The Venus Transit 2004
... VT-2004 Network Members in Germany
Here is a list of educational institutions, organisations, associations, planetaria, astronomy clubs, etc. in Germany , which are officially associated with the VT-2004 programme. From here there will also be weblinks to their respective websites where you can learn more about the related activities in this country.
This page is being updated as more partners join the VT-2004 network. If your educational organisation plans activities in connection with the Venus Transit on June 8, 2004, and wishes to join the VT-2004 network, please send an email with the name and address, together with information about those activities as well as your URL for the link from the present page, to the VT-2004 programme organisers at .
VT-2004 Node
- Kiepenheuer-Institut fuer Sonnenphysik (KIS) - Freiburg
VT-2004 Network Members
- Astronomischer Arbeitskreis Kassel e.V.
- Astronomische Vereinigung Augsburg
- Astronomischer Verein West-München
- Astrogilde Fürstenfeldbruck
- Förderkreis Planetarium Göttingen
- Planetarium Mannheim
- Planetarium Nürnberg
- Planetarium Recklinghausen
- Planetarium Stuttgart
- Sternfreunde Breisgau
- Westfälisches Museum für Naturkunde - Münster
- Zeiss-Planetarium - Jena
- Wilhelm-Förster-Sterwarte - Berlin
- Archenhold-Sternwarte - Berlin
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Astronomie und Weltraumtechnik Darmstadt
- Quarks und Co. Schulprojekt Venus-Transit
- Bayerische Volkssternwearte Muenchen
- Universitäts-Sternwarte München
- Sternwarte Höfingen - near Stuttgart
- Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
- Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology - University of Cologne
- Sternwarte Neumarkt
- Museum am Schölerberg - Osnabruck
- Sternguckerparadies - Cottbus
- Canisius-Kolleg Berlin
- Astronomische Vereinigung Karlsruhe
- Sternwarte Peterberg - Saarland