Common Pipeline Library Reference 7.3.2
Typedefs | |
typedef enum _cpl_value_ | cpl_value |
The CPL special value. It is a bit field. | |
Enumerations | |
The special values that can be rejected They are a bit-field and can be combined with bitwise or. More... | |
Functions | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_abs (cpl_image *image) |
Take the absolute value of an image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_abs_create (const cpl_image *image_in) |
Take the absolute value of an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_accept (cpl_image *im, cpl_size x, cpl_size y) |
Set a pixel as good in an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_accept_all (cpl_image *self) |
Set all pixels in the image as good. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_add (cpl_image *im1, const cpl_image *im2) |
Add two images, store the result in the first image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_add_create (const cpl_image *image1, const cpl_image *image2) |
Add two images. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_add_scalar (cpl_image *self, double scalar) |
Elementwise addition of a scalar to an image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_add_scalar_create (const cpl_image *image, double addend) |
Create a new image by elementwise addition of a scalar to an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_and (cpl_image *self, const cpl_image *first, const cpl_image *second) |
The bit-wise and of two images with integer pixels. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_and_scalar (cpl_image *self, const cpl_image *first, cpl_bitmask second) |
The bit-wise and of a scalar and an image with integer pixels. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_average_create (const cpl_image *image_1, const cpl_image *image_2) |
Build the average of two images. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_cast (const cpl_image *self, cpl_type type) |
Convert a cpl_image to a given type. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_collapse_create (const cpl_image *self, int direction) |
Collapse an image along its rows or columns. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_collapse_median_create (const cpl_image *self, int direction, cpl_size drop_ll, cpl_size drop_ur) |
Collapse an image along its rows or columns, with filtering. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_collapse_window_create (const cpl_image *self, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury, int direction) |
Collapse an image region along its rows or columns. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_conjugate (cpl_image *self, const cpl_image *other) |
Complex conjugate the pixels in a complex image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_copy (cpl_image *im1, const cpl_image *im2, cpl_size xpos, cpl_size ypos) |
Copy one image into another. | |
cpl_size | cpl_image_count_rejected (const cpl_image *im) |
Count the number of bad pixels declared in an image. | |
void | cpl_image_delete (cpl_image *d) |
Free memory associated to an cpl_image object. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_divide (cpl_image *im1, const cpl_image *im2) |
Divide two images, store the result in the first image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_divide_create (const cpl_image *image1, const cpl_image *image2) |
Divide two images. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_divide_scalar (cpl_image *self, double scalar) |
Elementwise division of an image with a scalar. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_divide_scalar_create (const cpl_image *image, double divisor) |
Create a new image by elementwise division of an image with a scalar. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_dump_structure (const cpl_image *self, FILE *stream) |
Dump structural information of a CPL image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_dump_window (const cpl_image *self, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury, FILE *stream) |
Dump pixel values in a CPL image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_duplicate (const cpl_image *src) |
Copy an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_exponential (cpl_image *self, double base) |
Compute the elementwise exponential of the image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_exponential_create (const cpl_image *image, double base) |
Create a new image by elementwise exponentiation of an image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_extract (const cpl_image *in, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
Extract a rectangular zone from an image into another image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_extract_subsample (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size xstep, cpl_size ystep) |
Sub-sample an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_fft (cpl_image *img_real, cpl_image *img_imag, unsigned mode) |
Fast Fourier Transform a square, power-of-two sized image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_fill_abs_arg (cpl_image *im_abs, cpl_image *im_arg, const cpl_image *self) |
Split a complex image into its absolute and argument part(s) | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_fill_gaussian (cpl_image *ima, double xcen, double ycen, double norm, double sig_x, double sig_y) |
Generate an image from a 2d gaussian function. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_fill_jacobian (cpl_image *out, const cpl_image *deltax, const cpl_image *deltay) |
Compute area change ratio for a transformation map. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_fill_jacobian_polynomial (cpl_image *out, const cpl_polynomial *poly_x, const cpl_polynomial *poly_y) |
Compute area change ratio for a 2D polynomial transformation. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_fill_noise_uniform (cpl_image *ima, double min_pix, double max_pix) |
Generate an image with uniform random noise distribution. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_fill_polynomial (cpl_image *ima, const cpl_polynomial *poly, double startx, double stepx, double starty, double stepy) |
Generate an image from a 2d polynomial function. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_fill_re_im (cpl_image *im_real, cpl_image *im_imag, const cpl_image *self) |
Split a complex image into its real and/or imaginary part(s) | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_fill_rejected (cpl_image *im, double a) |
Set the bad pixels in an image to a fixed value. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_fill_test_create (cpl_size nx, cpl_size ny) |
Generate a test image with pixel type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_fill_window (cpl_image *self, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury, double value) |
Fill an image window with a constant. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_filter (cpl_image *self, const cpl_image *other, const cpl_matrix *kernel, cpl_filter_mode filter, cpl_border_mode border) |
Filter an image using a floating-point kernel. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_filter_linear (const cpl_image *in, const cpl_matrix *ker) |
Compute a linear filtering. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_filter_mask (cpl_image *self, const cpl_image *other, const cpl_mask *kernel, cpl_filter_mode filter, cpl_border_mode border) |
Filter an image using a binary kernel. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_filter_median (const cpl_image *in, const cpl_matrix *ker) |
Apply a spatial median filter to an image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_filter_morpho (const cpl_image *in, const cpl_matrix *ker) |
Filter an image in spatial domain with a morpho kernel. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_filter_stdev (const cpl_image *in, const cpl_matrix *ker) |
Standard deviation filter. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_fit_gaussian (const cpl_image *im, cpl_size xpos, cpl_size ypos, cpl_size size, double *norm, double *xcen, double *ycen, double *sig_x, double *sig_y, double *fwhm_x, double *fwhm_y) |
Apply a gaussian fit on an image sub window. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_flip (cpl_image *im, int angle) |
Flip an image on a given mirror line. | |
double | cpl_image_get (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size xpos, cpl_size ypos, int *pis_rejected) |
Get the value of a pixel at a given position. | |
double | cpl_image_get_absflux (const cpl_image *image) |
Computes the sum of absolute values over an image. | |
double | cpl_image_get_absflux_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
Computes the sum of absolute values over an image sub-window. | |
cpl_mask * | cpl_image_get_bpm (cpl_image *img) |
Gets the bad pixels map. | |
const cpl_mask * | cpl_image_get_bpm_const (const cpl_image *img) |
Gets the bad pixels map. | |
double | cpl_image_get_centroid_x (const cpl_image *image) |
Computes the x centroid value over the whole image. | |
double | cpl_image_get_centroid_x_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
Computes the x centroid value over an image sub-window. | |
double | cpl_image_get_centroid_y (const cpl_image *image) |
Computes the y centroid value over the whole image. | |
double | cpl_image_get_centroid_y_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
Computes the y centroid value over an image sub-window. | |
double complex | cpl_image_get_complex (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size xpos, cpl_size ypos, int *pis_rejected) |
Get the value of a complex pixel at a given position. | |
void * | cpl_image_get_data (cpl_image *img) |
Gets the pixel data. | |
const void * | cpl_image_get_data_const (const cpl_image *img) |
Gets the pixel data. | |
double * | cpl_image_get_data_double (cpl_image *img) |
Get the data as a double array. | |
double complex * | cpl_image_get_data_double_complex (cpl_image *img) |
Get the data as a double complex array. | |
const double complex * | cpl_image_get_data_double_complex_const (const cpl_image *img) |
Get the data as a double complex array. | |
const double * | cpl_image_get_data_double_const (const cpl_image *img) |
Get the data as a double array. | |
float * | cpl_image_get_data_float (cpl_image *img) |
Get the data as a float array. | |
float complex * | cpl_image_get_data_float_complex (cpl_image *img) |
Get the data as a float complex array. | |
const float complex * | cpl_image_get_data_float_complex_const (const cpl_image *img) |
Get the data as a float complex array. | |
const float * | cpl_image_get_data_float_const (const cpl_image *img) |
Get the data as a float array. | |
int * | cpl_image_get_data_int (cpl_image *img) |
Get the data as a integer array. | |
const int * | cpl_image_get_data_int_const (const cpl_image *img) |
Get the data as a integer array. | |
double | cpl_image_get_flux (const cpl_image *image) |
Computes the sum of pixel values over an image. | |
double | cpl_image_get_flux_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
Computes the sum of pixel values over an image sub-window. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_get_fwhm (const cpl_image *in, cpl_size xpos, cpl_size ypos, double *fwhm_x, double *fwhm_y) |
Compute FWHM values in x and y for an object. | |
double | cpl_image_get_interpolated (const cpl_image *source, double xpos, double ypos, const cpl_vector *xprofile, double xradius, const cpl_vector *yprofile, double yradius, double *pconfid) |
Interpolate a pixel from its neigbors. | |
double | cpl_image_get_mad (const cpl_image *image, double *sigma) |
Computes median and median absolute deviation (MAD) on an image. | |
double | cpl_image_get_mad_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury, double *sigma) |
Computes median and median absolute deviation (MAD) on an image window. | |
double | cpl_image_get_max (const cpl_image *image) |
computes maximum pixel value over an image. | |
double | cpl_image_get_max_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
computes maximum pixel value over an image sub-window. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_get_maxpos (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size *px, cpl_size *py) |
Computes maximum pixel value and position over an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_get_maxpos_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury, cpl_size *px, cpl_size *py) |
Computes maximum pixel value and position over an image sub window. | |
double | cpl_image_get_mean (const cpl_image *image) |
computes mean pixel value over an image. | |
double | cpl_image_get_mean_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
computes mean pixel value over an image sub-window. | |
double | cpl_image_get_median (const cpl_image *image) |
computes median pixel value over an image. | |
double | cpl_image_get_median_dev (const cpl_image *image, double *sigma) |
Computes median and mean absolute median deviation on an image window. | |
double | cpl_image_get_median_dev_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury, double *sigma) |
Computes median and mean absolute median deviation on an image window. | |
double | cpl_image_get_median_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
computes median pixel value over an image sub-window. | |
double | cpl_image_get_min (const cpl_image *image) |
computes minimum pixel value over an image. | |
double | cpl_image_get_min_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
computes minimum pixel value over an image sub-window. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_get_minpos (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size *px, cpl_size *py) |
Computes minimum pixel value and position over an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_get_minpos_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury, cpl_size *px, cpl_size *py) |
Computes minimum pixel value and position over an image sub window. | |
cpl_size | cpl_image_get_size_x (const cpl_image *img) |
Get the image x size. | |
cpl_size | cpl_image_get_size_y (const cpl_image *img) |
Get the image y size. | |
double | cpl_image_get_sqflux (const cpl_image *image) |
Computes the sum of squared values over an image. | |
double | cpl_image_get_sqflux_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
Computes the sum of squared values over an image sub-window. | |
double | cpl_image_get_stdev (const cpl_image *image) |
computes pixel standard deviation over an image. | |
double | cpl_image_get_stdev_window (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
computes pixel standard deviation over an image sub-window. | |
cpl_type | cpl_image_get_type (const cpl_image *img) |
Get the image type. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_hypot (cpl_image *self, const cpl_image *first, const cpl_image *second) |
The pixel-wise Euclidean distance function of the images. | |
cpl_bivector * | cpl_image_iqe (const cpl_image *in, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
Compute an image quality estimation for an object. | |
int | cpl_image_is_rejected (const cpl_image *im, cpl_size x, cpl_size y) |
Test if a pixel is good or bad. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_labelise_mask_create (const cpl_mask *in, cpl_size *nbobjs) |
Labelise a mask to differentiate different objects. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_load (const char *filename, cpl_type im_type, cpl_size pnum, cpl_size xtnum) |
Load an image from a FITS file. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_load_window (const char *filename, cpl_type im_type, cpl_size pnum, cpl_size xtnum, cpl_size llx, cpl_size lly, cpl_size urx, cpl_size ury) |
Load an image from a FITS file. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_logarithm (cpl_image *self, double base) |
Compute the elementwise logarithm of the image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_logarithm_create (const cpl_image *image, double base) |
Create a new image by taking the elementwise logarithm of an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_move (cpl_image *im, cpl_size nb_cut, const cpl_size *new_pos) |
Permute tiles in an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_multiply (cpl_image *im1, const cpl_image *im2) |
Multiply two images, store the result in the first image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_multiply_create (const cpl_image *image1, const cpl_image *image2) |
Multiply two images. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_multiply_scalar (cpl_image *self, double scalar) |
Elementwise multiplication of an image with a scalar. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_multiply_scalar_create (const cpl_image *image, double factor) |
Create a new image by multiplication of a scalar and an image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_new (cpl_size nx, cpl_size ny, cpl_type type) |
Allocate an image structure and pixel buffer for a image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_new_from_mask (const cpl_mask *mask) |
Create an int image from a mask. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_normalise (cpl_image *image, cpl_norm mode) |
Normalise pixels in an image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_normalise_create (const cpl_image *image_in, cpl_norm mode) |
Create a new normalised image from an existing image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_not (cpl_image *self, const cpl_image *first) |
The bit-wise complement (not) of an image with integer pixels. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_or (cpl_image *self, const cpl_image *first, const cpl_image *second) |
The bit-wise or of two images with integer pixels. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_or_scalar (cpl_image *self, const cpl_image *first, cpl_bitmask second) |
The bit-wise or of a scalar and an image with integer pixels. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_power (cpl_image *self, double exponent) |
Compute the elementwise power of the image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_power_create (const cpl_image *image, double exponent) |
Create a new image by elementwise raising of an image to a power. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_rebin (const cpl_image *image, cpl_size xstart, cpl_size ystart, cpl_size xstep, cpl_size ystep) |
Rebin an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_reject (cpl_image *im, cpl_size x, cpl_size y) |
Set a pixel as bad in an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_reject_from_mask (cpl_image *im, const cpl_mask *map) |
Set the bad pixels in an image as defined in a mask. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_reject_value (cpl_image *self, cpl_value mode) |
Reject pixels with the specified special value(s) | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_save (const cpl_image *self, const char *filename, cpl_type type, const cpl_propertylist *plist, unsigned mode) |
Save an image to a FITS file. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_set (cpl_image *image, cpl_size xpos, cpl_size ypos, double value) |
Set the pixel at the given position to the given value. | |
cpl_mask * | cpl_image_set_bpm (cpl_image *self, cpl_mask *bpm) |
Replace the bad pixel map of the image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_set_complex (cpl_image *image, cpl_size xpos, cpl_size ypos, double complex value) |
Set the pixel at the given position to the given complex value. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_shift (cpl_image *self, cpl_size dx, cpl_size dy) |
Shift an image by integer offsets. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_subtract (cpl_image *im1, const cpl_image *im2) |
Subtract two images, store the result in the first image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_subtract_create (const cpl_image *image1, const cpl_image *image2) |
Subtract two images. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_subtract_scalar (cpl_image *self, double scalar) |
Elementwise subtraction of a scalar from an image. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_subtract_scalar_create (const cpl_image *image, double subtrahend) |
Create an image by elementwise subtraction of a scalar from an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_threshold (cpl_image *image_in, double lo_cut, double hi_cut, double assign_lo_cut, double assign_hi_cut) |
Threshold an image to a given interval. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_turn (cpl_image *self, int rot) |
Rotate an image by a multiple of 90 degrees clockwise. | |
cpl_mask * | cpl_image_unset_bpm (cpl_image *self) |
Remove the bad pixel map from the image. | |
void * | cpl_image_unwrap (cpl_image *d) |
Free memory associated to an cpl_image object, but the pixel buffer. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_warp (cpl_image *out, const cpl_image *in, const cpl_image *deltax, const cpl_image *deltay, const cpl_vector *xprofile, double xradius, const cpl_vector *yprofile, double yradius) |
Warp an image. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_warp_polynomial (cpl_image *out, const cpl_image *in, const cpl_polynomial *poly_x, const cpl_polynomial *poly_y, const cpl_vector *xprofile, double xradius, const cpl_vector *yprofile, double yradius) |
Warp an image according to a 2D polynomial transformation. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_wrap_double (cpl_size nx, cpl_size ny, double *pixels) |
Create a double image using an existing pixel buffer. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_wrap_double_complex (cpl_size nx, cpl_size ny, double complex *pixels) |
Create a double complex image using an existing pixel buffer. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_wrap_float (cpl_size nx, cpl_size ny, float *pixels) |
Create a float image using an existing pixel buffer. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_wrap_float_complex (cpl_size nx, cpl_size ny, float complex *pixels) |
Create a float complex image using an existing pixel buffer. | |
cpl_image * | cpl_image_wrap_int (cpl_size nx, cpl_size ny, int *pixels) |
Create an integer image using an existing pixel buffer. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_xor (cpl_image *self, const cpl_image *first, const cpl_image *second) |
The bit-wise xor of two images with integer pixels. | |
cpl_error_code | cpl_image_xor_scalar (cpl_image *self, const cpl_image *first, cpl_bitmask second) |
The bit-wise xor of a scalar and an image with integer pixels. | |
cpl_vector * | cpl_vector_new_from_image_column (const cpl_image *image_in, cpl_size pos) |
Extract a column from an image. | |
cpl_vector * | cpl_vector_new_from_image_row (const cpl_image *image_in, cpl_size pos) |
Extract a row from an image. | |
This module provides functions to create, use, and destroy a cpl_image. A cpl_image is a 2-dimensional data structure with a pixel type (one of CPL_TYPE_INT
) and an optional bad pixel map.
The pixel indexing follows the FITS convention in the sense that the lower left pixel in a CPL image has index (1, 1). The pixel buffer is stored row-wise so for optimum performance any pixel-wise access should be done likewise.
Functionality include: FITS I/O Image arithmetic, casting, extraction, thresholding, filtering, resampling Bad pixel handling Image statistics Generation of test images Special functions, such as the image quality estimator
Usage: define the following preprocessor symbols as needed, then include this file
typedef enum _cpl_value_ cpl_value |
The CPL special value. It is a bit field.
enum _cpl_value_ |
The special values that can be rejected They are a bit-field and can be combined with bitwise or.
cpl_error_code cpl_image_abs | ( | cpl_image * | image | ) |
Take the absolute value of an image.
image | Image to be modified in place |
Set each pixel to its absolute value.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_image_abs_create(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian(), and cpl_image_fill_jacobian_polynomial().
cpl_image * cpl_image_abs_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image_in | ) |
Take the absolute value of an image.
image_in | Image operand. |
For each pixel, out = abs(in). The returned image must be deallocated using cpl_image_delete().
References cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), cpl_image_abs(), cpl_image_delete(), and cpl_image_duplicate().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_accept | ( | cpl_image * | im, |
cpl_size | x, | ||
cpl_size | y | ||
) |
Set a pixel as good in an image.
im | the input image |
x | the x pixel position in the image (first pixel is 1) |
y | the y pixel position in the image (first pixel is 1) |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_error_code cpl_image_accept_all | ( | cpl_image * | self | ) |
Set all pixels in the image as good.
self | the input image |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References CPL_ERROR_NONE, cpl_image_unset_bpm(), and cpl_mask_delete().
Referenced by cpl_detector_interpolate_rejected(), cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), and cpl_imagelist_collapse_create().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_add | ( | cpl_image * | im1, |
const cpl_image * | im2 | ||
) |
Add two images, store the result in the first image.
im1 | first operand. |
im2 | second operand. |
The first input image is modified to contain the result of the operation.
The bad pixel map of the first image becomes the union of the bad pixel maps of the input images.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_image_fill_test_create(), and cpl_imagelist_collapse_create().
cpl_image * cpl_image_add_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image1, |
const cpl_image * | image2 | ||
) |
Add two images.
image1 | first operand |
image2 | second operand |
Creates a new image, being the result of the operation, and returns it to the caller. The returned image must be deallocated using cpl_image_delete(). The function supports images with different types among CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. The returned image type is the one of the first passed image.
The bad pixels map of the result is the union of the bad pixels maps of the input images.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_error_code cpl_image_add_scalar | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
double | scalar | ||
) |
Elementwise addition of a scalar to an image.
self | Image to be modified in place. |
scalar | Number to add |
Modifies the image by adding a number to each of its pixels.
The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the image pixel type.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_image_get_type().
Referenced by cpl_image_add_scalar_create(), cpl_image_new_from_accepted(), and cpl_imagelist_add_scalar().
cpl_image * cpl_image_add_scalar_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
double | addend | ||
) |
Create a new image by elementwise addition of a scalar to an image.
image | Image to add |
addend | Number to add |
Creates a new image, being the result of the operation, and returns it to the caller. The returned image must be deallocated using cpl_image_delete(). The function supports images with different types among CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. The type of the created image is that of the passed image.
References cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), cpl_image_add_scalar(), cpl_image_delete(), and cpl_image_duplicate().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_and | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
const cpl_image * | first, | ||
const cpl_image * | second | ||
) |
The bit-wise and of two images with integer pixels.
self | Pre-allocated image to hold the result |
first | First operand, or NULL for an in-place operation |
second | Second operand |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_type_get_name(), cpl_type_get_sizeof(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
cpl_error_code cpl_image_and_scalar | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
const cpl_image * | first, | ||
cpl_bitmask | second | ||
) |
The bit-wise and of a scalar and an image with integer pixels.
self | Pre-allocated image to hold the result |
first | First operand, or NULL for an in-place operation |
second | Second operand (scalar) |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_type_get_name(), cpl_type_get_sizeof(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
cpl_image * cpl_image_average_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image_1, |
const cpl_image * | image_2 | ||
) |
Build the average of two images.
image_1 | First image operand. |
image_2 | Second image operand. |
Builds the average of two images and returns a newly allocated image, to be deallocated using cpl_image_delete(). The average is arithmetic, i.e. outpix=(pix1+pix2)/2 Images can be of type CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_mask_duplicate(), and cpl_mask_or().
cpl_image * cpl_image_cast | ( | const cpl_image * | self, |
cpl_type | type | ||
) |
Convert a cpl_image to a given type.
self | The image to convert |
type | The destination type |
Casting to non-complex types is only supported for non-complex types.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH, cpl_free(), cpl_image_duplicate(), cpl_malloc(), cpl_mask_duplicate(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX, cpl_type_get_name(), cpl_type_get_sizeof(), CPL_TYPE_INT, and CPL_TYPE_INVALID.
Referenced by cpl_image_fit_gaussian(), cpl_imagelist_cast(), cpl_plot_image(), cpl_plot_image_col(), and cpl_plot_image_row().
cpl_image * cpl_image_collapse_create | ( | const cpl_image * | self, |
int | direction | ||
) |
Collapse an image along its rows or columns.
self | Input image to collapse. |
direction | Collapsing direction. |
On success the function returns a 1D image, created by adding up all pixels on the same row or column.
Collapse along y (sum of rows): p7 p8 p9 Input image is a 3x3 image containing 9 pixels. p4 p5 p6 The output is an image containing one row with p1 p2 p3 3 pixels A, B, C, where: ---------- A B C A = p1+p4+p7 B = p2+p5+p8 C = p3+p6+p9 If p7 is a bad pixel, A = (p1+p4)*3/2. If p1, p4, p7 are bad, A is flagged as bad.
Provide the collapsing direction as an int. Give 0 to collapse along y (sum of rows) and get an image with a single row in output, or give 1 to collapse along x (sum of columns) to get an image with a single column in output. Only the good pixels are collapsed. Images can be of type CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. The returned image must be deallocated using cpl_image_delete().
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), cpl_image_collapse_window_create(), cpl_image_get_size_x(), and cpl_image_get_size_y().
cpl_image * cpl_image_collapse_median_create | ( | const cpl_image * | self, |
int | direction, | ||
cpl_size | drop_ll, | ||
cpl_size | drop_ur | ||
) |
Collapse an image along its rows or columns, with filtering.
self | Input image to collapse. |
direction | Collapsing direction. |
drop_ll | Ignore this many lower rows/leftmost columns |
drop_ur | Ignore this many upper rows/rightmost columns |
The collapsing direction is defined as for cpl_image_collapse_create(). For each output pixel, the median of the corresponding non-ignored pixels is computed. A combination of bad pixels and drop parameters can cause a median value in the output image to be undefined. Such pixels will be flagged as bad and set to zero.
If the output would contain only bad pixels an error is set.
Images can be of type CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. The returned image must be deallocated using cpl_image_delete().
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_image * cpl_image_collapse_window_create | ( | const cpl_image * | self, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury, | ||
int | direction | ||
) |
Collapse an image region along its rows or columns.
self | Image to collapse. |
llx | lower left x coord. |
lly | lower left y coord |
urx | upper right x coord |
ury | upper right y coord |
direction | Collapsing direction. |
llx, lly, urx, ury are the image region coordinates in FITS convention. Those specified bounds are included in the collapsed region.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_image_get_type(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, and CPL_TYPE_INT.
Referenced by cpl_image_collapse_create().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_conjugate | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
const cpl_image * | other | ||
) |
Complex conjugate the pixels in a complex image.
self | Pre-allocated complex image to hold the result |
other | The complex image to conjugate, may equal self |
Any bad pixels are also conjugated.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_error_code cpl_image_copy | ( | cpl_image * | im1, |
const cpl_image * | im2, | ||
cpl_size | xpos, | ||
cpl_size | ypos | ||
) |
Copy one image into another.
im1 | the image in which im2 is inserted |
im2 | the inserted image |
xpos | the x pixel position in im1 where the lower left pixel of im2 should go (from 1 to the x size of im1) |
ypos | the y pixel position in im1 where the lower left pixel of im2 should go (from 1 to the y size of im1) |
(xpos, ypos) must be a valid position in im1. If im2 is bigger than the place left in im1, the part that falls outside of im1 is simply ignored, an no error is raised. The bad pixels are inherited from im2 in the concerned im1 zone.
The two input images must be of the same type, namely one of CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH, cpl_image_get_data(), cpl_image_get_size_x(), cpl_image_get_size_y(), cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_mask_copy(), cpl_mask_delete(), cpl_mask_new(), and cpl_type_get_sizeof().
Referenced by cpl_image_filter_mask().
cpl_size cpl_image_count_rejected | ( | const cpl_image * | im | ) |
Count the number of bad pixels declared in an image.
im | the input image |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_mask_count().
void cpl_image_delete | ( | cpl_image * | d | ) |
Free memory associated to an cpl_image object.
d | Image to destroy. |
Frees all memory associated with a cpl_image. If the passed image is NULL, the function returns without doing anything.
References cpl_free(), and cpl_mask_delete().
Referenced by cpl_apertures_extract_mask(), cpl_apertures_extract_window(), cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), cpl_geom_img_offset_fine(), cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), cpl_image_abs_create(), cpl_image_add_scalar_create(), cpl_image_divide_create(), cpl_image_divide_scalar_create(), cpl_image_exponential_create(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian(), cpl_image_fill_test_create(), cpl_image_filter_linear(), cpl_image_filter_median(), cpl_image_filter_morpho(), cpl_image_filter_stdev(), cpl_image_fit_gaussian(), cpl_image_iqe(), cpl_image_logarithm_create(), cpl_image_multiply_scalar_create(), cpl_image_normalise_create(), cpl_image_power_create(), cpl_image_subtract_scalar_create(), cpl_imagelist_cast(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_create(), cpl_imagelist_empty(), cpl_imagelist_erase(), cpl_imagelist_load_frameset(), cpl_imagelist_set(), cpl_plot_image(), cpl_plot_image_col(), and cpl_plot_image_row().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_divide | ( | cpl_image * | im1, |
const cpl_image * | im2 | ||
) |
Divide two images, store the result in the first image.
im1 | first operand. |
im2 | second operand. |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_imagelist_collapse_create().
cpl_image * cpl_image_divide_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image1, |
const cpl_image * | image2 | ||
) |
Divide two images.
image1 | first operand |
image2 | second operand |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH, cpl_free(), cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_wrap_double(), cpl_image_wrap_double_complex(), cpl_image_wrap_float(), cpl_image_wrap_float_complex(), cpl_image_wrap_int(), cpl_malloc(), cpl_mask_delete(), cpl_mask_duplicate(), cpl_mask_get_data(), cpl_mask_new(), cpl_mask_or(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX, and CPL_TYPE_INT.
cpl_error_code cpl_image_divide_scalar | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
double | scalar | ||
) |
Elementwise division of an image with a scalar.
self | Image to be modified in place. |
scalar | Non-zero number to divide with |
Modifies the image by dividing each of its pixels with a number.
If the scalar is zero the image is not modified and an error is returned.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_image_get_type().
Referenced by cpl_image_divide_scalar_create(), cpl_image_fft(), cpl_image_normalise(), and cpl_imagelist_divide_scalar().
cpl_image * cpl_image_divide_scalar_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
double | divisor | ||
) |
Create a new image by elementwise division of an image with a scalar.
image | Image to divide |
divisor | Non-zero number to divide with |
References cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_divide_scalar(), and cpl_image_duplicate().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_dump_structure | ( | const cpl_image * | self, |
FILE * | stream | ||
) |
Dump structural information of a CPL image.
self | Image to dump |
stream | Output stream, accepts stdout or stderr |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_FILE_IO, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_mask_count(), CPL_SIZE_FORMAT, and cpl_type_get_name().
Referenced by cpl_imagelist_dump_structure().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_dump_window | ( | const cpl_image * | self, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury, | ||
FILE * | stream | ||
) |
Dump pixel values in a CPL image.
self | Image to dump |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Specifies the window position |
ury | Specifies the window position |
stream | Output stream, accepts stdout or stderr |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE, CPL_ERROR_FILE_IO, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get(), cpl_image_get_complex(), cpl_mask_get(), cpl_mask_is_empty(), CPL_SIZE_FORMAT, CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX, and CPL_TYPE_INT.
Referenced by cpl_imagelist_dump_window().
cpl_image * cpl_image_duplicate | ( | const cpl_image * | src | ) |
Copy an image.
src | Source image. |
Copy an image into a new image object. The pixels and the bad pixel map are also copied. The returned image must be deallocated using cpl_image_delete().
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_malloc(), cpl_mask_duplicate(), and cpl_type_get_sizeof().
Referenced by cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), cpl_image_abs_create(), cpl_image_add_scalar_create(), cpl_image_cast(), cpl_image_divide_scalar_create(), cpl_image_exponential_create(), cpl_image_logarithm_create(), cpl_image_multiply_scalar_create(), cpl_image_normalise_create(), cpl_image_power_create(), cpl_image_subtract_scalar_create(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_create(), and cpl_imagelist_duplicate().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_exponential | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
double | base | ||
) |
Compute the elementwise exponential of the image.
self | Image to be modified in place. |
base | Base of the exponential. |
Modifies the image by computing the base-scalar exponential of each of its pixels.
Pixels for which the power of the given base is not defined are rejected and set to zero.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_type(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, cpl_type_get_name(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
Referenced by cpl_image_exponential_create(), and cpl_imagelist_exponential().
cpl_image * cpl_image_exponential_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
double | base | ||
) |
Create a new image by elementwise exponentiation of an image.
image | Image to exponentiate |
base | Base of the exponential |
References cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_duplicate(), and cpl_image_exponential().
cpl_image * cpl_image_extract | ( | const cpl_image * | in, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
Extract a rectangular zone from an image into another image.
in | Input image |
llx | Lower left X coordinate |
lly | Lower left Y coordinate |
urx | Upper right X coordinate |
ury | Upper right Y coordinate |
The input coordinates define the extracted region by giving the coordinates of the lower left and upper right corners (inclusive).
Coordinates must be provided in the FITS convention: lower left corner of the image is at (1,1), x increasing from left to right, y increasing from bottom to top. Images can be of type CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
If the input image has a bad pixel map and if the extracted rectangle has bad pixel(s), then the extracted image will have a bad pixel map, otherwise it will not.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_apertures_extract_window(), cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), and cpl_image_iqe().
Sub-sample an image.
image | The image to subsample |
xstep | Take every xstep pixel in x |
ystep | Take every ystep pixel in y |
step represents the sampling step in x and y: both steps = 2 will create an image with a quarter of the pixels of the input image.
image type can be CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. If the image has bad pixels, they will be resampled in the same way.
The flux of the sampled pixels will be preserved, while the flux of the pixels not sampled will be lost. Using steps = 2 in each direction on a uniform image will thus create an image with a quarter of the flux.
The returned image must be deallocated using cpl_image_delete().
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_mask_extract_subsample().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_fft | ( | cpl_image * | img_real, |
cpl_image * | img_imag, | ||
unsigned | mode | ||
) |
Fast Fourier Transform a square, power-of-two sized image.
img_real | The image real part to be transformed in place |
img_imag | The image imaginary part to be transformed in place |
mode | The desired FFT options (combined with bitwise or) |
The input images must be of double type.
If the second passed image is NULL, the resulting imaginary part cannot be returned. This can be useful if the input is real and the output is known to also be real. But if the output has a significant imaginary part, you might want to pass a 0-valued image as the second parameter.
Any rejected pixel is used as if it were a good pixel.
The image must be square with a size that is a power of two.
These are the supported FFT modes: CPL_FFT_DEFAULT: Default, forward FFT transform CPL_FFT_INVERSE: Inverse FFT transform CPL_FFT_UNNORMALIZED: Do not normalize (with N*N for N-by-N image) on inverse. Has no effect on forward transform. CPL_FFT_SWAP_HALVES: Swap the four quadrants of the result image.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_calloc(), cpl_ensure_code, cpl_error_get_code(), CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE, cpl_free(), cpl_image_divide_scalar(), cpl_image_move(), and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
cpl_error_code cpl_image_fill_abs_arg | ( | cpl_image * | im_abs, |
cpl_image * | im_arg, | ||
const cpl_image * | self | ||
) |
Split a complex image into its absolute and argument part(s)
im_abs | Pre-allocated image to hold the absolute part, or NULL |
im_arg | Pre-allocated image to hold the argument part, or NULL |
self | Complex image to process |
Any bad pixels are also processed.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_error_code cpl_image_fill_gaussian | ( | cpl_image * | ima, |
double | xcen, | ||
double | ycen, | ||
double | norm, | ||
double | sig_x, | ||
double | sig_y | ||
) |
Generate an image from a 2d gaussian function.
ima | the gaussian image to generate |
xcen | x position of the center (1 for the first pixel) |
ycen | y position of the center (1 for the first pixel) |
norm | norm of the gaussian. |
sig_x | Sigma in x for the gaussian distribution. |
sig_y | Sigma in y for the gaussian distribution. |
This function expects an already allocated image. This function generates an image of a 2d gaussian. The gaussian is defined by the position of its centre, given in pixel coordinates inside the image with the FITS convention (x from 1 to nx, y from 1 to ny), its norm and the value of sigma in x and y.
f(x, y) = (norm/(2*pi*sig_x*sig_y)) * exp(-(x-xcen)^2/(2*sig_x^2)) * exp(-(y-ycen)^2/(2*sig_y^2))
The input image type can be CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_image_fill_test_create().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_fill_jacobian | ( | cpl_image * | out, |
const cpl_image * | deltax, | ||
const cpl_image * | deltay | ||
) |
Compute area change ratio for a transformation map.
out | Pre-allocated image to hold the result |
deltax | The x shifts for each pixel |
deltay | The y shifts for each pixel |
The shifts images deltax and deltay, describing the transformation, must be of type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE and of the same size as out. For each pixel (u, v) of the out image, the deltax and deltay code the following transformation:
This function writes the density of the (u, v) coordinate system relative to the (x, y) coordinates for each (u, v) pixel of image out.
This is trivially obtained by computing the absolute value of the determinant of the Jacobian of the transformation for each pixel of the (u, v) image out.
The partial derivatives are estimated at the position (u, v) in the following way:
Typically this function would be used to determine a flux-conservation factor map for the target image specified in function cpl_image_warp()
. For example,
where out_flux_corrected is the resampled image out after correction for flux conservation.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED, cpl_image_abs(), cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_get_data_double(), cpl_image_get_data_double_const(), cpl_image_get_data_float(), cpl_image_get_size_x(), cpl_image_get_size_y(), cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_image_new(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, and CPL_TYPE_FLOAT.
cpl_error_code cpl_image_fill_jacobian_polynomial | ( | cpl_image * | out, |
const cpl_polynomial * | poly_x, | ||
const cpl_polynomial * | poly_y | ||
) |
Compute area change ratio for a 2D polynomial transformation.
out | Pre-allocated image to hold the result |
poly_x | Defines source x-pos corresponding to destination (u,v). |
poly_y | Defines source y-pos corresponding to destination (u,v). |
Given an input image with pixel coordinates (x, y) which is mapped into an output image with pixel coordinates (u, v), and the polynomial inverse transformation (u, v) to (x, y) as in cpl_image_warp_polynomial(), this function writes the density of the (u, v) coordinate system relative to the (x, y) coordinates for each (u, v) pixel of image out.
This is trivially obtained by computing the absolute value of the determinant of the Jacobian of the transformation for each pixel of the (u, v) image out.
Typically this function would be used to determine a flux-conservation factor map for the target image specified in function cpl_image_warp_polynomial()
. For example,
where out_flux_corrected is the resampled image out after correction for flux conservation.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED, cpl_image_abs(), cpl_image_get_data_double(), cpl_image_get_data_float(), cpl_image_get_size_x(), cpl_image_get_size_y(), cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_polynomial_delete(), cpl_polynomial_derivative(), cpl_polynomial_duplicate(), cpl_polynomial_eval(), cpl_polynomial_get_dimension(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, cpl_vector_delete(), cpl_vector_get_data(), and cpl_vector_new().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_fill_noise_uniform | ( | cpl_image * | ima, |
double | min_pix, | ||
double | max_pix | ||
) |
Generate an image with uniform random noise distribution.
ima | the image to generate |
min_pix | Minimum output pixel value. |
max_pix | Maximum output pixel value. |
Generate an image with a uniform random noise distribution. Pixel values are within the provided bounds. This function expects an already allocated image. The input image type can be CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_image_fill_test_create().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_fill_polynomial | ( | cpl_image * | ima, |
const cpl_polynomial * | poly, | ||
double | startx, | ||
double | stepx, | ||
double | starty, | ||
double | stepy | ||
) |
Generate an image from a 2d polynomial function.
ima | the polynomial image to generate |
poly | the 2d polynomial |
startx | the x value associated with the left pixels column |
stepx | the x step |
starty | the y value associated with the bottom pixels row |
stepy | the y step |
This function expects an already allocated image. The pixel value of the pixel (i, j) is set to poly(startx+(i-1)*stepx, starty+(j-1)*stepy).
The input image type can be CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
If you want to generate an image whose pixel values are the values of the polynomial applied to the pixel positions, just call cpl_image_fill_polynomial(ima, poly, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_polynomial_get_dimension().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_fill_re_im | ( | cpl_image * | im_real, |
cpl_image * | im_imag, | ||
const cpl_image * | self | ||
) |
Split a complex image into its real and/or imaginary part(s)
im_real | Pre-allocated image to hold the real part, or NULL |
im_imag | Pre-allocated image to hold the imaginary part, or NULL |
self | Complex image to process |
Any bad pixels are also processed.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_error_code cpl_image_fill_rejected | ( | cpl_image * | im, |
double | a | ||
) |
Set the bad pixels in an image to a fixed value.
im | The image to modify. |
a | The fixed value |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_mask_get_data(), and cpl_mask_is_empty().
Referenced by cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), and cpl_imagelist_collapse_create().
Generate a test image with pixel type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
nx | x size |
ny | y size |
Generates a reference pattern for testing purposes only. The created image has to be deallocated with cpl_image_delete().
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, cpl_image_add(), cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_fill_gaussian(), cpl_image_fill_noise_uniform(), cpl_image_multiply_scalar(), cpl_image_new(), and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
cpl_error_code cpl_image_fill_window | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury, | ||
double | value | ||
) |
Fill an image window with a constant.
self | The image to fill |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Specifies the window position |
ury | Specifies the window position |
value | The value to fill with |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_error_code cpl_image_filter | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
const cpl_image * | other, | ||
const cpl_matrix * | kernel, | ||
cpl_filter_mode | filter, | ||
cpl_border_mode | border | ||
) |
Filter an image using a floating-point kernel.
self | Pre-allocated image to hold the filtered result |
other | Image to filter |
kernel | Pixel weigths |
The two images must have equal dimensions.
The kernel must have an odd number of rows and an odd number of columns and at least one non-zero element.
For scaling filters (CPL_FILTER_LINEAR_SCALE
) the flux of the filtered image will be scaled with the sum of the weights of the kernel. If for a given input pixel location the kernel covers only bad pixels, the filtered pixel value is flagged as bad and set to zero.
For flux-preserving filters (CPL_FILTER_LINEAR
) the filtered pixel must have at least one input pixel with a non-zero weight available. Output pixels where this is not the case are set to zero and flagged as bad.
In-place filtering is not supported.
Supported filters: CPL_FILTER_LINEAR
Supported borders modes: CPL_BORDER_FILTER
Beware that the 1st pixel - at (1,1) - in an image is the lower left, while the 1st element in a matrix - at (0,0) - is the top left. Thus to shift an image 1 pixel up and 1 pixel right with the CPL_FILTER_LINEAR and a 3 by 3 kernel, one should set to 1.0 the bottom leftmost matrix element which is at row 3, column 1, i.e.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References CPL_BORDER_CROP, CPL_BORDER_FILTER, cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE, CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE, CPL_FILTER_LINEAR, CPL_FILTER_LINEAR_SCALE, CPL_FILTER_MORPHO, CPL_FILTER_MORPHO_SCALE, cpl_image_get_data(), cpl_image_get_data_const(), cpl_image_get_size_x(), cpl_image_get_size_y(), cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_mask_get_data(), cpl_mask_get_data_const(), cpl_mask_is_empty(), cpl_mask_wrap(), cpl_matrix_get_data_const(), cpl_matrix_get_ncol(), cpl_matrix_get_nrow(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, cpl_type_get_sizeof(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
Referenced by cpl_image_filter_linear(), and cpl_image_filter_morpho().
cpl_image * cpl_image_filter_linear | ( | const cpl_image * | in, |
const cpl_matrix * | ker | ||
) |
Compute a linear filtering.
in | The image to filter |
ker | The kernel |
References CPL_BORDER_FILTER, cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_FILTER_LINEAR, cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_filter(), and cpl_image_new().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_filter_mask | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
const cpl_image * | other, | ||
const cpl_mask * | kernel, | ||
cpl_filter_mode | filter, | ||
cpl_border_mode | border | ||
) |
Filter an image using a binary kernel.
self | Pre-allocated image to hold the filtered result |
other | Image to filter |
kernel | Pixels to use, if set to CPL_BINARY_1 |
filter | CPL_FILTER_MEDIAN, CPL_FILTER_AVERAGE and more, see below |
border | CPL_BORDER_FILTER and more, see below |
The kernel must have an odd number of rows and an odd number of columns.
The two images must have equal dimensions, except for the border mode CPL_BORDER_CROP, where the input image must have 2 * hx columns more and 2 * hy rows more than the output image, where the kernel has size (1 + 2 * hx, 1 + 2 * hy).
In standard deviation filtering the kernel must have at least two elements set to CPL_BINARY_1, for others at least one element must be set to CPL_BINARY_1.
Supported pixel types are: CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
In median filtering the two images must have the same pixel type.
In standard deviation filtering a filtered pixel must be computed from at least two input pixels, for other filters at least one input pixel must be available. Output pixels where this is not the case are set to zero and flagged as rejected.
In-place filtering is not supported.
Supported modes:
To shift an image 1 pixel up and 1 pixel right with the CPL_FILTER_MEDIAN filter and a 3 by 3 kernel, one should set to CPL_BINARY_1 the bottom leftmost kernel element - at row 3, column 1, i.e.
The kernel required to do a 5 x 5 median filtering is created like this:
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References CPL_BORDER_CROP, CPL_BORDER_FILTER, cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE, CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH, CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE, CPL_FILTER_AVERAGE, CPL_FILTER_AVERAGE_FAST, CPL_FILTER_MEDIAN, CPL_FILTER_STDEV, CPL_FILTER_STDEV_FAST, cpl_image_copy(), cpl_image_get_data(), cpl_image_get_data_const(), cpl_image_get_size_x(), cpl_image_get_size_y(), cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_mask_get_data(), cpl_mask_get_data_const(), cpl_mask_get_size_x(), cpl_mask_get_size_y(), cpl_mask_is_empty(), cpl_mask_wrap(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, cpl_type_get_sizeof(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
Referenced by cpl_geom_img_offset_fine(), cpl_image_filter_median(), cpl_image_filter_stdev(), and cpl_vector_filter_median_create().
cpl_image * cpl_image_filter_median | ( | const cpl_image * | in, |
const cpl_matrix * | ker | ||
) |
Apply a spatial median filter to an image.
in | Image to filter. |
ker | the kernel |
References CPL_BORDER_FILTER, cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_FILTER_MEDIAN, cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_filter_mask(), cpl_image_new(), and cpl_mask_delete().
cpl_image * cpl_image_filter_morpho | ( | const cpl_image * | in, |
const cpl_matrix * | ker | ||
) |
Filter an image in spatial domain with a morpho kernel.
in | Image to filter. |
ker | Filter definition. |
References CPL_BORDER_FILTER, cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_FILTER_MORPHO, cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_filter(), and cpl_image_new().
cpl_image * cpl_image_filter_stdev | ( | const cpl_image * | in, |
const cpl_matrix * | ker | ||
) |
Standard deviation filter.
in | input image |
ker | the kernel |
References CPL_BORDER_FILTER, cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_FILTER_STDEV, cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_filter_mask(), cpl_image_new(), cpl_mask_delete(), cpl_mask_get_size_x(), and cpl_mask_get_size_y().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_fit_gaussian | ( | const cpl_image * | im, |
cpl_size | xpos, | ||
cpl_size | ypos, | ||
cpl_size | size, | ||
double * | norm, | ||
double * | xcen, | ||
double * | ycen, | ||
double * | sig_x, | ||
double * | sig_y, | ||
double * | fwhm_x, | ||
double * | fwhm_y | ||
) |
Apply a gaussian fit on an image sub window.
im | the input image |
xpos | the x position of the center (1 for the first pixel) |
ypos | the y position of the center (1 for the first pixel) |
size | the window size in pixels, at least 4 |
norm | the norm of the gaussian or NULL |
xcen | the x center of the gaussian or NULL |
ycen | the y center of the gaussian or NULL |
sig_x | the semi-major axis of the gaussian or NULL |
sig_y | the semi-minor axis of the gaussian or NULL |
fwhm_x | the FHHM in x or NULL |
fwhm_y | the FHHM in y or NULL |
This function is only acceptable for determining the position of a peak.
References cpl_bivector_delete(), cpl_bivector_get_x_data(), cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_cast(), cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_image_iqe(), CPL_MATH_2PI, CPL_MATH_FWHM_SIG, and CPL_TYPE_FLOAT.
cpl_error_code cpl_image_flip | ( | cpl_image * | im, |
int | angle | ||
) |
Flip an image on a given mirror line.
im | the image to flip. |
angle | mirror line in polar coord. is theta = (PI/4) * angle |
This function operates locally on the pixel buffer.
angle can take one of the following values:
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_mask_flip().
Get the value of a pixel at a given position.
image | Input image. |
xpos | Pixel x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
ypos | Pixel y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
pis_rejected | 1 if the pixel is bad, 0 if good, negative on error |
If the pixel is flagged as bad, 0.0 is returned.
In case of an error, the _cpl_error_code_ code is set.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), cpl_image_dump_window(), and cpl_image_get_fwhm().
double cpl_image_get_absflux | ( | const cpl_image * | image | ) |
Computes the sum of absolute values over an image.
image | input image. |
Referenced by cpl_image_normalise().
double cpl_image_get_absflux_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
Computes the sum of absolute values over an image sub-window.
image | input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
cpl_mask * cpl_image_get_bpm | ( | cpl_image * | img | ) |
Gets the bad pixels map.
img | Image to query. |
The returned pointer refers to already allocated data. If the bad pixel map is NULL, an empty one is created.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_mask_new().
Referenced by cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), and cpl_image_reject_from_mask().
const cpl_mask * cpl_image_get_bpm_const | ( | const cpl_image * | img | ) |
Gets the bad pixels map.
img | Image to query. |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.
Referenced by cpl_detector_interpolate_rejected(), cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), cpl_fit_imagelist_polynomial_window(), cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), cpl_image_new_from_accepted(), cpl_imagelist_cast(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_create(), cpl_imagelist_empty(), cpl_imagelist_erase(), cpl_imagelist_set(), and cpl_mask_threshold_image().
double cpl_image_get_centroid_x | ( | const cpl_image * | image | ) |
Computes the x centroid value over the whole image.
image | input image. |
double cpl_image_get_centroid_x_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
Computes the x centroid value over an image sub-window.
image | input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
double cpl_image_get_centroid_y | ( | const cpl_image * | image | ) |
Computes the y centroid value over the whole image.
image | input image. |
double cpl_image_get_centroid_y_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
Computes the y centroid value over an image sub-window.
image | input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
double complex cpl_image_get_complex | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | xpos, | ||
cpl_size | ypos, | ||
int * | pis_rejected | ||
) |
Get the value of a complex pixel at a given position.
image | Input complex image. |
xpos | Pixel x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
ypos | Pixel y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
pis_rejected | 1 if the pixel is bad, 0 if good, negative on error |
If the pixel is flagged as bad, 0.0 is returned.
In case of an error, the _cpl_error_code_ code is set.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_image_dump_window().
void * cpl_image_get_data | ( | cpl_image * | img | ) |
Gets the pixel data.
img | Image to query. |
The returned pointer refers to already allocated data.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.
Referenced by cpl_detector_interpolate_rejected(), cpl_image_copy(), cpl_image_filter(), and cpl_image_filter_mask().
const void * cpl_image_get_data_const | ( | const cpl_image * | img | ) |
Gets the pixel data.
img | Image to query. |
References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.
Referenced by cpl_image_filter(), cpl_image_filter_mask(), and cpl_mask_threshold_image().
double * cpl_image_get_data_double | ( | cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the data as a double array.
img | a cpl_image object |
The returned pointer refers to already allocated data.
The pixels are stored in a one dimensional array. The pixel value PIXVAL at position (i, j) in the image - (0, 0) is the lower left pixel, i gives the column position from left to right, j gives the row position from bottom to top - is given by : PIXVAL = array[i + j*nx]; where nx is the x size of the image and array is the data array returned by this function. array can be used to access or modify the pixel value in the image.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_image_fill_jacobian(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian_polynomial(), and cpl_plot_image().
double complex * cpl_image_get_data_double_complex | ( | cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the data as a double complex array.
img | a cpl_image object |
const double complex * cpl_image_get_data_double_complex_const | ( | const cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the data as a double complex array.
img | a cpl_image object |
const double * cpl_image_get_data_double_const | ( | const cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the data as a double array.
img | a cpl_image object |
Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian(), cpl_image_warp(), cpl_plot_image(), cpl_plot_image_col(), and cpl_plot_image_row().
float * cpl_image_get_data_float | ( | cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the data as a float array.
img | a cpl_image object |
Referenced by cpl_image_fill_jacobian(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian_polynomial(), and cpl_image_iqe().
float complex * cpl_image_get_data_float_complex | ( | cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the data as a float complex array.
img | a cpl_image object |
const float complex * cpl_image_get_data_float_complex_const | ( | const cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the data as a float complex array.
img | a cpl_image object |
const float * cpl_image_get_data_float_const | ( | const cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the data as a float array.
img | a cpl_image object |
int * cpl_image_get_data_int | ( | cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the data as a integer array.
img | a cpl_image object |
Referenced by cpl_image_labelise_mask_create(), and cpl_imagelist_collapse_sigclip_create().
const int * cpl_image_get_data_int_const | ( | const cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the data as a integer array.
img | a cpl_image object |
double cpl_image_get_flux | ( | const cpl_image * | image | ) |
Computes the sum of pixel values over an image.
image | input image. |
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_image_get_flux_window().
Referenced by cpl_image_normalise().
double cpl_image_get_flux_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
Computes the sum of pixel values over an image sub-window.
image | input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
Referenced by cpl_image_get_flux().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_get_fwhm | ( | const cpl_image * | in, |
cpl_size | xpos, | ||
cpl_size | ypos, | ||
double * | fwhm_x, | ||
double * | fwhm_y | ||
) |
Compute FWHM values in x and y for an object.
in | the input image |
xpos | the x position of the object (1 for the first pixel) |
ypos | the y position of the object (1 for the first pixel) |
fwhm_x | the computed FWHM in x or -1 on error |
fwhm_y | the computed FWHM in y or -1 on error |
This function uses a basic method: start from the center of the object and go away until the half maximum value is reached in x and y.
For the FWHM in x (resp. y) to be computed, the image size in the x (resp. y) direction should be at least of 5 pixels.
If for any reason, one of the FHWMs cannot be computed, its returned value is -1.0, but an error is not necessarily raised. For example, if a 4 column image is passed, the fwhm_x would be -1.0, the fwhm_y would be correctly computed, and no error would be raised.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND, cpl_error_get_code(), CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), cpl_errorstate_is_equal(), cpl_image_get(), cpl_vector_delete(), cpl_vector_new_from_image_column(), and cpl_vector_new_from_image_row().
Referenced by cpl_apertures_get_fwhm().
double cpl_image_get_interpolated | ( | const cpl_image * | source, |
double | xpos, | ||
double | ypos, | ||
const cpl_vector * | xprofile, | ||
double | xradius, | ||
const cpl_vector * | yprofile, | ||
double | yradius, | ||
double * | pconfid | ||
) |
Interpolate a pixel from its neigbors.
source | Interpolation source |
xpos | Pixel x floating-point position (FITS convention) |
ypos | Pixel y floating-point position (FITS convention) |
xprofile | Interpolation weight as a function of the distance in X |
xradius | Positive inclusion radius in the X-dimension |
yprofile | Interpolation weight as a function of the distance in Y |
yradius | Positive inclusion radius in the Y-dimension |
pconfid | Confidence level of the interpolated value (range 0 to 1) |
This function interpolates a single pixel value as a weighted average of its neigbors, specified as being inside a circle or ellipse with the distance dependent weights provided by the caller.
If the X- and Y-radii are identical the area of inclusion is a circle, otherwise it is an ellipse, with the larger of the two radii as the semimajor axis and the other as the semiminor axis.
The radii are only required to be positive. However, for small radii, especially radii less than 1/sqrt(2), (xpos, ypos) may be located such that no source pixels are included in the interpolation, causing the interpolated pixel value to be undefined.
The X- and Y-profiles can be generated with cpl_vector_fill_kernel_profile(profile, radius). For profiles generated with cpl_vector_fill_kernel_profile() it is important to use the same radius both there and in cpl_image_get_interpolated().
A good profile length is CPL_KERNEL_DEF_SAMPLES, using radius CPL_KERNEL_DEF_WIDTH.
On error *pconfid is negative (unless pconfid is NULL). Otherwise, if *pconfid is zero, the interpolated pixel-value is undefined. Otherwise, if *pconfid is less than 1, the area of inclusion is close to the image border or contains rejected pixels.
The input image type can be CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
Here is an example of a simple image unwarping (with error-checking omitted for brevity):
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_size_x(), cpl_image_get_size_y(), cpl_mask_get_data_const(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_INT, cpl_vector_get_data_const(), and cpl_vector_get_size().
double cpl_image_get_mad | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
double * | sigma | ||
) |
Computes median and median absolute deviation (MAD) on an image.
image | Input image. |
sigma | The median of the absolute median deviation of the good pixels |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_stats_get_mad(), cpl_stats_get_median(), and CPL_STATS_MAD.
double cpl_image_get_mad_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury, | ||
double * | sigma | ||
) |
Computes median and median absolute deviation (MAD) on an image window.
image | Input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
sigma | The median of the absolute median deviation of the good pixels |
For each non-bad pixel in the window the absolute deviation from the median is computed. The median of these absolute deviations in returned via sigma, while the median itself is returned by the function.
If the pixels are gaussian, the computed sigma is a robust and consistent estimate of the standard deviation in the sense that the standard deviation is approximately k * MAD, where k is a constant equal to approximately 1.4826. CPL defines CPL_MATH_STD_MAD as this scaling constant.
Images can be CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_INT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. On error the _cpl_error_code_ code is set and the return value is undefined.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_stats_get_mad(), cpl_stats_get_median(), and CPL_STATS_MAD.
double cpl_image_get_max | ( | const cpl_image * | image | ) |
computes maximum pixel value over an image.
image | input image. |
Referenced by cpl_plot_image().
double cpl_image_get_max_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
computes maximum pixel value over an image sub-window.
image | input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
cpl_error_code cpl_image_get_maxpos | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size * | px, | ||
cpl_size * | py | ||
) |
Computes maximum pixel value and position over an image.
image | Input image. |
px | ptr to the x coordinate of the maximum position |
py | ptr to the y coordinate of the maximum position |
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_stats_get_max_x(), cpl_stats_get_max_y(), and CPL_STATS_MAXPOS.
Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_get_maxpos_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury, | ||
cpl_size * | px, | ||
cpl_size * | py | ||
) |
Computes maximum pixel value and position over an image sub window.
image | Input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
px | ptr to the x coordinate of the maximum position |
py | ptr to the y coordinate of the maximum position |
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_stats_get_max_x(), cpl_stats_get_max_y(), and CPL_STATS_MAXPOS.
double cpl_image_get_mean | ( | const cpl_image * | image | ) |
computes mean pixel value over an image.
image | input image. |
Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), and cpl_image_normalise().
double cpl_image_get_mean_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
computes mean pixel value over an image sub-window.
image | input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
double cpl_image_get_median | ( | const cpl_image * | image | ) |
computes median pixel value over an image.
image | Input image. |
In case of error, the _cpl_error_code_ code is set, and the returned double is undefined. Images can be CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_INT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian().
double cpl_image_get_median_dev | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
double * | sigma | ||
) |
Computes median and mean absolute median deviation on an image window.
image | Input image. |
sigma | The mean of the absolute median deviation of the (good) pixels |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_stats_get_median(), cpl_stats_get_median_dev(), and CPL_STATS_MEDIAN_DEV.
Referenced by cpl_apertures_extract_sigma().
double cpl_image_get_median_dev_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury, | ||
double * | sigma | ||
) |
Computes median and mean absolute median deviation on an image window.
image | Input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
sigma | The mean of the absolute median deviation of the (good) pixels |
For each non-bad pixel in the window the absolute deviation from the median is computed. The mean of these absolute deviations in returned via sigma, while the median itself is returned by the function. The computed median and sigma may be a robust estimate of the mean and standard deviation of the pixels. The sigma is however still sensitive to outliers. See cpl_image_get_mad_window() for a more robust estimator.
Images can be CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_INT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. On error the _cpl_error_code_ code is set and the return value is undefined.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_stats_get_median(), cpl_stats_get_median_dev(), and CPL_STATS_MEDIAN_DEV.
double cpl_image_get_median_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
computes median pixel value over an image sub-window.
image | Input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
The specified bounds are included in the specified region.
In case of error, the _cpl_error_code_ code is set, and the returned value is undefined. Images can be CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_INT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
For a finite population or sample, the median is the middle value of an odd number of values (arranged in ascending order) or any value between the two middle values of an even number of values. For an even number of elements in the array, the mean of the two central values is returned. Note that in this case, the median might not belong to the input array.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
double cpl_image_get_min | ( | const cpl_image * | image | ) |
computes minimum pixel value over an image.
image | input image. |
In case of error, the _cpl_error_code_ code is set, and the returned double is undefined. Images can be CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_INT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_plot_image().
double cpl_image_get_min_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
computes minimum pixel value over an image sub-window.
image | input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
The specified bounds are included in the specified region.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_error_code cpl_image_get_minpos | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size * | px, | ||
cpl_size * | py | ||
) |
Computes minimum pixel value and position over an image.
image | Input image. |
px | ptr to the x coordinate of the minimum position |
py | ptr to the y coordinate of the minimum position |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_stats_get_min_x(), cpl_stats_get_min_y(), and CPL_STATS_MINPOS.
Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_get_minpos_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury, | ||
cpl_size * | px, | ||
cpl_size * | py | ||
) |
Computes minimum pixel value and position over an image sub window.
image | Input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
px | ptr to the x coordinate of the minimum position |
py | ptr to the y coordinate of the minimum position |
The specified bounds are included in the specified region.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_stats_get_min_x(), cpl_stats_get_min_y(), and CPL_STATS_MINPOS.
cpl_size cpl_image_get_size_x | ( | const cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the image x size.
img | a cpl_image object |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.
Referenced by cpl_detector_interpolate_rejected(), cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), cpl_fit_imagelist_polynomial(), cpl_fit_imagelist_polynomial_window(), cpl_flux_get_noise_ring(), cpl_geom_img_offset_fine(), cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), cpl_image_collapse_create(), cpl_image_copy(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian_polynomial(), cpl_image_filter(), cpl_image_filter_mask(), cpl_image_get_interpolated(), cpl_image_iqe(), cpl_image_new_from_accepted(), cpl_image_rebin(), cpl_image_warp(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_median_create(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_minmax_create(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_sigclip_create(), cpl_imagelist_is_uniform(), cpl_imagelist_set(), cpl_imagelist_swap_axis_create(), cpl_mask_threshold_image(), cpl_mask_threshold_image_create(), cpl_plot_image(), cpl_plot_image_col(), cpl_plot_image_row(), and cpl_test_get_bytes_image().
cpl_size cpl_image_get_size_y | ( | const cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the image y size.
img | a cpl_image object |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.
Referenced by cpl_detector_interpolate_rejected(), cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), cpl_fit_imagelist_polynomial(), cpl_fit_imagelist_polynomial_window(), cpl_flux_get_noise_ring(), cpl_geom_img_offset_fine(), cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), cpl_image_collapse_create(), cpl_image_copy(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian_polynomial(), cpl_image_filter(), cpl_image_filter_mask(), cpl_image_get_interpolated(), cpl_image_iqe(), cpl_image_new_from_accepted(), cpl_image_warp(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_median_create(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_minmax_create(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_sigclip_create(), cpl_imagelist_is_uniform(), cpl_imagelist_set(), cpl_imagelist_swap_axis_create(), cpl_mask_threshold_image(), cpl_mask_threshold_image_create(), cpl_plot_image(), cpl_plot_image_col(), cpl_plot_image_row(), and cpl_test_get_bytes_image().
double cpl_image_get_sqflux | ( | const cpl_image * | image | ) |
Computes the sum of squared values over an image.
image | input image. |
double cpl_image_get_sqflux_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
Computes the sum of squared values over an image sub-window.
image | input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
double cpl_image_get_stdev | ( | const cpl_image * | image | ) |
computes pixel standard deviation over an image.
image | input image. |
double cpl_image_get_stdev_window | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
computes pixel standard deviation over an image sub-window.
image | input image. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
Referenced by cpl_flux_get_noise_ring().
cpl_type cpl_image_get_type | ( | const cpl_image * | img | ) |
Get the image type.
img | a cpl_image object |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and CPL_TYPE_INVALID.
Referenced by cpl_detector_interpolate_rejected(), cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), cpl_geom_img_offset_fine(), cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), cpl_image_add_scalar(), cpl_image_and(), cpl_image_and_scalar(), cpl_image_collapse_window_create(), cpl_image_copy(), cpl_image_divide_scalar(), cpl_image_exponential(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian_polynomial(), cpl_image_filter(), cpl_image_filter_mask(), cpl_image_fit_gaussian(), cpl_image_hypot(), cpl_image_logarithm(), cpl_image_multiply_scalar(), cpl_image_not(), cpl_image_or(), cpl_image_or_scalar(), cpl_image_power(), cpl_image_reject_value(), cpl_image_subtract_scalar(), cpl_image_warp(), cpl_image_xor(), cpl_image_xor_scalar(), cpl_imagelist_cast(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_median_create(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_minmax_create(), cpl_imagelist_collapse_sigclip_create(), cpl_imagelist_is_uniform(), cpl_imagelist_set(), cpl_imagelist_swap_axis_create(), cpl_mask_threshold_image(), cpl_plot_image(), cpl_plot_image_col(), cpl_plot_image_row(), and cpl_test_get_bytes_image().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_hypot | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
const cpl_image * | first, | ||
const cpl_image * | second | ||
) |
The pixel-wise Euclidean distance function of the images.
self | Pre-allocated image to hold the result |
first | First operand, or NULL for an in-place operation |
second | Second operand |
The Euclidean distance function is useful for gaussian error propagation on addition/subtraction operations.
For pixel values a and b the Euclidean distance c is defined as: $$c = sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$$
first may be NULL, in this case the distance is computed in-place on self using second as the other operand.
Images can be of type CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
If both input operands are of type CPL_TYPE_FLOAT the distance is computed in single precision (using hypotf()), otherwise in double precision (using hypot()).
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_type(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, and cpl_type_get_name().
cpl_bivector * cpl_image_iqe | ( | const cpl_image * | in, |
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
Compute an image quality estimation for an object.
in | the input image |
llx | |
lly | the zone to analyse ((1, 1) for the first pixel) |
urx | The zone must be at least 4 by 4 pixels |
ury |
This function makes internal use of the iqe() MIDAS function (called here cpl_iqe()) written by P. Grosbol. Refer to the MIDAS documentation for more details. This function has proven to give good results over the years when called from RTD. The goal is to provide the exact same functionality in CPL as the one provided in RTD. The code is simply copied from the MIDAS package, it is not maintained by the CPL team.
The returned object must be deallocated with cpl_bivector_delete(). It contains in the first vector the computed values, and in the second one, the associated errors. The computed values are:
The bad pixels map of the image is not taken into account. The input image must be of type float.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_bivector_get_x_data(), cpl_bivector_get_y_data(), cpl_bivector_new(), cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_extract(), cpl_image_get_data_float(), cpl_image_get_size_x(), cpl_image_get_size_y(), and CPL_TYPE_FLOAT.
Referenced by cpl_image_fit_gaussian().
Test if a pixel is good or bad.
im | the input image |
x | the x pixel position in the image (first pixel is 1) |
y | the y pixel position in the image (first pixel is 1) |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_mask_get().
cpl_image * cpl_image_labelise_mask_create | ( | const cpl_mask * | in, |
cpl_size * | nbobjs | ||
) |
Labelise a mask to differentiate different objects.
in | mask to labelise |
nbobjs | If non-NULL, number of objects found on success |
This function labelises all blobs in a mask. All 4-neighbour connected zones set to 1 in the input mask will end up in the returned integer image as zones where all pixels are set to the same (unique for this blob in this image) label. A non-recursive flood-fill is applied to label the zones. The flood-fill is dimensioned by the number of lines in the image, and the maximal number of lines possibly covered by a blob. The returned image must be deallocated with cpl_image_delete()
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_free(), cpl_image_get_data_int(), cpl_image_new(), cpl_malloc(), cpl_mask_get_data_const(), cpl_mask_get_size_x(), cpl_mask_get_size_y(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
Referenced by cpl_apertures_extract_mask().
cpl_image * cpl_image_load | ( | const char * | filename, |
cpl_type | im_type, | ||
cpl_size | pnum, | ||
cpl_size | xtnum | ||
) |
Load an image from a FITS file.
filename | Name of the file to load from. |
im_type | Type of the created image |
pnum | Plane number in the Data Unit (0 for first) |
xtnum | Extension number in the file (0 for primary HDU) |
This function loads an image from a FITS file (NAXIS=2 or 3).
The returned image has to be deallocated with cpl_image_delete().
The passed type for the output image can be : CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE or CPL_TYPE_INT.
This type is there to specify the type of the cpl_image that will be created by the function. It is totally independant from the way the data are stored in the FITS file. A FITS image containg float pixels can be loaded as a cpl_image of type double. In this case, the user would specify CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE as im_type.
Additionally, CPL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED can be passed to inherit the FITS file type. The type of the image is defined based on the BITPIX information of the FITS file. After a successful call, the type of the created image can be accessed via cpl_image_get_type().
'xtnum' specifies from which extension the image should be loaded. This could be 0 for the main data section (files without extension), or any number between 1 and N, where N is the number of extensions present in the file.
The requested plane number runs from 0 to nplanes-1, where nplanes is the number of planes present in the requested data section.
The created image has an empty bad pixel map.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_image * cpl_image_load_window | ( | const char * | filename, |
cpl_type | im_type, | ||
cpl_size | pnum, | ||
cpl_size | xtnum, | ||
cpl_size | llx, | ||
cpl_size | lly, | ||
cpl_size | urx, | ||
cpl_size | ury | ||
) |
Load an image from a FITS file.
filename | Name of the file to load from. |
im_type | Type of the created image |
pnum | Plane number in the Data Unit (0 for first) |
xtnum | Extension number in the file. |
llx | Lower left x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
lly | Lower left y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
urx | Upper right x position (FITS convention) |
ury | Upper right y position (FITS convention) |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_error_code cpl_image_logarithm | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
double | base | ||
) |
Compute the elementwise logarithm of the image.
self | Image to be modified in place. |
base | Base of the logarithm. |
Modifies the image by computing the base-scalar logarithm of each of its pixels.
Pixels for which the logarithm is not defined are rejected and set to zero.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_type(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, cpl_type_get_name(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
Referenced by cpl_image_logarithm_create(), and cpl_imagelist_logarithm().
cpl_image * cpl_image_logarithm_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
double | base | ||
) |
Create a new image by taking the elementwise logarithm of an image.
image | Image to take logarithm of |
base | Base of the logarithm. |
References cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_duplicate(), and cpl_image_logarithm().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_move | ( | cpl_image * | im, |
cpl_size | nb_cut, | ||
const cpl_size * | new_pos | ||
) |
Permute tiles in an image.
im | The image to modify |
nb_cut | The number of cuts in x and y |
new_pos | Array with the nb_cut^2 permuted positions |
nb_cut^2 defines in how many tiles the images will be permuted. Each tile will then be moved to another place defined in new_pos. nb_cut equal 1 will leave the image unchanged, 2 is used to permute the four image quadrants, etc.. new_pos contains nb_cut^2 values between 1 and nb_cut^2, i.e. a permutation of the values from 1 to nb_cut^2. The zone positions are counted from the lower left part of the image. It is not allowed to move two tiles to the same position (the relation between th new tiles positions and the initial position is bijective !). The array with the permuted positions must contain nb_cut^2 values, the function is unable to verify this.
The image x and y sizes have to be multiples of nb_cut.
Example: 16 17 18 6 5 4 13 14 15 3 2 1 10 11 12 ----> 12 11 10 7 8 9 9 8 7 4 5 6 18 17 16 1 2 3 15 14 13 image 3x6 cpl_image_move(image, 3, new_pos); with new_pos = {9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1};
The bad pixels are moved in the same way.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_free(), cpl_malloc(), and cpl_mask_move().
Referenced by cpl_image_fft().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_multiply | ( | cpl_image * | im1, |
const cpl_image * | im2 | ||
) |
Multiply two images, store the result in the first image.
im1 | first operand. |
im2 | second operand. |
cpl_image * cpl_image_multiply_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image1, |
const cpl_image * | image2 | ||
) |
Multiply two images.
image1 | first operand |
image2 | second operand |
cpl_error_code cpl_image_multiply_scalar | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
double | scalar | ||
) |
Elementwise multiplication of an image with a scalar.
self | Image to be modified in place. |
scalar | Number to multiply with |
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_image_get_type().
Referenced by cpl_image_fill_test_create(), cpl_image_multiply_scalar_create(), cpl_imagelist_multiply_scalar(), and cpl_plot_image().
cpl_image * cpl_image_multiply_scalar_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
double | factor | ||
) |
Create a new image by multiplication of a scalar and an image.
image | Image to be multiplied |
factor | Number to multiply with |
References cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_duplicate(), and cpl_image_multiply_scalar().
Allocate an image structure and pixel buffer for a image.
nx | Size in x (the number of columns) |
ny | Size in y (the number of rows) |
type | The pixel type |
Allocates space for the cpl_image structure and sets the dimensions and type of pixel data. The pixel buffer is allocated and initialised to zero. The pixel array will contain nx*ny values being the image pixels from the lower left to the upper right line by line.
The returned cpl_image must be deallocated using cpl_image_delete().
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_geom_img_offset_fine(), cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), cpl_image_fill_jacobian(), cpl_image_fill_test_create(), cpl_image_filter_linear(), cpl_image_filter_median(), cpl_image_filter_morpho(), cpl_image_filter_stdev(), cpl_image_labelise_mask_create(), and cpl_image_new_from_accepted().
cpl_image * cpl_image_new_from_mask | ( | const cpl_mask * | mask | ) |
Create an int image from a mask.
mask | the original mask |
The created image is of type CPL_TYPE_INT.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_wrap_int(), cpl_malloc(), cpl_mask_get_data_const(), cpl_mask_get_size_x(), and cpl_mask_get_size_y().
Referenced by cpl_geom_img_offset_saa().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_normalise | ( | cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_norm | mode | ||
) |
Normalise pixels in an image.
image | Image operand. |
mode | Normalisation mode. |
Normalises an image according to a given criterion.
Possible normalisations are:
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, cpl_error_get_code(), CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_divide_scalar(), cpl_image_get_absflux(), cpl_image_get_flux(), cpl_image_get_mean(), cpl_image_subtract_scalar(), cpl_stats_get_max(), cpl_stats_get_min(), CPL_STATS_MAX, and CPL_STATS_MIN.
Referenced by cpl_image_normalise_create(), and cpl_imagelist_normalise().
cpl_image * cpl_image_normalise_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image_in, |
cpl_norm | mode | ||
) |
Create a new normalised image from an existing image.
image_in | Image operand. |
mode | Normalisation mode. |
Stores the result in a newly allocated image and returns it. The returned image must be deallocated using cpl_image_delete().
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_duplicate(), and cpl_image_normalise().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_not | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
const cpl_image * | first | ||
) |
The bit-wise complement (not) of an image with integer pixels.
self | Pre-allocated image to hold the result |
first | First operand, or NULL for an in-place operation |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_type_get_name(), cpl_type_get_sizeof(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
cpl_error_code cpl_image_or | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
const cpl_image * | first, | ||
const cpl_image * | second | ||
) |
The bit-wise or of two images with integer pixels.
self | Pre-allocated image to hold the result |
first | First operand, or NULL for an in-place operation |
second | Second operand |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_type_get_name(), cpl_type_get_sizeof(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
cpl_error_code cpl_image_or_scalar | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
const cpl_image * | first, | ||
cpl_bitmask | second | ||
) |
The bit-wise or of a scalar and an image with integer pixels.
self | Pre-allocated image to hold the result |
first | First operand, or NULL for an in-place operation |
second | Second operand (scalar) |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_type_get_name(), cpl_type_get_sizeof(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
cpl_error_code cpl_image_power | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
double | exponent | ||
) |
Compute the elementwise power of the image.
self | Image to be modified in place. |
exponent | Scalar exponent. |
Modifies the image by lifting each of its pixels to exponent.
Pixels for which the power to the given exponent is not defined are rejected and set to zero.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_type(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, cpl_type_get_name(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
Referenced by cpl_image_power_create(), and cpl_imagelist_power().
cpl_image * cpl_image_power_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
double | exponent | ||
) |
Create a new image by elementwise raising of an image to a power.
image | Image to raise to a power |
exponent | scalar exponent |
References cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_duplicate(), and cpl_image_power().
cpl_image * cpl_image_rebin | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | xstart, | ||
cpl_size | ystart, | ||
cpl_size | xstep, | ||
cpl_size | ystep | ||
) |
Rebin an image.
image | The image to rebin |
xstart | start x position of binning (starting from 1...) |
ystart | start y position of binning (starting from 1...) |
xstep | Bin size in x. |
ystep | Bin size in y. |
If both bin sizes in x and y are = 2, an image with (about) a quarter of the pixels of the input image will be created. Each new pixel will be the sum of the values of all contributing input pixels. If a bin is incomplete (i.e., the input image size is not a multiple of the bin sizes), it is not computed.
xstep and ystep must not be greater than the sizes of the rebinned region.
The input image type can be CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. If the image has bad pixels, they will be propagated to the rebinned image "pessimistically", i.e., if at least one of the contributing input pixels is bad, then the corresponding output pixel will also be flagged "bad". If you need an image of "weights" for each rebinned pixel, just cast the input image bpm into a CPL_TYPE_INT image, and apply cpl_image_rebin() to it too.
The returned image must be deallocated using cpl_image_delete().
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_size_x(), cpl_mask_get_data(), cpl_mask_get_data_const(), and cpl_mask_new().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_reject | ( | cpl_image * | im, |
cpl_size | x, | ||
cpl_size | y | ||
) |
Set a pixel as bad in an image.
im | the input image |
x | the x pixel position in the image (first pixel is 1) |
y | the y pixel position in the image (first pixel is 1) |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_error_code cpl_image_reject_from_mask | ( | cpl_image * | im, |
const cpl_mask * | map | ||
) |
Set the bad pixels in an image as defined in a mask.
im | the input image |
map | the mask defining the bad pixels |
If the input image has a bad pixel map prior to the call, it is overwritten.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_bpm(), cpl_mask_get_data(), cpl_mask_get_data_const(), cpl_mask_get_size_x(), and cpl_mask_get_size_y().
Referenced by cpl_image_warp(), cpl_image_warp_polynomial(), and cpl_imagelist_swap_axis_create().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_reject_value | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
cpl_value | mode | ||
) |
Reject pixels with the specified special value(s)
self | Input image to modify |
mode | Bit field specifying which special value(s) to reject |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_error_code cpl_image_save | ( | const cpl_image * | self, |
const char * | filename, | ||
cpl_type | type, | ||
const cpl_propertylist * | plist, | ||
unsigned | mode | ||
) |
Save an image to a FITS file.
self | Image to write to disk or NULL |
filename | Name of the file to write to |
type | The type used to represent the data in the file |
plist | Property list for the output header or NULL |
mode | The desired output options |
This function saves an image to a FITS file. If a property list is provided, it is written to the header where the image is written. The image may be NULL, in this case only the propertylist is saved.
Supported image types are CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_INT.
The type used in the file can be one of: CPL_TYPE_UCHAR (8 bit unsigned), CPL_TYPE_SHORT (16 bit signed), CPL_TYPE_USHORT (16 bit unsigned), CPL_TYPE_INT (32 bit signed), CPL_TYPE_FLOAT (32 bit floating point), or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE (64 bit floating point). Additionally, the special value CPL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED is allowed. This value means that the type used for saving is the pixel type of the input image. Using the image pixel type as saving type ensures that the saving incurs no loss of information.
Supported output modes are CPL_IO_CREATE (create a new file) and CPL_IO_EXTEND (append a new extension to an existing file).
Upon success the image will reside in a FITS data unit with NAXIS = 2. Is it possible to save a single image in a FITS data unit with NAXIS = 3, see cpl_imagelist_save().
When the data written to disk are of an integer type, the output mode CPL_IO_EXTEND can be combined (via bit-wise or) with an option for tile-compression. This compression of integer data is lossless. The options are: CPL_IO_COMPRESS_GZIP, CPL_IO_COMPRESS_RICE, CPL_IO_COMPRESS_HCOMPRESS, CPL_IO_COMPRESS_PLIO. With compression the type must be CPL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED or CPL_TYPE_INT.
Note that in append mode the file must be writable (and do not take for granted that a file is writable just because it was created by the same application, as this depends from the system umask).
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References CPL_ERROR_NONE, and cpl_propertylist_save().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_set | ( | cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | xpos, | ||
cpl_size | ypos, | ||
double | value | ||
) |
Set the pixel at the given position to the given value.
image | input image. |
xpos | Pixel x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
ypos | Pixel y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
value | New pixel value |
If the pixel is flagged as rejected, this flag is removed.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_mask * cpl_image_set_bpm | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
cpl_mask * | bpm | ||
) |
Replace the bad pixel map of the image.
self | Image to modfify |
bpm | Bad Pixel Map (BPM) to set, replacing the old one, or NULL |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.
Referenced by cpl_image_unset_bpm().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_set_complex | ( | cpl_image * | image, |
cpl_size | xpos, | ||
cpl_size | ypos, | ||
double complex | value | ||
) |
Set the pixel at the given position to the given complex value.
image | input image. |
xpos | Pixel x position (FITS convention, 1 for leftmost) |
ypos | Pixel y position (FITS convention, 1 for lowest) |
value | New pixel value |
If the pixel is flagged as rejected, this flag is removed.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
cpl_error_code cpl_image_shift | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
cpl_size | dx, | ||
cpl_size | dy | ||
) |
Shift an image by integer offsets.
self | The image to shift in place |
dx | The shift in X |
dy | The shift in Y |
The new zones (in the result image) where no new value is computed are set to 0 and flagged as bad pixels. The shift values have to be valid: -nx < dx < nx and -ny < dy < ny
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_mask_new(), cpl_mask_shift(), and cpl_type_get_sizeof().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_subtract | ( | cpl_image * | im1, |
const cpl_image * | im2 | ||
) |
Subtract two images, store the result in the first image.
im1 | first operand. |
im2 | second operand. |
cpl_image * cpl_image_subtract_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image1, |
const cpl_image * | image2 | ||
) |
Subtract two images.
image1 | first operand |
image2 | second operand |
cpl_error_code cpl_image_subtract_scalar | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
double | scalar | ||
) |
Elementwise subtraction of a scalar from an image.
self | Image to be modified in place. |
scalar | Number to subtract |
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_image_get_type().
Referenced by cpl_image_normalise(), cpl_image_subtract_scalar_create(), cpl_imagelist_subtract_scalar(), and cpl_plot_image().
cpl_image * cpl_image_subtract_scalar_create | ( | const cpl_image * | image, |
double | subtrahend | ||
) |
Create an image by elementwise subtraction of a scalar from an image.
image | Image to be subtracted from |
subtrahend | Number to subtract |
References cpl_ensure, cpl_error_get_code(), cpl_image_delete(), cpl_image_duplicate(), and cpl_image_subtract_scalar().
Referenced by cpl_plot_image().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_threshold | ( | cpl_image * | image_in, |
double | lo_cut, | ||
double | hi_cut, | ||
double | assign_lo_cut, | ||
double | assign_hi_cut | ||
) |
Threshold an image to a given interval.
image_in | Image to threshold. |
lo_cut | Lower bound. |
hi_cut | Higher bound. |
assign_lo_cut | Value to assign to pixels below low bound. |
assign_hi_cut | Value to assign to pixels above high bound. |
Pixels outside of the provided interval are assigned the given values.
Use FLT_MIN and FLT_MAX for floating point images and DBL_MIN and DBL_MAX for double images for the lo_cut and hi_cut to avoid any pixel replacement.
Images can be of type CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. lo_cut must be smaller than or equal to hi_cut.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
Referenced by cpl_imagelist_threshold().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_turn | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
int | rot | ||
) |
Rotate an image by a multiple of 90 degrees clockwise.
self | The image to rotate in place. |
rot | The multiple: -1 is a rotation of 90 deg counterclockwise. |
The definition of the rotation relies on the FITS convention: The lower left corner of the image is at (1,1), x increasing from left to right, y increasing from bottom to top.
For rotations of +90 or -90 degrees on rectangular non-1D-images, the pixel buffer is temporarily duplicated.
rot may be any integer value, its modulo 4 determines the rotation:
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_mask_turn().
cpl_mask * cpl_image_unset_bpm | ( | cpl_image * | self | ) |
Remove the bad pixel map from the image.
self | image to process |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and cpl_image_set_bpm().
Referenced by cpl_image_accept_all(), cpl_imagelist_cast(), cpl_imagelist_empty(), cpl_imagelist_erase(), and cpl_imagelist_set().
void * cpl_image_unwrap | ( | cpl_image * | d | ) |
Free memory associated to an cpl_image object, but the pixel buffer.
d | Image to destroy. |
Frees all memory associated to an cpl_image, except the pixel buffer. cpl_image_unwrap() is provided for images that are constructed by passing a pixel buffer to one of cpl_image_wrap_{double,float,int}().
References cpl_free(), and cpl_mask_delete().
Referenced by cpl_vector_cycle(), and cpl_vector_filter_median_create().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_warp | ( | cpl_image * | out, |
const cpl_image * | in, | ||
const cpl_image * | deltax, | ||
const cpl_image * | deltay, | ||
const cpl_vector * | xprofile, | ||
double | xradius, | ||
const cpl_vector * | yprofile, | ||
double | yradius | ||
) |
Warp an image.
out | Pre-allocated destination image to hold the result |
in | Source image to warp |
deltax | The x shift of each pixel, same image size as out |
deltay | The y shift of each pixel, same image size as out |
xprofile | Interpolation weight as a function of the distance in X |
xradius | Positive inclusion radius in the X-dimension |
yprofile | Interpolation weight as a function of the distance in Y |
yradius | Positive inclusion radius in the Y-dimension |
The pixel value at the (integer) position (u, v) in the destination image is interpolated from the (typically non-integer) pixel position (x, y) in the source image, where
The identity transform is thus given by deltax and deltay filled with zeros.
The first pixel is (1, 1), located in the lower left. 'out' and 'in' may have different sizes, while deltax and deltay must have the same size as 'out'. deltax and deltay must have pixel type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
Beware that extreme transformations may lead to blank images.
'out' and 'in' may be of type CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
Examples of profiles and radius are:
In case a correction for flux conservation were required, please create a correction map using the function cpl_image_fill_jacobian()
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_data_double_const(), cpl_image_get_size_x(), cpl_image_get_size_y(), cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_image_reject_from_mask(), cpl_mask_delete(), cpl_mask_get_data(), cpl_mask_get_data_const(), cpl_mask_new(), CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, cpl_vector_get_data_const(), and cpl_vector_get_size().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_warp_polynomial | ( | cpl_image * | out, |
const cpl_image * | in, | ||
const cpl_polynomial * | poly_x, | ||
const cpl_polynomial * | poly_y, | ||
const cpl_vector * | xprofile, | ||
double | xradius, | ||
const cpl_vector * | yprofile, | ||
double | yradius | ||
) |
Warp an image according to a 2D polynomial transformation.
out | Pre-allocated image to hold the result |
in | Image to warp. |
poly_x | Defines source x-pos corresponding to destination (u,v). |
poly_y | Defines source y-pos corresponding to destination (u,v). |
xprofile | Interpolation weight as a function of the distance in X |
xradius | Positive inclusion radius in the X-dimension |
yprofile | Interpolation weight as a function of the distance in Y |
yradius | Positive inclusion radius in the Y-dimension |
'out' and 'in' may have different dimensions and types.
The pair of 2D polynomials are used internally like this
where (u,v) are (integer) pixel positions in the destination image and (x,y) are the corresponding pixel positions (typically non-integer) in the source image.
The identity transform (poly_x(u,v) = u, poly_y(u,v) = v) would thus overwrite the 'out' image with the 'in' image, starting from the lower left if the two images are of different sizes.
Beware that extreme transformations may lead to blank images.
The input image type may be CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
In case a correction for flux conservation were required, please create a correction map using the function cpl_image_fill_jacobian_polynomial()
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, cpl_ensure_code, cpl_error_get_code(), CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_reject_from_mask(), cpl_mask_delete(), cpl_mask_get_data(), cpl_mask_get_data_const(), cpl_mask_new(), cpl_polynomial_get_dimension(), cpl_vector_delete(), cpl_vector_get_data(), cpl_vector_get_data_const(), cpl_vector_get_size(), and cpl_vector_new().
Create a double image using an existing pixel buffer.
nx | Size in x (the number of columns) |
ny | Size in y (the number of rows) |
pixels | double * pixel data |
The pixel array is set to point to that of the argument. The pixel array must contain nx*ny doubles.
The allocated image must be deallocated with cpl_image_unwrap().
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.
Referenced by cpl_image_divide_create(), cpl_vector_cycle(), and cpl_vector_filter_median_create().
Create a double complex image using an existing pixel buffer.
nx | Size in x (the number of columns) |
ny | Size in y (the number of rows) |
pixels | double complex * pixel data. |
Referenced by cpl_image_divide_create().
Create a float image using an existing pixel buffer.
nx | Size in x (the number of columns) |
ny | Size in y (the number of rows) |
pixels | float * pixel data. |
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and CPL_TYPE_FLOAT.
Referenced by cpl_image_divide_create().
Create a float complex image using an existing pixel buffer.
nx | Size in x (the number of columns) |
ny | Size in y (the number of rows) |
pixels | float complex * pixel data. |
Referenced by cpl_image_divide_create().
Create an integer image using an existing pixel buffer.
nx | Size in x (the number of columns) |
ny | Size in y (the number of rows) |
pixels | int * pixel data. |
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and CPL_TYPE_INT.
Referenced by cpl_geom_img_offset_saa(), cpl_image_divide_create(), and cpl_image_new_from_mask().
cpl_error_code cpl_image_xor | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
const cpl_image * | first, | ||
const cpl_image * | second | ||
) |
The bit-wise xor of two images with integer pixels.
self | Pre-allocated image to hold the result |
first | First operand, or NULL for an in-place operation |
second | Second operand |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_type_get_name(), cpl_type_get_sizeof(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
cpl_error_code cpl_image_xor_scalar | ( | cpl_image * | self, |
const cpl_image * | first, | ||
cpl_bitmask | second | ||
) |
The bit-wise xor of a scalar and an image with integer pixels.
self | Pre-allocated image to hold the result |
first | First operand, or NULL for an in-place operation |
second | Second operand (scalar) |
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure_code, CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_image_get_type(), cpl_type_get_name(), cpl_type_get_sizeof(), and CPL_TYPE_INT.
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_new_from_image_column | ( | const cpl_image * | image_in, |
cpl_size | pos | ||
) |
Extract a column from an image.
image_in | Input image |
pos | Position of the column (1 for the left one) |
Images can be of type CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. The returned vector must be deallocated using cpl_vector_delete().
The bad pixels map is not taken into account in this function.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_vector_delete(), cpl_vector_get_data(), and cpl_vector_new().
Referenced by cpl_image_get_fwhm().
cpl_vector * cpl_vector_new_from_image_row | ( | const cpl_image * | image_in, |
cpl_size | pos | ||
) |
Extract a row from an image.
image_in | Input image |
pos | Position of the row (1 for the bottom one) |
Images can be of type CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. The returned vector must be deallocated using cpl_vector_delete().
The bad pixels map is not taken into account in this function.
Possible _cpl_error_code_ set in this function:
References cpl_ensure, CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT, CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_vector_delete(), cpl_vector_get_data(), and cpl_vector_new().
Referenced by cpl_image_get_fwhm().