Silvia Meakins (European Southern Observatory), Uta Grothkopf, European Southern Observatory, Germany
Bibliometric studies have become increasingly important in evaluating individual scientists, specific facilities, and entire observatories. In this context, the ESO Libraries have developed and maintain two tools:
(1) FUSE is a full-text search tool that semi-automatically scans defined sets of journal articles for organizational keyword sets, while providing highlighted results in context
(2) the Telescope Bibliography (telbib) is used to classify ESO-related papers, store additional metadata, and generate statistics and reports. Both tools rely heavily on the ADS Abstract Service for bibliographic metadata.
The new public telbib interface provides faceted searches and filtering, autosuggest support for author, bibcode and programID searches, hit highlighting as well as recommendations for other papers of possible interest. It is available at ID: P097
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