Phase 3 - Handling data products from the ESO public surveys and large programmes

Jörg Retzlaff (ESO), Magda Arnaboldi, Vincenzo Forchí, Paulo Nunes, Stefano Zampieri, Thomas Bierwirth, Michèle Péron, Martino Romaniello, John Lockhart, Dieter Suchar (all ESO)


Phase 3 represents the final step in the execution of ESO large programmes and public surveys, which starts with the submission of the letters of intent for public surveys and proposals for large programs, i.e. Phase 1, and continues with the preparation and submission of observing blocks for service mode observations, i.e. Phase 2. This contribution presents the new Phase 3 infrastructure deployed in 2011 that supports the reception, validation and publication of data products from the public survey projects and large programmes to the ESO Science Archive Facility.

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