Data Reduction Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there three arc line catalogs for each arm?


ARC_LINE_LIST_<ARM> (penray_nir_custom_air_ext_2012PBR.fits, ThAr_uvb_2012PBR.fits, ThAr_vis_custom.fits) contains the full line lists and is used for the recipes xsh_predict, xsh_2dmap, and xsh_wavecal.
ARC_LINE_LIST_AFC_<ARM>.fits (which contain very few lines) are used for the recipe xsh_flexcomp, as there only part of the detector is read in UVB and VIS.
ARC_LINE_LIST_INTMON_<ARM>.fits contain a subset of ARC_LINE_LIST_<ARM> to monitor the flux in specific arc lamp lines and are used by xsh_predict, xsh_2dmap, and xsh_wavecal.