The proposal submission for ESO Period 94 closed on 27 March 2014. 901 proposals were received requesting 2389 nights in total, including 23 Large Programme and 44 Target of Opportunity (ToO) proposals.
ESO Period 94 Proposal Statistics
Published: 22 Apr 2014

The time requested (number of nights) is 1676, 558 and 154 at Paranal, La Silla and APEX respectively. The most requested instruments were X-shooter, HARPS and FORS2. The percentages of submitted proposals across science categories are as follows: Cosmology 24%; Galaxies & Galactic Nuclei 20%; ISM, Star Formation & Planetary Systems 27%; Stellar Evolution 29%.
The proposals are currently being reviewed by the Observing Programmes Committee, which meets in May. Proposers will be informed of the outcome of the review process in July.