Common Pipeline Library Reference 7.3.2
No Matches


cpl_error_code cpl_vector_add (cpl_vector *v1, const cpl_vector *v2)
 Add a cpl_vector to another.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_add_scalar (cpl_vector *v, double addend)
 Elementwise addition of a scalar to a vector.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_convolve_symmetric (cpl_vector *smoothed, const cpl_vector *conv_kernel)
 Convolve a 1d-signal with a symmetric 1D-signal.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_copy (cpl_vector *destination, const cpl_vector *source)
 This function copies contents of a vector into another vector.
cpl_size cpl_vector_correlate (cpl_vector *vxc, const cpl_vector *v1, const cpl_vector *v2)
 Cross-correlation of two vectors.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_cycle (cpl_vector *self, const cpl_vector *other, double shift)
 Perform a cyclic shift to the right of the elements of a vector.
void cpl_vector_delete (cpl_vector *v)
 Delete a cpl_vector.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_divide (cpl_vector *v1, const cpl_vector *v2)
 Divide two vectors element-wise.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_divide_scalar (cpl_vector *v, double divisor)
 Elementwise division of a vector with a scalar.
void cpl_vector_dump (const cpl_vector *v, FILE *stream)
 Dump a cpl_vector as ASCII to a stream.
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_duplicate (const cpl_vector *v)
 This function duplicates an existing vector and allocates memory.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_exponential (cpl_vector *v, double base)
 Compute the exponential of all vector elements.
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_extract (const cpl_vector *v, cpl_size istart, cpl_size istop, cpl_size istep)
 Extract a sub_vector from a vector.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_fill (cpl_vector *v, double val)
 Fill a cpl_vector.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_fill_kernel_profile (cpl_vector *profile, cpl_kernel type, double radius)
 Fill a vector with a kernel profile.
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_filter_lowpass_create (const cpl_vector *v, cpl_lowpass filter_type, cpl_size hw)
 Apply a low-pass filter to a cpl_vector.
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_filter_median_create (const cpl_vector *self, cpl_size hw)
 Apply a 1D median filter of given half-width to a cpl_vector.
cpl_size cpl_vector_find (const cpl_vector *sorted, double key)
 In a sorted vector find the element closest to the given value.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_fit_gaussian (const cpl_vector *x, const cpl_vector *sigma_x, const cpl_vector *y, const cpl_vector *sigma_y, cpl_fit_mode fit_pars, double *x0, double *sigma, double *area, double *offset, double *mse, double *red_chisq, cpl_matrix **covariance)
 Apply a 1d gaussian fit.
double cpl_vector_get (const cpl_vector *in, cpl_size idx)
 Get an element of the vector.
double * cpl_vector_get_data (cpl_vector *in)
 Get a pointer to the data part of the vector.
const double * cpl_vector_get_data_const (const cpl_vector *in)
 Get a pointer to the data part of the vector.
double cpl_vector_get_max (const cpl_vector *v)
 Get the maximum of the cpl_vector.
cpl_size cpl_vector_get_maxpos (const cpl_vector *self)
 Get the index of the maximum element of the cpl_vector.
double cpl_vector_get_mean (const cpl_vector *v)
 Compute the mean value of vector elements.
double cpl_vector_get_median (cpl_vector *v)
 Compute the median of the elements of a vector.
double cpl_vector_get_median_const (const cpl_vector *v)
 Compute the median of the elements of a vector.
double cpl_vector_get_min (const cpl_vector *v)
 Get the minimum of the cpl_vector.
cpl_size cpl_vector_get_minpos (const cpl_vector *self)
 Get the index of the minimum element of the cpl_vector.
cpl_size cpl_vector_get_size (const cpl_vector *in)
 Get the size of the vector.
double cpl_vector_get_stdev (const cpl_vector *v)
 Compute the bias-corrected standard deviation of a vectors elements.
double cpl_vector_get_sum (const cpl_vector *v)
 Get the sum of the elements of the cpl_vector.
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_load (const char *filename, cpl_size xtnum)
 Load a list of values from a FITS file.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_logarithm (cpl_vector *v, double base)
 Compute the element-wise logarithm.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_multiply (cpl_vector *v1, const cpl_vector *v2)
 Multiply two vectors component-wise.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_multiply_scalar (cpl_vector *v, double factor)
 Elementwise multiplication of a vector with a scalar.
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_new (cpl_size n)
 Create a new cpl_vector.
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_new_lss_kernel (double slitw, double fwhm)
 Create Right Half of a symmetric smoothing kernel for LSS.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_power (cpl_vector *v, double exponent)
 Compute the power of all vector elements.
double cpl_vector_product (const cpl_vector *v1, const cpl_vector *v2)
 Compute the vector dot product.
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_read (const char *filename)
 Read a list of values from an ASCII file and create a cpl_vector.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_save (const cpl_vector *self, const char *filename, cpl_type type, const cpl_propertylist *plist, unsigned mode)
 Save a vector to a FITS file.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_set (cpl_vector *in, cpl_size idx, double value)
 Set an element of the vector.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_set_size (cpl_vector *in, cpl_size newsize)
 Resize the vector.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_sort (cpl_vector *self, cpl_sort_direction dir)
 Sort a cpl_vector.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_sqrt (cpl_vector *v)
 Compute the sqrt of a cpl_vector.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_subtract (cpl_vector *v1, const cpl_vector *v2)
 Subtract a cpl_vector from another.
cpl_error_code cpl_vector_subtract_scalar (cpl_vector *v, double subtrahend)
 Elementwise subtraction of a scalar from a vector.
void * cpl_vector_unwrap (cpl_vector *v)
 Delete a cpl_vector except the data array.
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_wrap (cpl_size n, double *data)
 Create a cpl_vector from existing data.

Detailed Description

This module provides functions to handle cpl_vector.

A cpl_vector is an object containing a list of values (as doubles) and the (always positive) number of values. The functionalities provided here are simple ones like sorting, statistics, or simple operations. The cpl_bivector object is composed of two of these vectors. No special provisions are made to handle special values like NaN or Inf, for data with such elements, the cpl_array object may be preferable.

#include "cpl_vector.h"

Function Documentation

◆ cpl_vector_add()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_add ( cpl_vector *  v1,
const cpl_vector *  v2 

Add a cpl_vector to another.

v1First cpl_vector (modified)
v2Second cpl_vector
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

The second vector is added to the first one. The input first vector is modified.

The input vectors must have the same size.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT if v1 and v2 have different sizes


◆ cpl_vector_add_scalar()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_add_scalar ( cpl_vector *  v,
double  addend 

Elementwise addition of a scalar to a vector.

vcpl_vector to modify
addendNumber to add
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

Add a number to each element of the cpl_vector.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL

References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NONE, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

◆ cpl_vector_convolve_symmetric()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_convolve_symmetric ( cpl_vector *  smoothed,
const cpl_vector *  conv_kernel 

Convolve a 1d-signal with a symmetric 1D-signal.

smoothedPreallocated vector to be smoothed in place
conv_kernelVector with symmetric convolution function
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error
Unstable API, may change or disappear. Do not use in new code!

References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_vector_delete(), cpl_vector_duplicate(), cpl_vector_get_data(), cpl_vector_get_data_const(), and cpl_vector_get_size().

◆ cpl_vector_copy()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_copy ( cpl_vector *  destination,
const cpl_vector *  source 

This function copies contents of a vector into another vector.

destinationdestination cpl_vector
sourcesource cpl_vector
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error
See also
cpl_vector_set_size() if source and destination have different sizes.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL

References cpl_ensure_code, cpl_error_get_code(), CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_vector_set_size().

Referenced by cpl_bivector_copy(), and cpl_vector_duplicate().

◆ cpl_vector_correlate()

cpl_size cpl_vector_correlate ( cpl_vector *  vxc,
const cpl_vector *  v1,
const cpl_vector *  v2 

Cross-correlation of two vectors.

vxcOdd-sized vector with the computed cross-correlations
v11st vector to correlate
v22nd vector to correlate
Index of maximum cross-correlation, or negative on error

vxc must have an odd number of elements, 2*half_search+1, where half_search is the half-size of the search domain.

The length of v2 may not exceed that of v1. If the difference in length between v1 and v2 is less than half_search then this difference must be even (if the difference is odd resampling of v2 may be useful).

The cross-correlation is computed with shifts ranging from -half_search to half_search.

On succesful return element i (starting with 0) of vxc contains the cross- correlation at offset i-half_search. On error vxc is unmodified.

The cross-correlation is in fact the dot-product of two unit-vectors and ranges therefore from -1 to 1.

The cross-correlation is, in absence of rounding errors, commutative only for equal-sized vectors, i.e. changing the order of v1 and v2 will move element j in vxc to 2*half_search - j and thus change the return value from i to 2*half_search - i.

If, in absence of rounding errors, more than one shift would give the maximum cross-correlation, rounding errors may cause any one of those shifts to be returned. If rounding errors have no effect the index corresponding to the shift with the smallest absolute value is returned (with preference given to the smaller of two indices that correspond to the same absolute shift).

If v1 is longer than v2, the first element in v1 used for the resulting cross-correlation is max(0,shift + (cpl_vector_get_size(v1)-cpl_vector_get_size(v2))/2).

Cross-correlation with half_search == 0 requires about 8n FLOPs, where n = cpl_vector_get_size(v2). Each increase of half_search by 1 requires about 4n FLOPs more, when all of v2's elements can be cross-correlated, otherwise the extra cost is about 4m, where m is the number of elements in v2 that can be cross-correlated, n - half_search <= m < n.

In case of error, the _cpl_error_code_ code is set, and the returned delta and cross-correlation is undefined.

Example of 1D-wavelength calibration (error handling omitted for brevity):

cpl_vector * model = my_model(dispersion);
cpl_vector * vxc = cpl_vector_new(1+2*maxshift);
const cpl_size shift = cpl_vector_correlate(vxc, model, observed) - maxshift;
cpl_error_code error = cpl_polynomial_shift_1d(dispersion, 0, (double)shift);
cpl_msg_info(cpl_func, "Shifted dispersion relation by %" CPL_SIZE_FORMAT
" pixels, shift);
enum _cpl_error_code_ cpl_error_code
The cpl_error_code type definition.
Definition: cpl_error.h:453
void cpl_msg_info(const char *component, const char *format,...)
Display an information message.
Definition: cpl_msg.c:1661
cpl_error_code cpl_polynomial_shift_1d(cpl_polynomial *p, cpl_size i, double u)
Modify p, p(x0, x1, ..., xi, ...) := (x0, x1, ..., xi+u, ...)
Definition: cpl_polynomial.c:1705
The format specifier for the type cpl_size.
Definition: cpl_type.h:280
long long cpl_size
The type used for sizes and indices in CPL.
Definition: cpl_type.h:210
cpl_size cpl_vector_correlate(cpl_vector *vxc, const cpl_vector *v1, const cpl_vector *v2)
Cross-correlation of two vectors.
Definition: cpl_vector.c:1784
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_new(cpl_size n)
Create a new cpl_vector.
Definition: cpl_vector.c:137

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if v1 and v2 have different sizes or if vxc is not as requested

References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_vector_get_size(), and cpl_vector_set().

◆ cpl_vector_cycle()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_cycle ( cpl_vector *  self,
const cpl_vector *  other,
double  shift 

Perform a cyclic shift to the right of the elements of a vector.

selfVector to hold the shifted result
otherVector to read from, or NULL for in-place shift of self
shiftThe number of positions to cyclic right-shift
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error
See also
Passing two distinct vectors (partially) wrapped around the same buffer is not supported and will lead to undefined behaviour.

A shift of +1 will move the last element to the first, a shift of -1 will move the first element to the last, a zero-shift will perform a copy (or do nothing in case of an in-place operation).

A non-integer shift will perform the shift in the Fourier domain. Large discontinuities in the vector to shift will thus lead to FFT artifacts around each discontinuity.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if the self pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT if self and other have different sizes
  • CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE if the shift is non-integer and FFTW is unavailable

References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_free(), cpl_image_unwrap(), cpl_image_wrap_double(), cpl_malloc(), cpl_vector_get_data(), and cpl_vector_get_size().

◆ cpl_vector_delete()

void cpl_vector_delete ( cpl_vector *  v)

◆ cpl_vector_divide()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_divide ( cpl_vector *  v1,
const cpl_vector *  v2 

Divide two vectors element-wise.

v1First cpl_vector
v2Second cpl_vector
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error
See also

If an element in v2 is zero v1 is not modified and CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO is returned.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT if v1 and v2 have different sizes
  • CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO if a division by 0 would occur


◆ cpl_vector_divide_scalar()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_divide_scalar ( cpl_vector *  v,
double  divisor 

Elementwise division of a vector with a scalar.

vcpl_vector to modify
divisorNon-zero number to divide with
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

Divide each element of the cpl_vector with a number.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO if divisor is 0.0


◆ cpl_vector_dump()

void cpl_vector_dump ( const cpl_vector *  v,
FILE *  stream 

Dump a cpl_vector as ASCII to a stream.

vInput cpl_vector to dump
streamOutput stream, accepts stdout or stderr

Each element is preceded by its index number (starting with 1!) and written on a single line.

Comment lines start with the hash character.

stream may be NULL in which case stdout is used.

In principle a cpl_vector can be saved using cpl_vector_dump() and re-read using cpl_vector_read(). This will however introduce significant precision loss due to the limited accuracy of the ASCII representation.


◆ cpl_vector_duplicate()

cpl_vector * cpl_vector_duplicate ( const cpl_vector *  v)

This function duplicates an existing vector and allocates memory.

vthe input cpl_vector
a newly allocated cpl_vector or NULL in case of an error

The returned object must be deallocated using cpl_vector_delete()

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL

References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_vector_copy(), and cpl_vector_new().

Referenced by cpl_bivector_duplicate(), cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), cpl_plot_column(), cpl_vector_convolve_symmetric(), cpl_vector_filter_median_create(), and cpl_vector_fit_gaussian().

◆ cpl_vector_exponential()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_exponential ( cpl_vector *  v,
double  base 

Compute the exponential of all vector elements.

vTarget cpl_vector.
baseExponential base.
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

If the base is zero all vector elements must be positive and if the base is negative all vector elements must be integer, otherwise a cpl_error_code is returned and the vector is unmodified.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT base and v are not as requested
  • CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO if one of the v values is negative or 0


◆ cpl_vector_extract()

cpl_vector * cpl_vector_extract ( const cpl_vector *  v,
cpl_size  istart,
cpl_size  istop,
cpl_size  istep 

Extract a sub_vector from a vector.

vInput cpl_vector
istartStart index (from 0 to number of elements - 1)
istopStop index (from 0 to number of elements - 1)
istepExtract every step element
A newly allocated cpl_vector or NULL in case of an error

The returned object must be deallocated using cpl_vector_delete()

FIXME: Currently istop must be greater than istart. FIXME: Currently istep must equal 1.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if istart, istop, istep are not as requested


◆ cpl_vector_fill()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_fill ( cpl_vector *  v,
double  val 

Fill a cpl_vector.

vcpl_vector to be filled with the value val
valValue used to fill the cpl_vector
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

Input vector is modified

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL

References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NONE, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

Referenced by cpl_wlcalib_find_best_1d().

◆ cpl_vector_fill_kernel_profile()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_fill_kernel_profile ( cpl_vector *  profile,
cpl_kernel  type,
double  radius 

Fill a vector with a kernel profile.

profilecpl_vector to be filled
typeType of kernel profile
radiusRadius of the profile in pixels
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error
See also

A number of predefined kernel profiles are available:

  • CPL_KERNEL_DEFAULT: default kernel, currently CPL_KERNEL_TANH
  • CPL_KERNEL_TANH: Hyperbolic tangent
  • CPL_KERNEL_SINC: Sinus cardinal
  • CPL_KERNEL_SINC2: Square sinus cardinal
  • CPL_KERNEL_LANCZOS: Lanczos2 kernel
  • CPL_KERNEL_HAMMING: Hamming kernel
  • CPL_KERNEL_HANN: Hann kernel
  • CPL_KERNEL_NEAREST: Nearest neighbor kernel (1 when dist < 0.5, else 0)

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if radius is non-positive, or in case of the CPL_KERNEL_TANH profile if the length of the profile exceeds 32768

References cpl_ensure_code, cpl_error_get_code(), CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, and cpl_vector_get_size().

Referenced by cpl_geom_img_offset_saa().

◆ cpl_vector_filter_lowpass_create()

cpl_vector * cpl_vector_filter_lowpass_create ( const cpl_vector *  v,
cpl_lowpass  filter_type,
cpl_size  hw 

Apply a low-pass filter to a cpl_vector.

filter_typeType of filter to use
hwFilter half-width
Pointer to newly allocated cpl_vector or NULL in case of an error

This type of low-pass filtering consists in a convolution with a given kernel. The chosen filter type determines the kind of kernel to apply for convolution. Supported kernels are CPL_LOWPASS_LINEAR and CPL_LOWPASS_GAUSSIAN.

In the case of CPL_LOWPASS_GAUSSIAN, the gaussian sigma used is 1/sqrt(2). As this function is not meant to be general and cover all possible cases, this sigma is hardcoded and cannot be changed.

The returned smooth cpl_vector must be deallocated using cpl_vector_delete(). The returned signal has exactly as many samples as the input signal.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if filter_type is not supported or if hw is negative or bigger than half the vector v size

References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_vector_delete(), and cpl_vector_new().

◆ cpl_vector_filter_median_create()

cpl_vector * cpl_vector_filter_median_create ( const cpl_vector *  self,
cpl_size  hw 

Apply a 1D median filter of given half-width to a cpl_vector.

selfInput vector to be filtered
hwFilter half-width
Pointer to newly allocated cpl_vector or NULL in case of an error
See also

This function applies a median smoothing to a cpl_vector and returns a newly allocated cpl_vector containing a median-smoothed version of the input. The returned cpl_vector must be deallocated using cpl_vector_delete().

The returned cpl_vector has exactly as many samples as the input one. The outermost hw values are copies of the input, each of the others is set to the median of its surrounding 1 + 2 * hw values.

For historical reasons twice the half-width is allowed to equal the vector length, although in this case the returned vector is simply a duplicate of the input one.

If different processing of the outer values is needed or if a more general kernel is needed, then cpl_image_filter_mask() can be called instead with CPL_FILTER_MEDIAN and the 1D-image input wrapped around self.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if hw is negative or bigger than half the vector size

References CPL_BORDER_COPY, cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_FILTER_MEDIAN, cpl_image_filter_mask(), cpl_image_unwrap(), cpl_image_wrap_double(), cpl_mask_delete(), cpl_mask_new(), cpl_mask_not(), cpl_vector_duplicate(), and cpl_vector_new().

◆ cpl_vector_find()

cpl_size cpl_vector_find ( const cpl_vector *  sorted,
double  key 

In a sorted vector find the element closest to the given value.

sortedCPL vector sorted using CPL_SORT_ASCENDING
keyValue to find
The index that minimizes fabs(sorted[index] - key) or negative on error
See also

Bisection is used to find the element.

If two (neighboring) elements with different values both minimize fabs(sorted[index] - key) the index of the larger element is returned.

If the vector contains identical elements that minimize fabs(sorted[index] - key) then it is undefined which element has its index returned.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if two elements are found to not be sorted


Referenced by cpl_bivector_interpolate_linear().

◆ cpl_vector_fit_gaussian()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_fit_gaussian ( const cpl_vector *  x,
const cpl_vector *  sigma_x,
const cpl_vector *  y,
const cpl_vector *  sigma_y,
cpl_fit_mode  fit_pars,
double *  x0,
double *  sigma,
double *  area,
double *  offset,
double *  mse,
double *  red_chisq,
cpl_matrix **  covariance 

Apply a 1d gaussian fit.

xPositions to fit
sigma_xUncertainty (one sigma, gaussian errors assumed) assosiated with x. Taking into account the uncertainty of the independent variable is currently unsupported, and this parameter must therefore be set to NULL.
yValues to fit
sigma_yUncertainty (one sigma, gaussian errors assumed) associated with y. If NULL, constant uncertainties are assumed.
fit_parsSpecifies which parameters participate in the fit (any other parameters will be held constant). Possible values are CPL_FIT_CENTROID, CPL_FIT_STDEV, CPL_FIT_AREA, CPL_FIT_OFFSET and any bitwise combination of these. As a shorthand for including all four parameters in the fit, use CPL_FIT_ALL.
x0(output) Center of best fit gaussian. If CPL_FIT_CENTROID is not set, this is also an input parameter.
sigma(output) Width of best fit gaussian. A positive number on success. If CPL_FIT_STDEV is not set, this is also an input parameter.
area(output) Area of gaussian. A positive number on succes. If CPL_FIT_AREA is not set, this is also an input parameter.
offset(output) Fitted background level. If CPL_FIT_OFFSET is not set, this is also an input parameter.
mse(output) If non-NULL, the mean squared error of the best fit is returned.
red_chisq(output) If non-NULL, the reduced chi square of the best fit is returned. This requires the noise vector to be specified.
covariance(output) If non-NULL, the formal covariance matrix of the best fit is returned. This requires sigma_y to be specified. The order of fit parameters in the covariance matrix is defined as (x0, sigma, area, offset), for example the (3,3) element of the matrix (counting from zero) is the variance of the fitted offset. The matrix must be deallocated by calling cpl_matrix_delete() . On error, NULL is returned.

This function fits to the input vectors a 1d gaussian function of the form

f(x) = area / sqrt(2 pi sigma^2) * exp( -(x - x0)^2/(2 sigma^2)) + offset

(area > 0) by minimizing chi^2 using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.

The values to fit are read from the input vector x. Optionally, a vector sigma_x (of same size as x) may be specified.

Optionally, the mean squared error, the reduced chi square and the covariance matrix of the best fit are computed . Set corresponding parameter to NULL to ignore.

If the covariance matrix is requested and successfully computed, the diagonal elements (the variances) are guaranteed to be positive.

Occasionally, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm fails to converge to a set of sensible parameters. In this case (and only in this case), a CPL_ERROR_CONTINUE is set. To allow the caller to recover from this particular error, the parameters x0, sigma, area and offset will on output contain estimates of the best fit parameters, specifically estimated as the median position, the median of the absolute residuals multiplied by 1.4828, the minimum flux value and the maximum flux difference multiplied by sqrt(2 pi sigma^2), respectively. In this case, mse, red_chisq and covariance are not computed. Note that the variance of x0 (the (0,0) element of the covariance matrix) in this case can be estimated by sigma^2 / area .

A CPL_ERROR_SINGULAR_MATRIX occurs if the covariance matrix cannot be computed. In that case all other output parameters are valid.

Current limitations

  • Taking into account the uncertainties of the independent variable is not supported.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if x, y, x0, sigma, area or offset is NULL.
  • CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE if the specified fit_pars is not a bitwise combination of the allowed values (e.g. 0 or 1).
  • CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT if the sizes of any input vectors are different, or if the computation of reduced chi square or covariance is requested, but sigma_y is not provided.
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if any input noise values, sigma or area is non-positive, or if chi square computation is requested and there are less than 5 data points to fit.
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_OUTPUT if memory allocation failed.
  • CPL_ERROR_CONTINUE if the fitting algorithm failed.
  • CPL_ERROR_SINGULAR_MATRIX if the covariance matrix could not be calculated.

References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_CONTINUE, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_OUTPUT, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_SINGULAR_MATRIX, CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE, cpl_free(), cpl_malloc(), CPL_MATH_SQRT2PI, cpl_matrix_delete(), cpl_matrix_get_mean(), cpl_matrix_unwrap(), cpl_matrix_wrap(), cpl_vector_delete(), cpl_vector_duplicate(), cpl_vector_get(), cpl_vector_get_data(), cpl_vector_get_data_const(), cpl_vector_get_max(), cpl_vector_get_min(), cpl_vector_get_size(), cpl_vector_new(), and cpl_vector_set().

◆ cpl_vector_get()

double cpl_vector_get ( const cpl_vector *  in,
cpl_size  idx 

Get an element of the vector.

inthe input vector
idxthe index of the element (0 to nelem-1)
The element value

In case of error, the _cpl_error_code_ code is set, and the returned double is undefined.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if idx is negative
  • CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE if idx is out of the vector bounds


Referenced by cpl_apertures_extract(), cpl_imagelist_erase(), cpl_vector_fit_gaussian(), and cpl_wlcalib_find_best_1d().

◆ cpl_vector_get_data()

double * cpl_vector_get_data ( cpl_vector *  in)

Get a pointer to the data part of the vector.

inthe input vector
Pointer to the data or NULL in case of an error

The returned pointer refers to already allocated data.

Use at your own risk: direct manipulation of vector data rules out any check performed by the vector object interface, and may introduce inconsistencies between the information maintained internally, and the actual vector data and structure.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL

References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

Referenced by cpl_bivector_get_x_data(), cpl_bivector_get_y_data(), cpl_geom_img_offset_fine(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian_polynomial(), cpl_image_warp_polynomial(), cpl_photom_fill_blackbody(), cpl_vector_convolve_symmetric(), cpl_vector_cycle(), cpl_vector_fit_gaussian(), cpl_vector_new_from_image_column(), cpl_vector_new_from_image_row(), and cpl_wlcalib_find_best_1d().

◆ cpl_vector_get_data_const()

const double * cpl_vector_get_data_const ( const cpl_vector *  in)

◆ cpl_vector_get_max()

double cpl_vector_get_max ( const cpl_vector *  v)

Get the maximum of the cpl_vector.

vconst cpl_vector
the maximum value of the vector or undefined on error
See also

References cpl_vector_get_maxpos().

Referenced by cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), cpl_matrix_solve_svd_threshold(), and cpl_vector_fit_gaussian().

◆ cpl_vector_get_maxpos()

cpl_size cpl_vector_get_maxpos ( const cpl_vector *  self)

Get the index of the maximum element of the cpl_vector.

selfThe vector to process
The index (0 for first) of the maximum value or negative on error

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL

References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

Referenced by cpl_vector_get_max().

◆ cpl_vector_get_mean()

double cpl_vector_get_mean ( const cpl_vector *  v)

Compute the mean value of vector elements.

vInput const cpl_vector
Mean value of vector elements or undefined on error.
See also

References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

◆ cpl_vector_get_median()

double cpl_vector_get_median ( cpl_vector *  v)

Compute the median of the elements of a vector.

vInput cpl_vector
Median value of the vector elements or undefined on error.
See also
For efficiency reasons, this function modifies the order of the elements of the input vector.

References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

Referenced by cpl_flux_get_noise_ring().

◆ cpl_vector_get_median_const()

double cpl_vector_get_median_const ( const cpl_vector *  v)

Compute the median of the elements of a vector.

vInput const cpl_vector
Median value of the vector elements or undefined on error.
See also

For a finite population or sample, the median is the middle value of an odd number of values (arranged in ascending order) or any value between the two middle values of an even number of values. The criteria used for an even number of values in the input array is to choose the mean between the two middle values. Note that in this case, the median might not be a value of the input array. Also, note that in the case of integer data types, the result will be converted to an integer. Consider to transform your int array to float if that is not the desired behavior.

References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_free(), and cpl_malloc().

◆ cpl_vector_get_min()

double cpl_vector_get_min ( const cpl_vector *  v)

Get the minimum of the cpl_vector.

vconst cpl_vector
The minimum value of the vector or undefined on error

In case of error, the _cpl_error_code_ code is set, and the returned double is undefined.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL

References cpl_vector_get_minpos().

Referenced by cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), and cpl_vector_fit_gaussian().

◆ cpl_vector_get_minpos()

cpl_size cpl_vector_get_minpos ( const cpl_vector *  self)

Get the index of the minimum element of the cpl_vector.

selfThe vector to process
The index (0 for first) of the minimum value or negative on error

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL

References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

Referenced by cpl_vector_get_min().

◆ cpl_vector_get_size()

cpl_size cpl_vector_get_size ( const cpl_vector *  in)

◆ cpl_vector_get_stdev()

double cpl_vector_get_stdev ( const cpl_vector *  v)

Compute the bias-corrected standard deviation of a vectors elements.

vInput const cpl_vector
standard deviation of the elements or a negative number on error.
See also

S(n-1) = sqrt((1/n-1) sum((xi-mean)^2) (i=1 -> n)

The length of v must be at least 2.


Referenced by cpl_flux_get_noise_ring().

◆ cpl_vector_get_sum()

double cpl_vector_get_sum ( const cpl_vector *  v)

Get the sum of the elements of the cpl_vector.

vconst cpl_vector
the sum of the elements of the vector or undefined on error
See also

References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

◆ cpl_vector_load()

cpl_vector * cpl_vector_load ( const char *  filename,
cpl_size  xtnum 

Load a list of values from a FITS file.

filenameName of the input file
xtnumExtension number in the file (0 for primary HDU)
1 newly allocated cpl_vector or NULL in case of an error
See also

This function loads a vector from a FITS file (NAXIS=1), using cfitsio. The returned image has to be deallocated with cpl_vector_delete().

'xtnum' specifies from which extension the vector should be loaded. This could be 0 for the main data section or any number between 1 and N, where N is the number of extensions present in the file.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if the extension is not valid
  • CPL_ERROR_FILE_IO if the file cannot be read
  • CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTOED_MODE if the file is too large to be read


◆ cpl_vector_logarithm()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_logarithm ( cpl_vector *  v,
double  base 

Compute the element-wise logarithm.

vcpl_vector to modify.
baseLogarithm base.
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

The base and all the vector elements must be positive and the base must be different from 1, or a cpl_error_code will be returned and the vector will be left unmodified.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if base is negative or zero or if one of the vector values is negative or zero
  • CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO if a division by zero occurs


◆ cpl_vector_multiply()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_multiply ( cpl_vector *  v1,
const cpl_vector *  v2 

Multiply two vectors component-wise.

v1First cpl_vector
v2Second cpl_vector
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error
See also


◆ cpl_vector_multiply_scalar()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_multiply_scalar ( cpl_vector *  v,
double  factor 

Elementwise multiplication of a vector with a scalar.

vcpl_vector to modify
factorNumber to multiply with
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

Multiply each element of the cpl_vector with a number.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL

References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NONE, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

◆ cpl_vector_new()

cpl_vector * cpl_vector_new ( cpl_size  n)

Create a new cpl_vector.

nNumber of element of the cpl_vector
1 newly allocated cpl_vector or NULL in case of an error

The returned object must be deallocated using cpl_vector_delete(). There is no default values assigned to the created object, they are undefined until they are set.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if n is negative or zero

References CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, cpl_malloc(), and CPL_SIZE_FORMAT.

Referenced by cpl_bivector_new(), cpl_bivector_read(), cpl_flux_get_noise_ring(), cpl_geom_img_offset_combine(), cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian_polynomial(), cpl_image_warp_polynomial(), cpl_matrix_solve_svd(), cpl_matrix_solve_svd_threshold(), cpl_vector_duplicate(), cpl_vector_extract(), cpl_vector_filter_lowpass_create(), cpl_vector_filter_median_create(), cpl_vector_fit_gaussian(), cpl_vector_new_from_image_column(), cpl_vector_new_from_image_row(), cpl_vector_new_lss_kernel(), cpl_vector_read(), and cpl_wlcalib_find_best_1d().

◆ cpl_vector_new_lss_kernel()

cpl_vector * cpl_vector_new_lss_kernel ( double  slitw,
double  fwhm 

Create Right Half of a symmetric smoothing kernel for LSS.

slitwThe slit width [pixel]
fwhmThe spectral FWHM [pixel]
Right Half of (symmetric) smoothing vector
Unstable API, may change or disappear. Do not use in new code!

References CPL_MATH_SIG_FWHM, cpl_vector_delete(), and cpl_vector_new().

◆ cpl_vector_power()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_power ( cpl_vector *  v,
double  exponent 

Compute the power of all vector elements.

vTarget cpl_vector.
exponentConstant exponent.
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

If the exponent is negative all vector elements must be non-zero and if the exponent is non-integer all vector elements must be non-negative, otherwise a cpl_error_code is returned and the vector is unmodified.

Following the behaviour of C99 pow() function, this function sets 0^0 = 1.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if v and exponent are not as requested
  • CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO if one of the v values is 0


◆ cpl_vector_product()

double cpl_vector_product ( const cpl_vector *  v1,
const cpl_vector *  v2 

Compute the vector dot product.

v1One vector
v2Another vector of the same size
The (non-negative) product or negative on error.

The same vector may be passed twice, in which case the square of its 2-norm is computed.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT if v1 and v2 have different sizes

References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_vector_get_data_const(), and cpl_vector_get_size().

Referenced by cpl_vector_fill_polynomial_fit_residual().

◆ cpl_vector_read()

cpl_vector * cpl_vector_read ( const char *  filename)

Read a list of values from an ASCII file and create a cpl_vector.

filenameName of the input ASCII file
1 newly allocated cpl_vector or NULL in case of an error
See also

Parse an input ASCII file values and create a cpl_vector from it Lines beginning with a hash are ignored, blank lines also. In valid lines the value is preceeded by an integer, which is ignored.

The returned object must be deallocated using cpl_vector_delete()

In addition to normal files, FIFO (see man mknod) are also supported.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_FILE_IO if the file cannot be read
  • CPL_ERROR_BAD_FILE_FORMAT if the file contains no valid lines

References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_BAD_FILE_FORMAT, CPL_ERROR_FILE_IO, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_vector_delete(), cpl_vector_new(), cpl_vector_set(), and cpl_vector_set_size().

◆ cpl_vector_save()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_save ( const cpl_vector *  self,
const char *  filename,
cpl_type  type,
const cpl_propertylist plist,
unsigned  mode 

Save a vector to a FITS file.

selfVector to write to disk or NULL
filenameName of the file to write
typeThe type used to represent the data in the file
plistProperty list for the output header or NULL
modeThe desired output options (combined with bitwise or)
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

This function saves a vector to a FITS file (NAXIS=1), using cfitsio. If a property list is provided, it is written to the named file before the pixels are written. If the image is not provided, the created file will only contain the primary header. This can be useful to create multiple extension files.

The type used in the file can be one of: CPL_TYPE_UCHAR (8 bit unsigned), CPL_TYPE_SHORT (16 bit signed), CPL_TYPE_USHORT (16 bit unsigned), CPL_TYPE_INT (32 bit signed), CPL_TYPE_FLOAT (32 bit floating point), or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE (64 bit floating point). Use CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE when no loss of information is required.

Supported output modes are CPL_IO_CREATE (create a new file) and CPL_IO_EXTEND (append to an existing file)

If you are in append mode, make sure that the file has writing permissions. You may have problems if you create a file in your application and append something to it with the umask set to 222. In this case, the file created by your application would not be writable, and the append would fail.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if the type or the mode is not supported
  • CPL_ERROR_FILE_NOT_CREATED if the output file cannot be created
  • CPL_ERROR_FILE_IO if the data cannot be written to the file
  • CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTOED_MODE if the file is too large to be saved

References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_FILE_IO, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE, cpl_free(), CPL_IO_CREATE, CPL_IO_EXTEND, cpl_propertylist_save(), and cpl_sprintf().

◆ cpl_vector_set()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_set ( cpl_vector *  in,
cpl_size  idx,
double  value 

Set an element of the vector.

inthe input vector
idxthe index of the element (0 to nelem-1)
valuethe value to set in the vector
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if idx is negative
  • CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE if idx is out of the vector bounds


Referenced by cpl_bivector_read(), cpl_flux_get_noise_ring(), cpl_plot_column(), cpl_vector_correlate(), cpl_vector_fit_gaussian(), cpl_vector_read(), and cpl_wlcalib_find_best_1d().

◆ cpl_vector_set_size()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_set_size ( cpl_vector *  in,
cpl_size  newsize 

Resize the vector.

inThe vector to be resized
newsizeThe new (positive) number of elements in the vector
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error
On succesful return the value of the elements of the vector is unchanged to the minimum of the old and new sizes; any newly allocated elements are undefined. The pointer to the vector data buffer may change, therefore pointers previously retrieved by calling cpl_vector_get_data() should be discarded. If the vector was created with cpl_vector_wrap() the argument pointer to that call should be discarded as well.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if newsize is negative or zero

References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_realloc().

Referenced by cpl_bivector_read(), cpl_geom_img_offset_combine(), cpl_vector_copy(), cpl_vector_fill_polynomial_fit_residual(), and cpl_vector_read().

◆ cpl_vector_sort()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_sort ( cpl_vector *  self,
cpl_sort_direction  dir 

Sort a cpl_vector.

selfcpl_vector to sort in place
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

The input cpl_vector is modified to sort its values in either ascending (CPL_SORT_ASCENDING) or descending (CPL_SORT_DESCENDING) order.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL


Referenced by cpl_geom_img_offset_saa().

◆ cpl_vector_sqrt()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_sqrt ( cpl_vector *  v)

Compute the sqrt of a cpl_vector.

CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

The sqrt of the data is computed. The input cpl_vector is modified

If an element in v is negative v is not modified and CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if one of the vector values is negative


◆ cpl_vector_subtract()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_subtract ( cpl_vector *  v1,
const cpl_vector *  v2 

Subtract a cpl_vector from another.

v1First cpl_vector (modified)
v2Second cpl_vector
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error
See also


◆ cpl_vector_subtract_scalar()

cpl_error_code cpl_vector_subtract_scalar ( cpl_vector *  v,
double  subtrahend 

Elementwise subtraction of a scalar from a vector.

vcpl_vector to modify
subtrahendNumber to subtract
CPL_ERROR_NONE or the relevant _cpl_error_code_ on error

Subtract a number from each element of the cpl_vector.

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL

References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NONE, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

◆ cpl_vector_unwrap()

void * cpl_vector_unwrap ( cpl_vector *  v)

Delete a cpl_vector except the data array.

vcpl_vector to delete
A pointer to the data array or NULL if the input is NULL.
The data array must subsequently be deallocated. Failure to do so will result in a memory leak.

References cpl_free().

Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), cpl_flux_get_noise_ring(), cpl_plot_column(), cpl_polynomial_fit(), cpl_polynomial_fit_2d_create(), and cpl_wlcalib_find_best_1d().

◆ cpl_vector_wrap()

cpl_vector * cpl_vector_wrap ( cpl_size  n,
double *  data 

Create a cpl_vector from existing data.

nNumber of elements in the vector
dataPointer to array of n doubles
1 newly allocated cpl_vector or NULL on error
The returned object must be deallocated using e.g. cpl_vector_unwrap()

Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:

  • CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT if an input pointer is NULL
  • CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT if n is negative or zero


Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), cpl_flux_get_noise_ring(), cpl_plot_column(), cpl_polynomial_fit(), cpl_polynomial_fit_2d_create(), cpl_ppm_match_positions(), cpl_vector_fill_polynomial_fit_residual(), cpl_vector_load(), and cpl_wlcalib_find_best_1d().