Upcoming workshop "The promises and challenges of the ALMA Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade": Deadline for in-person registration 12th of May 2024

Published: 29 Apr 2024
Credit: Pablo Carrillo

This is a reminder that the deadline for in-person registration on the 12th of May 2024 is approaching.

The workshop "The promises and challenges of the ALMA Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade" will take place at ESO - Garching from the 24th to the 28th of June, 2024. The aim of this workshop is to widely present the ALMA Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade and engage the community by showcasing the science that will be enabled in the upcoming years. At the same time, we will also solicit input from the ALMA community that will be used to inform priorities during the commissioning phase.

The workshop programme, available at https://www.eso.org/sci/meetings/2024/wsu/program.html, includes sessions combining invited, solicited and contributed talks on technical and scientific topics and leaving ample room for discussion.

In-person attendance is strongly encouraged to enhance interaction between technical experts and scientists, discussion and community input. We also recommend early hotel booking to avoid increased hotel fees during the workshop period.

Remote participation will be enabled.

Please contact alma-wsu-2024@eso.org if you have any questions.