Common Pipeline Library Reference 7.3.2
Functions | |
cpl_array * | cpl_ppm_match_points (const cpl_matrix *data, cpl_size use_data, double err_data, const cpl_matrix *pattern, cpl_size use_pattern, double err_pattern, double tolerance, double radius, cpl_matrix **mdata, cpl_matrix **mpattern, double *lin_scale, double *lin_angle) |
Match 2-D distributions of points. | |
cpl_bivector * | cpl_ppm_match_positions (const cpl_vector *peaks, const cpl_vector *lines, double min_disp, double max_disp, double tolerance, cpl_array **seq_peaks, cpl_array **seq_lines) |
Match 1-D patterns. | |
cpl_array * cpl_ppm_match_points | ( | const cpl_matrix * | data, |
cpl_size | use_data, | ||
double | err_data, | ||
const cpl_matrix * | pattern, | ||
cpl_size | use_pattern, | ||
double | err_pattern, | ||
double | tolerance, | ||
double | radius, | ||
cpl_matrix ** | mdata, | ||
cpl_matrix ** | mpattern, | ||
double * | lin_scale, | ||
double * | lin_angle | ||
) |
Match 2-D distributions of points.
data | List of data points (e.g., detected stars positions). |
use_data | Number of data points used for preliminary match. |
err_data | Error on data points positions. |
pattern | List of pattern points (e.g., expected stars positions). |
use_pattern | Number of pattern points used for preliminary match. |
err_pattern | Error on pattern points positions. |
tolerance | Max relative difference of angles and scales from their median value for match acceptance. |
radius | Search radius applied in final matching (data units). |
mdata | List of identified data points. |
mpattern | List of matching pattern points. |
lin_scale | Linear transformation scale factor. |
lin_angle | Linear transformation rotation angle. |
A point is described here by its coordinates on a cartesian plane. The input matrices data and pattern must have 2 rows, as their column vectors are the points coordinates.
This function attemps to associate points in data to points in pattern, under the assumption that a transformation limited to scaling, rotation, and translation, would convert positions in pattern into positions in data. Association between points is also indicated in the following as "match", or "identification".
Point identification is performed in two steps. In the first step only a subset of the points is identified (preliminary match). In the second step the identified points are used to define a first-guess transformation from pattern points to data points, that is applied to identify all the remaining points as well. The second step would be avoided if a use_pattern equal to the number of points in pattern is given, and exactly use_pattern points would be identified already in the first step.
First step:
All possible triangles (sub-patterns) are built using the first use_data points from data and the first use_pattern points from pattern. The values of use_data and use_pattern must always be at least 3 (however, see the note at the end), and should not be greater than the length of the corresponding lists of points. The point-matching algorithm goes as follow:
Second step:
From the safely matched triangles, a list of identified points is derived, and the best transformation from pattern points to data points (in terms of best rotation angle, best scaling factor, and best shift) is applied to attempt the identification of all the points that are still without match. This matching is made by selecting for each pattern point the data point which is closest to its transformed position, and at a distance less than radius.
The returned array of integers is as long as the number of points in pattern, and each element reports the position of the matching point in data (counted starting from zero), or is invalid if no match was found for the pattern point. For instance, if element N of the array has value M, it means that the Nth point in pattern matches the Mth point in data. A NULL pointer is returned in case no point was identified.
If mdata and mpattern are both valid pointers, two more matrices will be returned with the coordinates of the identified points. These two matrices will both have the same size: 2 rows, and as many columns as successfully identified points. Matching points will be in the same column of both matrices. Those matrix should in the end be destroyed using cpl_matrix_delete().
If lin_scale is a valid pointer, it is returned with a good estimate of the scale (distance_in_data = lin_scale * distance_in_pattern). This makes sense only in case the transformation between pattern and data is an affine transformation. In case of failure, lin_scale is set to zero.
If lin_angle is a valid pointer, it is returned with a good estimate of the rotation angle between pattern and data in degrees (counted counterclockwise, from -180 to +180, and with data_orientation = pattern_orientation + lin_angle). This makes sense only in case the transformation between pattern and data is an affine transformation. In case of failure, lin_angle is set to zero.
The returned values for lin_scale and lin_angle have the only purpose of providing a hint on the relation between pattern points and data points. This function doesn't attempt in any way to determine or even suggest a possible transformation between pattern points and data points: this function just matches points, and it is entriely a responsibility of the caller to fit the appropriate transformation between one coordinate system and the other. A polynomial transformation of degree 2 from pattern to data may be fit in the following way (assuming that mpattern and mdata are available):
Also, pattern and data should not contain too few points (say, less than 5 or 4) or the identification may risk to be incorrect: more points enable the construction of many more triangles, reducing the risk of ambiguity (multiple valid solutions). Special situations, involving regularities in patterns (as, for instance, input data containing just three equidistant points, or the case of a regular grid of points) would certainly provide an answer, and this answer would very likely be wrong (the human brain would fail as well, and for exactly the same reasons).
The reason why a two steps approach is encouraged here is mainly to enable an efficient use of this function: in principle, constructing all possible triangles using all of the available points is never wrong, but it could become very slow: a list of N points implies the evaluation of N*(N-1)*(N-2)/2 triangles, and an even greater number of comparisons between triangles. The possibility of evaluating first a rough transformation based on a limited number of identified points, and then using this transformation for recovering all the remaining points, may significantly speed up the whole identification process. However it should again be ensured that the main requirement (i.e., that the searched point pattern must be contained in the data) would still be valid for the selected subsets of points: a random choice would likely lead to a matching failure (due to too few, or no, common points).
A secondary reason for the two steps approach is to limit the effect of another class of ambiguities, happening when either or both of the input matrices contains a very large number of uniformely distributed points. The likelihood to find several triangles that are similar by chance, and at all scales and orientations, may increase to unacceptable levels.
A real example may clarify a possible way of using this function: let data contain the positions (in pixel) of detected stars on a CCD. Typically hundreds of star positions would be available, but only the brightest ones may be used for preliminary identification. The input data positions will therefore be opportunely ordered from the brightest to the dimmest star positions. In order to identify stars, a star catalogue is needed. From a rough knowledge of the pointing position of the telescope and of the size of the field of view, a subset of stars can be selected from the catalogue: they will be stored in the pattern list, ordered as well by their brightness, and with their RA and Dec coordinates converted into standard coordinates (a gnomonic coordinate system centered on the telescope pointing, i.e., a cartesian coordinate system), no matter in what units of arc, and no matter what orientation of the field. For the first matching step, the 10 brightest catalogue stars may be selected (selecting less stars would perhaps be unsafe, selecting more would likely make the program slower without producing any better result). Therefore use_pattern would be set to 10. From the data side, it would generally be appropriate to select twice as many stars positions, just to ensure that the searched pattern is present. Therefore use_data would be set to 20. A reasonable value for tolerance and for radius would be respectively 0.1 (a 10% variation of scales and angles) and 20 (pixels).
References cpl_array_delete(), CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_error_set, CPL_MATH_DEG_RAD, cpl_matrix_get_ncol_(), cpl_msg_debug(), cpl_msg_indent_less(), cpl_msg_indent_more(), cpl_polynomial_delete(), cpl_table_delete(), cpl_table_fill_column_window_double(), cpl_table_get_column_median(), cpl_table_get_column_stdev(), cpl_table_get_data_double(), cpl_table_get_nrow(), cpl_table_has_valid(), cpl_table_new(), cpl_table_new_column(), cpl_table_set_invalid(), and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
cpl_bivector * cpl_ppm_match_positions | ( | const cpl_vector * | peaks, |
const cpl_vector * | lines, | ||
double | min_disp, | ||
double | max_disp, | ||
double | tolerance, | ||
cpl_array ** | seq_peaks, | ||
cpl_array ** | seq_lines | ||
) |
Match 1-D patterns.
peaks | List of observed positions (e.g., of emission peaks) |
lines | List of positions in searched pattern (e.g., wavelengths) |
min_disp | Min expected scale (e.g., spectral dispersion in A/pixel) |
max_disp | Max expected scale (e.g., spectral dispersion in A/pixel) |
tolerance | Tolerance for interval ratio comparison |
seq_peaks | Returned: index of identified peaks in input peaks |
seq_lines | Returned: index of identified lines in input lines |
This function attempts to find the reference pattern lines in a list of observed positions peaks. In the following documentation a terminology drawn from the context of arc lamp spectra calibration is used for simplicity: the reference pattern is then a list of wavelengths corresponding to a set of reference arc lamp emission lines - the so-called line catalog; while the observed positions are the positions (in pixel) on the CCD, measured along the dispersion direction, of any significant peak of the signal. To identify the observed peaks means to associate them with the right reference wavelength. This is attempted here with a point-pattern matching technique, where the pattern is contained in the vector lines, and is searched in the vector peak.
In order to work, this method just requires a rough expectation value of the spectral dispersion (in Angstrom/pixel), and a line catalog. The line catalog lines should just include lines that are expected somewhere in the CCD exposure of the calibration lamp (note, however, that a catalog including extra lines at its blue and/or red ends is still allowed).
Typically, the arc lamp lines candidates peak will include light contaminations, hot pixels, and other unwanted signal, but only in extreme cases does this prevent the pattern-recognition algorithm from identifying all the spectral lines. The pattern is detected even in the case peak contained more arc lamp lines than actually listed in the input line catalog.
This method is based on the assumption that the relation between wavelengths and CCD positions is with good approximation locally linear (this is always true, for any modern spectrograph).
The ratio between consecutive intervals pairs in wavelength and in pixel is invariant to linear transformations, and therefore this quantity can be used in the recognition of local portions of the searched pattern. All the examined sub-patterns will overlap, leading to the final identification of the whole pattern, notwithstanding the overall non-linearity of the relation between pixels and wavelengths.
Ambiguous cases, caused by exceptional regularities in the pattern, or by a number of undetected (but expected) peaks that disrupt the pattern on the data, are recovered by linear interpolation and extrapolation of the safely identified peaks.
More details about the applied algorithm can be found in the comments to the function code.
The seq_peaks and seq_lines are array reporting the positions of matching peaks and wavelengths in the input peaks and lines vectors. This functionality is not yet supported: this arguments should always be set to NULL or a CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE would be set.
References cpl_bivector_wrap_vectors(), cpl_calloc(), cpl_error_set, CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE, cpl_free(), cpl_malloc(), cpl_vector_get_data_const(), cpl_vector_get_size(), and cpl_vector_wrap().