Software-centric view on the OVMS for LBT

Jan Trowitzsch (Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy), J. Borelli, J.-U. Pott, and M. Kuerster (all Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy)


The performance of infrared interferometry (IF) and adaptive optics (AO) strongly depends on the mitigation and correction of telescope vibrations. Therefore, at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) the OVMS, the Optical Path Difference and Vibration Monitoring System, is being installed. It is meant to ensure suitable conditions for adaptive optics and interferometry. The vibration information is collected from accelerometers that are distributed over the optical elements of the LBT. The collected vibration measurements are converted into tip-tilt and optical path difference data. That data is utilized in the control strategies of the LBT adaptive secondary mirrors and the beam combining interferometers, LINC-NIRVANA and LBTI.
Within the OVMS the software part is responsibility of the LINC-NIRVANA team at MPIA Heidelberg. It comprises the software for the real-time data acquisition from the accelerometers as well as the related telemetry interface and the vibration monitoring quick look tools. The basic design ideas, implementation details and special features are explained here.

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