Institute Codes

Institute codes can be found using the following pull-down menus. First look up the country corresponding to the affiliation of your Co-I(s) and then find the codes corresponding to your Co-I institutions in the resulting lists.

N.B. If the institutions you are looking for are not listed here, please use the code corresponding to "Other (Co-I Institute Country)" (at the bottom of the list), where "Country" refers to the country of affiliation. You can send a request to add your institute by emailing the Observing Programmes Office at

Incorrect specification of institute code may lead to rejection of ESO of the offending proposal.

If you have any queries about this page please contact

Institutes in Australia

1138 Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF)
1139 Australian National University, The Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Mount Stromlo Observatory
11736 Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy
14480 Geoscience Australia
1307 Griffith University, School of Science, Physics Group
1411 James Cook University, School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences
1477 Macquarie University, Department of Physics
14114 Manly Astrophysics
1506 Monash University
1727 Swinburne University of Technology, Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing
14479 The University of Adelaide
1754 The University of Western Australia, School of Physics
1777 UNSW @ ADFA, School of Physics, Environmental & Mathemetical Sciences
2009 University of Melbourne, School of Physics
2021 University of New South Wales, School of Physics
2036 University of Queensland, Department of Physics
13708 University of Southern Queensland, School of Agricultural, Computational and Environmental Sciences
2044 University of Sydney, School of Physics A28
7014 University of Tasmania
2071 University of Wollongong, Dept of Engineering Physics, Astronomy & Astrophysics
11720 Western Sydney University
5637 Other