A Multi-Agent System To Astronomical Data Analysis

José Carlos Ferreira Da Rocha (UEPG), Teruo Matos Maruyama(UEPG), Lucélia de Souza (UPFR, UNICENTRO), Marcelo Emílio (UEPG), Maria Salete Marcon Gomes Vaz (UEPG, UFPR), Eduardo Janot Pacheco (IAG/USP)


The extraction and the storage of inherent information of light curves of the CoRoT satellite are not trivial tasks, demanding the use of complex architectures. A proposal alternative is to make use of a modular architecture with a multi-agent system. An agent is a computer program that when receiving an input, executes a specified processing and returns the result/output from operation. SACI (Simple Agent Communication Infrastructure) Platform provides the use of resources multi-agent for communication of messages and information between the agents of the architecture. Several agents can act simultaneously, synchronous and collaborative form to decide a problem. In this context, an agent has autonomy to request others agents to run auxiliary processes providing partial results for the conclusion of its tasks. In this work, we present a multi-agents system to process the CoRoT data.

Paper ID: P027

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