The KMOS near-infrared multi-object integral field spectrometer underwent commissioning runs in November/December 2012 and in January and March 2013. It is being prepared for service and visitor mode observations in Period 92 (October 2013–March 2014). A brief description of first light and commissioning can be found here, and some of the commissioning raw data can be accessed, although no reduction pipeline is yet available.
Commissioning and Science Verification of KMOS
Published: 17 Apr 2013

Science Verification (SV) of KMOS will take place in June 2013 and full details will be announced here. The SV programme aims to demonstrate the scientific potential of new instruments within the La Silla Paranal Observatory, develop the observing and reduction tools and foster early scientific return. SV observations must not overlap with programmes already submitted. Successful applicants of SV proposals are required to reduce and publish their data in a timely manner. See the SV Policy and Procedures for more details.