Python bindings for the CPL
Ole Streicher (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)), Ole Streicher (AIP), Peter M. Weilbacher (AIP)
The Common Pipeline Library (CPL) is a set of routines written by the ESO to
provide a standard interface for VLT instrument data reduction pipelines. To
control these pipelines from Python, we developed a wrapper that allows to
conveniently work interactively and to process data as part of an automated
data reduction system. Among the features are PyFITS support for input and
output data, parallel recipe execution, and Python logging support. The
package will be used to implement the MUSE pipeline in the Astro-WISE data
management system. We describe the design and implementation of the package.Poster in PDF format
Paper ID: P148
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