How to conclude the Phase 2 preparation

Finishing the preparation: Check, Certify and Notify ESO

Any OB and/or scheduling container created using p2 inside a given run is immediately recorded on the ESO database. Once the Phase 2 observing material is certified (please see Certify below), a notification must be sent to inform the User Support Department (for Service Mode runs) or the staff at Paranal (for Visitor Mode runs) that there is Phase 2 material (OBs/containers and the Readme) that requires a review. This is simply done by selecting the run and clicking the "Notify ESO" button. Please see here for a full description.

Once you have conclude (even partially) the preparation of your Phase 2 material, you should make sure to:

  1. click the "Check" button (to the right of the Exec. Time button) for each OB.  Check performs consistency checks on the selected OB(s).
  2. click on the Certify" button (to the right of the Check button).  Certify does the same as Check, but additionally (if the check was successful) marks the OB(s) as fully compliant and ready for ESO's review.  It also marks the OB(s) as readonly.
  3. (optionally) select one or more certified OBs and click on the "Revise" button (to the right of the Certify button) to revoke the certified status and allow re-editing.  If this is done it steps 1 and 2 above should be re-done for the OB(s) in question.
  4. complete the information in the README file
  5. click on the "Notify ESO" button (to the right of the Revise button).  This will lock all certified OBs as well as the README, in preparation for ESO's Phase 2 review process.

As mentioned in all the turorials, all users have access to the p2 demo facility.  And, unlike the situation that existed with p2's predessesor, P2PP3, all OBs are created directly on the ESO database (there is no longer a "check-in" requirement).  Hence, all users can see what you leave behind.  Indeed, after a while, if not properly maintained, the p2 demo runs could and would get cluttered with all manner of OBs, containers, etc.  Thus, as a courtesy to the next user who follows this tutorial, we would like to ask you to finish these exercises by deleting the OBs, containers, etc. that you make.


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