Diego Marcos (University of Washington), Andrew Connolly, University of Washington
Diego Marcos, University of Washington
ASCOT (the AStronomical COllaborative Toolkit) is a framework for visualizing and analyzing complex astronomical data sets. Designed to work within a browser, it provides simple, cross-platform access to a broad range of the resources available through the Virtual Observatories. In this talk we will focus on the collaborative aspects of ASCOT; demonstrating how multiple users can jointly explore and interact with the same data (even if the users are distributed across the continent). Using as example the ability to save, and recover, the state of an exploration (including the ability to replay the steps that led to any discovery) we will discuss how ASCOT can enable rapid and iterative discovery using astronomical data. The talk will conclude by demonstrating how new tools and services can be easily integrated into the existing framework and combined to provide sophisticated and customizable analysis applications for the astronomical community as a whole.Paper ID: P091
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