ESO/ Data Products from the VST/ OmegaCAM pipelines. Comparison and discussions

Date : 21.03.2012

Location: ESO HQ, room L130

Starting 9:00 am Ending 6:00 pm

List of participants:

VST DATA CENTERS: AstroWISE: GijisVerdoes Kleijn(GVK). CASU: Mike Irwin (MIR). VST tube: Aniello Grado (AGR), Massimo Capaccioli

VST PS team representatives: Tom Shanks (TSH, VST ATLAS), Jelte de Jong (JDJ, KIDS), Robert Greimel (RGR, VPHAS+)

ESO staff: Garching - Magda Arnaboldi (MAR), Dietrich Baade (DBA), Nausicaa Delmotte, Danuta Dobrzycka, Armin Gabasch, Michael Hilker, Mark Neeser (MNE), Monika Petr-Gotzens (MPG), Joerg Retzlaff (JRE), Martino Romaniello (MRO). Paranal – Steffen Mieske (SMI), Fernando Selman, Giovanni Carraro.



09:00 – 09:15 Welcome – Magda Arnaboldi

09:15 – 09:50 The ESO QC for OmegaCAM/VST – Mark Neeser

09:50 – 11:20 Issues common to wide field imaging surveys data processing

11:20 - 11:40  Coffee break

11: 35 -  12:20  DATA PRODUCTS

12:20 – 12:40 The Paranal QC0 for OmegaCAM/VST – Steffen Mieske

12:40 – 13:30   Lunch Break

13: 30 - 14:30 TEST DATA SET

14: 30 - 15:15 The VST PS – Requirements for Data products and quality control

15:15 - 15:45 Coffee break

15:45 – 16:00 PHASE3 for VST PS : Policies &  Requirements - Joerg Retzlaff

16:00 – 17:00   Discussion


Current draft minutes of the meeting available as pdf  here


The VST telescope on the Paranal platform