Science workshops represent a unique opportunity to foster ideas and collaborations. In a recent ESOblog entry, ESO's Director General, Xavier Barcons, outlined the many ways in which ESO and ESA are working together, to facilitate exchanges between astrophysics-related space-born missions and ground-based facilities as well as between their respective communities. In particular, ESA and ESO are joining forces to organise a series of international Astronomy meetings, alternating between ESO and ESA sites. A new Call was recently issued inviting astronomers to submit proposals for an ESA-ESO conference to be held in 2019.
Call for Proposals for an ESA-ESO Joint International Conference in 2019
Published: 12 Jun 2018

For the present call, the ESO staff will be acting as the local point of contact (LOC) and proposers are advised to involve ESO and ESA scientists at the proposal stage. Note that ESO has recently implemented a Code of Conduct for Workshops and Conferences, which applies to all meetings held at ESO premises.
The deadline for proposals is 29 June 2018 and the proposal form is available in Word or LibreOffice format. Please see the Call for more details on how to prepare and submit your proposal.