ESO is pleased to announce the conference Atmospheres, Atmospheres! Do I look like I care about atmospheres? that will take place online from 23 to 27 August 2021. This conference will bring together the community working theoretically and observationally on understanding exoplanet atmospheres by transmission and emission spectroscopy, with an emphasis on using ground-based facilities. It aims also to bring together those working on the atmospheres of close-in exoplanets and those studying the atmospheres of giant planets in our Solar System, in order to compare methodologies and see where synergies exist or could be made.
First Announcement of ESO Atmo 2021 Online Conference, 23-27 August 2021
The conference has as further goal to prepare the next generation of astronomers to embark on this exciting and essential area of astrophysics, which is technically very challenging. Therefore, the conference is split into two separate events: the first two days are devoted to lectures and hands-on sessions and are aimed primarily at students (including master students) and other astronomers wishing to start in the field. The number of participants to this part of the conference will be limited to ensure the highest interaction possible, and if needed a selection of participants will be done by the organisers.
The last three days of the conference will consist in a series of invited and contributed talks.
The deadline for registration for the lectures and for abstract submission is 25 July 2021. Registration for the second part of the conference will be possible until 15 August 2021.
More information is available on the conference web page.