I-TRAIN #19: Introduction to Data Combination

Scheduled: 21 Sep 2023
I-Train-YouTube Thumbnail - DataCombination

The European ARC Network invites users to an online training on Introduction to Data Combination on September 21st, 11:00 CET [Zoom link].

In this training, participants will be introduced to the combination of ALMA interferometric and single-dish ("total power") data with CASA.
This processing step helps to improve image fidelity for observations of astronomical objects which are more extended than the maximum recoverable spatial scale of the pure interferometric observation (i.e. overcome the well known "short spacings" problem).

The duration of this training session will be about half an hour. If you have any questions, please contact Dirk Petry by filing an ALMA helpdesk ticket.

Tutor: Dirk Petry

Note: The tutors' presentation will be recorded and an edited version of the recording will be posted in the Science Portal [https://almascience.org/tools/eu-arc-network/i-train] after the session. The interactive Q&A will not be recorded.