Fabrizio Bocchino (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo), J. Lopez-Santiago Universidad Complutense de
Madrid, Spain), F. Albacete-Colombo (Universidad Nacional del Comahue,
Argentina), N. Bucciantini (NORDITA, AlbaNova University Center,
We will present a working prototype of
(www.youastro.org), a web-based BibTeX-compliant
reference management
software (RMS) for astrophysical papers in
the NASA ADS database.
It also includes as
a main feature
the concept of distributed paper comments and ratings.
Community-based reviews and comments, and more in general
information sharing, have proven to be a very
effective way to spread
the knowledge in many fields, and they
are the focus of Web 2.0 applications.
In this demo, we will
show how to create and manage a BibTeX personal
library to use
for citations in our
own papers and how to share comments on ADS
We will briefly discuss what could be the advantages and
drawbacks of
such a system being widespread adopted by the
astrophysical community
for its scientific literature.Slides in PDF format
Paper ID: F2