Upcoming ESO or ESO-Related Workshops
The detection and characterization of extrasolar planets is a field that has undergone rapid advancements in the past decades. As we push towards the detection of lower-mass planets around Sun-like stars via both direct and indirect techniques our understanding of the host star becomes increasingly important. This workshop aims to identify what aspects of our understanding of stellar properties are limiting our ability to measure and characterize extrasolar planets, to present new ideas on how to overcome them, and to develop new collaborations between researchers studying extrasolar planets and those studying the properties of the stars they orbit.
The primary goal of the workshop is to discuss the relevance of reproducible workflows in astronomy and potential pathways for the astronomical community. As part of the workshop, we will aim to share examples of reproducible work as well as tools and techniques for improving reproducibility and for mining astronomical data. We will discuss community guides, tools and white papers related to data sharing, reproducible workflows, data mining and big-data problems. This will include making recommendations for hiring and funding bodies that will aim to encourage open approaches and retain expertise in the astronomical community. We will organise groups to continue this work after the workshop is concluded to widen community participation.
Chilean based observatories have been leading the scientific research in several astronomical areas. This forum is organized around the highest impact science results in the last few years. We will show how these different observatories contributed to major advances in Astrophysics and we will put emphasis on the scientific involvement of the astronomers working at those observatories on those high impact results.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together the galactic, extragalactic, and high-redshift communities, both theorists and observers, with the final goal of fostering fruitful discussions and new collaborations on the formation of the central regions of galaxies. Amongst the main topics to be discussed are: Chemo-dynamical properties of the MW bulge, observed properties of bulges and link to formation scenarios, bulges in a cosmological context, clumpy discs, mergers and bulge formation at high redshifts, and formation and evolution of bulges from a theoretical perspective. The meeting is intended to be highly participative, with substantial time devoted to discussions to promote cross-disciplinary interactions and exchange of ideas. This ESO Workshop should set the basis for the study of galaxy bulges in the new decade.