESO include the successful start of the ESO Supernova operations, changes in the telescope time allocation process, the introduction of research periods for ESO Faculty staff and improving the situation of Fellows and students.
Rob was keenly interested in fostering community engagement and toured many Member States promoting the successful use of ESO facilities. During his tenure ESO also implemented the recommendations of a time allocation working group he had initiated, including the double-anonymous review and the distributed peer review.
After stepping down as Director for Science in 2023, Rob worked with the Australian astronomers to bolster their pitch to join ESO. Rob’s work enhanced the links between ESO and the various Australian stakeholders and promoted mutual engagement.
I am very thankful for Rob’s dedication to make ESO a better place and a better observatory and wish him the best of luck for his future plans.
Xavier Barcons, Director General