VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) is a deep near-infrared Public Survey which targets ~12 square degrees over the ELAIS-S1, the XMM-Newton Large Scale Structure (XMM LSS) and Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) extragalactic fields. In this release (VIDEO-XMM DR3) a total of 560 individual single-OB tile images and the associated single-band source lists in the XMM LSS field are available, which have been reprocessed using version 1.3 of the VISTA reduction pipeline.
New VIDEO Survey Data Release in the XMM-LSS Field
Published: 18 Feb 2015

The release data also include ZYJHKs deep stacks and catalogues in the VIDEO-XMM3 tile, along with YJHKs for XMM2. In the XMM1 tile the released data cover the Z- and Y-band. The Ks-band selected catalogue contains 368277 sources to Ks 23.5 (AB mag, 5σ) over ~3 square degrees (two tiles). The release images can be queried and downloaded from the ESO Science Archive Facility while the band-merged catalogue data are accessible from the catalogue facility query interface. The VIDEO-XMM Data Release 3 is accompanied by a comprehensive description.