Mike McCarty (National Radio Astronomy Observatory), McCarty M (NRAO), Balser D (NRAO), Braatz J (NRAO), Clark M (NRAO), Condon J (NRAO), Creager R (NRAO), Maddalena R (NRAO), Marganian P (NRAO), O'Neil K (NRAO), Sessoms E (Nub Games), Shelton A (Nub Games)
The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS), has been in production use since September, 2009 and was designed to maximize observing efficiency while preserving telescope flexibility and data quality without creating undue adversity for the observers. Using observing criteria; observer availability and qualifications for remote observing; three-dimensional weather forecasts; and telescope state; the DSS software is capable of optimally scheduling observers 24 to 48 hours in advance on a telescope having a wide-range of capabilities in a geographical location with variable weather patterns. Recent improvements include a new resource calendar for incorporating telescope maintenance activities, a sensitivity calculator which leverages the scheduling algorithms to facilitate consistent tools for proposal preparation, improved support for monitoring observations, scheduling of high frequency continuum and spectral line observations for both sparse and fully sampled arrays, and additional session parameters for observations having special requirements.Poster in PDF format
Paper ID: P095
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