MAYA: Meeting of ALMA Young Astronomers 2023
The European ALMA Regional Centre Network is happy to announce the second iteration of the conference targeted toward early career astronomers interested in ALMA: the Meeting for ALMA Young Astronomers (MAYA) 2023.
MAYA 2023 will take place on 6th to 10th March 2023, and it will be fully on-line.
We encourage any undergraduate, PhD students and postdocs, either with a direct interest to ALMA or simple curiosity, to join the event and share their projects in an open and friendly atmosphere. All types of astronomical subjects and ALMA observing modes are welcome. The meeting is open to astronomers from all over the world. The final program selection will incorporate diversity of topics and speakers.
The goals of the meeting are to allow the participants to present their scientific work, interact with other participants and staff working in the ARC nodes, and potentially trigger new collaborations and new projects.
The format will be 15 min live talks followed by 3 min questions. The event will be spread over 5 days.
Recordings to the talks will soon be made availabl on the YouTube channel of the European ALMA Regional Centre Network.
PDFs of the invited presentations
Astronomer on Duty (Evanthia Hatziminaoglou)
ALMA Science Archive (Marcella Massardi)
The Future of ALMA (Maria Diaz Trigo)
Abstract Booklet
The Abstract Booklet can be downloaded from this link.
Registration for audit only is still open!

Important dates:
- Abstract submission deadline: 2023 January 15th
- On-line event: 2023 March 6th to 10th
- Abhijeet Borkar (chair; Czech ARC node in Ondrejov)
- Katharina Immer (ESO)
- Elisabetta Liuzzo (Italian ARC node in Bologna)
- Romana Grossova (Czech ARC node in Ondrejov)
- Sebastien Muller (Nordic ARC node in Onsala)
- Ashley Bemis (Allegro Dutch ARC node in Leiden)
- Daniel Walker (UK ARC node in Manchester)
- Ana López Sepulcre (IRAM ARC node in Grenoble)
- Marcella Massardi (Italian ARC node in Bologna)
For any questions send an email to the soc: