Hanno Holties (ASTRON), G. van Diepen (ASTRON), D. v. Dok (NIKHEF), F. Dijkstra (RUG), M. Loose (ASTRON), G.A. Renting (ASTRON), C. Schrijvers (SARA), W.-J. Vriend (RUG)
The LOFAR Long Term Archive (LTA) is a distributed information system that provides integrated services for data analysis as well as long term preservation of astronomical datasets and their provenance. The data analysis capabilities are provided by a federated system that integrates a central catalog and client user interfaces, provided by Astro-Wise, with processing pipelines running on Grid based and University HPC clusters. The framework used for data analysis ensures that proper authorization and access rules are applied and that data products generated by the analysis are ingested into the storage part of the Long Term Archive including information of the processing environment that has been used to generate the data products. This poster presents the architecture of the processing framework of the LTA, the experience so far with adapting LOFAR pipelines to a heterogeneous distributed environment, integrating these pipelines into the LOFAR LTA, and results of tests and trial runs.Poster in PDF format
Paper ID: P058
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