The proposal submission for ESO Period 95 (1 April – 30 September 2015) closed on 01 October 2014. 931 proposals were received, including 17 Large Programme and 50 Target of Opportunity (ToO) proposals, for a total of 2428 nights.
ESO Period 95 Proposal Statistics
Published: 17 Oct 2014
The requested nights are broken down as 1648, 962 and 81 at Paranal, La Silla and APEX respectively. The most requested instruments (by nights) were HARPS, FORS2 and X-shooter, with SPHERE, in its first offered period, showing strong demand. The percentages of submitted proposals across science categories were as follows: Cosmology 20%; Galaxies & Galactic Nuclei 19%; ISM, Star Formation & Planetary Systems 29%; Stellar Evolution 31%.
The proposals are currently being reviewed by the Observing Programmes Committee, which meets in late November. Proposers will be informed of the outcome of the review process in December.