The call for abstracts and registration page of the workshop ‘New Heights in Planet Formation’ will open on 1st March. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is the 31st March 2024. Please note that ESO has a limited budget to support early career participants without funding.
Registration Open for the Conference "New Heights in Planet Formation"
Published: 19 Feb 2024

The main topics that will be address during the workshop are the following:
- How, when and how fast do planets form? What observational constraints exist and how do they compare with predictions from different planet formation theories?
- Can forming planets be detected through direct imaging and high-resolution kinematical studies? What are the strengths and limitations of such techniques?
- Planet-disk interaction: do theoretical predictions match the observations?
- Planets form in evolving disks: what has been learned from disk population studies and what is still missing, both in the models prediction and in the observations? What is driving disk evolution all the way to disk dispersal?
- How important is the effect of the environment both on disk evolution, and on the process of planet-formation? What are the prospects of studying planet forming disks in further away and harsher environments?
- How can chemistry be used as a tool to constrain planet-formation by comparing observations of molecular tracers in disks and around exo-planets? What is the fundamental contribution of JWST and what are the prospects?
Review talks:
- Simon Casassus (Universidad de Chile) -The ALMA revolutionary contribution to planet-forming disks over the first 10 cycles
- Kaitlin M. Kratter (University of Arizona) – Forming planets through gravitational instabilities: results from simulation
- Ilaria Pascucci (University of Arizona) – Spectroscopy with JWST: the beginning of a new era for the field of planet-forming disks
- Christophe Pinte (Monash University) – Kinematic Structures in Planet-Forming Disks
- Claudia Toci (ESO Garching) – Planet-Disk Interaction
- Andrew Winter (Observatory of the Cote d'Azur) – The importance of the environment on disk evolution and planet formation
Talks on large programmes:
- Dana Anderson (Carnegie Institute – tentative) – The chemical connection between disks and planets: Results from the ALMA Large Program DECO
- Justin Campbell-White (ESO Garching) – Disk demographics and disk evolution: Results from the VLT-PENELLOPE and HST-ULLYSES Large Programs
- Antonio Garufi (INAF) – Optical and Near-infrared View of Planet-forming Disks: Results from the VLT/SPHERE Large Program DESTINYS
- Andres Izquierdo (University of Florida) – Kinematic Structures in Planet-Forming Disks: Results from the ALMA Large Program EXO-ALMA
- Leon Trapman (UW–Madison) – Gas evolution in protoplanetary disks: Results from the ALMA Large Program AGE-PRO
Contributed talks will only be assigned to in-person participants.
Call for abstracts and registration open: |
1 March 2024 |
Deadline for abstract submission: |
31 March 2024 |
Deadline for submission of financial support requests: |
31 March 2024 |
Programme release: |
Mid-May 2024 |
Deadline for registration and payment of the fee: |
10 June 2024 |
Workshop dates: |
15 - 19 July 2024 |