ESO Phase 2 Preparation Tools Update

Published: 12 Apr 2019
New features in ESO Archive Science Portal

The ESO Phase 2 Proposal Preparation version 3 (P2PP3) software used for the preparation of observations with the Paranal telescopes has now been officially decommissioned. Since Period 102, P2PP3 has been replaced by the p2 web application. Users can familiarise themselves with the application using the p2 demo site, and also test programmatic preparation of observations using the Phase 2 Application Programming Interface (API) (p2API). If you have developed a script or utility that makes use of the p2API, and you would like to share it please read the API contributed software webpage and e-mail the User Support Department.  

Note that the standalone P2PP version 2 is currently still in use for observation preparation for La Silla telescopes. We anticipate that it will also soon be replaced with the p2 web application, after the planned upgrade of the data flow system is finished.