Common Pipeline Library Reference 7.3.2
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Deprecated List
Member cpl_apertures_get_fwhm (const cpl_image *in_image, const cpl_apertures *aperts)
Replace this call with a loop over cpl_image_get_fwhm()
Member cpl_apertures_get_max_x (const cpl_apertures *self, cpl_size ind)
Replace this function with cpl_apertures_get_pos_x()
Member cpl_apertures_get_max_y (const cpl_apertures *self, cpl_size ind)
Replace this function with cpl_apertures_get_pos_y()
Member cpl_fits_get_extension_nb (const char *filename, const char *extname)
Replace this call with cpl_fits_find_extension().
Member cpl_fits_get_nb_extensions (const char *filename)
Replace this call with cpl_fits_count_extensions().
Member cpl_frameset_get_first (cpl_frameset *self)
This function will be removed from CPL version 7. Code using these functions should be ported to make use of frame set iterators instead!
Member cpl_frameset_get_first_const (const cpl_frameset *self)
This function will be removed from CPL version 7. Code using these functions should be ported to make use of frame set iterators instead!
Member cpl_frameset_get_frame (cpl_frameset *set, cpl_size position)
This function will be removed from CPL version 7. Code using these functions should use cpl_frameset_get_position() instead!
Member cpl_frameset_get_frame_const (const cpl_frameset *set, cpl_size position)
This function will be removed from CPL version 7. Code using these functions should use cpl_frameset_get_position_const() instead!
Member cpl_frameset_get_next (cpl_frameset *self)
This function will be removed from CPL version 7. Code using these functions should be ported to make use of frame set iterators instead!
Member cpl_frameset_get_next_const (const cpl_frameset *self)
This function will be removed from CPL version 7. Code using these functions should be ported to make use of frame set iterators instead!
Member cpl_image_filter_linear (const cpl_image *in, const cpl_matrix *ker)
Replace this call with cpl_image_filter() using CPL_FILTER_LINEAR and CPL_BORDER_FILTER.
Member cpl_image_filter_median (const cpl_image *in, const cpl_matrix *ker)
Replace this call with cpl_image_filter_mask() using CPL_FILTER_MEDIAN and CPL_BORDER_FILTER.
Member cpl_image_filter_morpho (const cpl_image *in, const cpl_matrix *ker)
Replace this call with cpl_image_filter() using CPL_FILTER_MORPHO and CPL_BORDER_FILTER.
Member cpl_image_filter_stdev (const cpl_image *in, const cpl_matrix *ker)
Replace this call with cpl_image_filter_mask() using CPL_FILTER_STDEV and CPL_BORDER_FILTER.
Member cpl_image_fit_gaussian (const cpl_image *im, cpl_size xpos, cpl_size ypos, cpl_size size, double *norm, double *xcen, double *ycen, double *sig_x, double *sig_y, double *fwhm_x, double *fwhm_y)
If you need a 2D gaussian fit please use the function cpl_fit_image_gaussian(). Please note that on CPL versions earlier than 5.1.0 this function was wrongly documented: the parameters sig_x and sig_y were defined as "the sigma in x (or y) of the gaussian", while actually they returned the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the gaussian distribution at 1-sigma. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU USED THIS FUNCTION FOR DETERMINING THE SPREAD OF A DISTRIBUTION ALONG THE X DIRECTION, THIS WAS VERY LIKELY OVERESTIMATED (because sig_x was always assigned the semi-major axis of the distribution ignoring the rotation), WHILE THE SPREAD ALONG THE Y DIRECTION WOULD BE UNDERESTIMATED. In addition to that, even with circular distributions this function may lead to an underestimation of sig_x and sig_y (up to 25% underestimation in the case of noiseless data with a box 4 times the sigma, 1% underestimation in the case of noiseless data with a box 7 times the sigma). This latter problem is related to the function cpl_image_iqe().
Member cpl_mask_closing (cpl_mask *in, const cpl_matrix *ker)
Replace this call with cpl_mask_filter() using CPL_FILTER_CLOSING and CPL_BORDER_ZERO.
Member cpl_mask_dilation (cpl_mask *in, const cpl_matrix *ker)
Replace this call with cpl_mask_filter() using CPL_FILTER_DILATION and CPL_BORDER_ZERO.
Member cpl_mask_erosion (cpl_mask *in, const cpl_matrix *ker)
Replace this call with cpl_mask_filter() using CPL_FILTER_EROSION and CPL_BORDER_ZERO.
Member cpl_mask_opening (cpl_mask *in, const cpl_matrix *ker)
Replace this call with cpl_mask_filter() using CPL_FILTER_OPENING and CPL_BORDER_ZERO.
Member cpl_msg_progress (const char *component, int i, int iter, const char *format,...)
Use standard calls such as cpl_msg_info() instead.
Member cpl_polynomial_fit_1d_create (const cpl_vector *x_pos, const cpl_vector *values, cpl_size degree, double *pmse)
Replace this call with cpl_polynomial_fit() and optionally cpl_vector_fill_polynomial_fit_residual().
Member cpl_polynomial_fit_2d_create (const cpl_bivector *xy_pos, const cpl_vector *values, cpl_size degree, double *pmse)
Replace this call with cpl_polynomial_fit() and optionally cpl_vector_fill_polynomial_fit_residual().
Use cpl_recipe_define()
Member cpl_table_get_column_name (const cpl_table *table)
This function is deprecated, because its usage could create serious problems in case it is attempted to get names from different tables simultaneously. For instance, a programmer may call cpl_table_get_column_name() in a loop, and in the same loop call a CPL function that calls as well the same function. The behaviour in this case would be unpredictable. The function cpl_table_get_column_names() should be used instead.
Member cpl_test_memory_is_empty ()
Called by cpl_test_end()
Member cpl_type_bpp
Use cpl_type
Member cpl_vector_convolve_symmetric (cpl_vector *smoothed, const cpl_vector *conv_kernel)
Unstable API, may change or disappear. Do not use in new code!
Member cpl_vector_new_lss_kernel (double slitw, double fwhm)
Unstable API, may change or disappear. Do not use in new code!