Abstract Submission

Important notes

Starting in 2011, manuscripts for all contributions must be delivered BEFORE the start of the conference (at the latest on 5 November 2011). More information will be provided later on manuscript submission.

We would like to recommend booking your hotel room for this ADASS conference at the conference venue. This will help us to reach a balanced budget.

Submission Deadlines

Oral Presentation Deadline: Aug 21
BoF Deadline: Aug 30
Poster Deadline: Sep 15
Demo and Focus Demo Deadline: Sep 15
Manuscript Submission Deadline: Nov 5

Note: Fields marked with * are required. Double quotes ( " ) are not allowed. All other characters will be converted to HTML entities in the confirmation e-mail.

Contact Details

Please select the your name and contact details below. If you are applying for financial aid, you will need to submit an application as well.


Email Address

Make sure the e-mail address is correct for the registration process to complete sucessfully. Please use the same e-mail address for abstract submission and later for registration.




Please select (if applicable) the Key Topic(s) matching the topic of your presentation. While presentations in the key topics are encouraged, all contributions are welcome.


 GPUs in Astronomy and Beyond

 Cloud Computing and Virtualization

 Statistical Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery

 Planning, Scheduling, and Operating Observatories

 Solar Astronomy

 Virtual Observatory

 Long Term Preservation of Analysis Capabilities in Astronomy Software

 Other topic (Please indicate below)



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Quick links

ADASS XXI Conference Poster

Download the Official Conference Flyer:

JPG:   A4  A3

PDF (with printer marks):

8.5in x 11in  11in x 17in  A4  A3  A2